Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 30


When we landed everyone grabbed their stuff, I saw Kevin looking at me as we walked out. I turned my head and gave a weak smile I mean I felt bad for everything that happened between us I knew he really liked me but I just couldn’t return that feeling.

“Hey Joe I’m going to grab coffee want anything?” Kevin asked.

“Nah, I’m fine.” Joe said putting on his sunglasses.

“Ok I’m hitting Starbucks.” Kevin said throwing his bags to Joe.

Joe caught the bags and then Kevin put on his sunglasses then walked into the crowd of people. I watched him go and felt bad and needed to make this up to him, we needed to talk. I got up and put on my sunglasses then started to walk away, I felt someone grab my arm.

“Where you going?” Joe asked looking at me.

“I’m going to the bathroom.” I smiled.

Joe smiled then let go of me, I started walking into the sea of people. I was getting pushed and shoved into other people after a while it got really annoying. I saw the Starbucks sign overhead and pushed till I got over to it. I saw Kevin setting at a table just looking into the cup turning it, I walked over to him and took the set across from him.

“Hey.” I said looking at him.

Kevin’s eyes turned up to me and he gave a weak smile and kept turning his cup.

“So you’re that girl Joe was running crazy over and meet on the roof aren’t you?” Kevin asked.

“Yes.” I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

“I figured when you guys did the Love Story video I saw the way you two looked at each other I knew their was something and just put everything together and came up with that. Also it helped when Nick told me.” Kevin laughed lightly.

“Yeah I’m sorry Kevin I never mint to hurt you.” I said patting his hand.

“I know I think I always knew you never liked me. I believed it a lot more when we kissed no sparks where their.” Kevin took my hand.

“Well can we be friends?” I asked hopeful.

“Yes, I’m going to miss you these next couple months.” Kevin smiled holding my hand tighter.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“Well tour ends in 3 weeks then we won’t see each other till July.” Kevin said sadly.

“Wait what happened to you guys staying in LA?” I pulled my hand back.

“Joe didn’t tell you? He got a movie deal and we all got signed to the movie.” I knew Kevin was trying to read my expression.

“No. When did he find out?” I asked looking at my hands.

“A week ago, maybe he was waiting till the right time. Come on let’s just go back to everyone.” Kevin got up and pulled me up.

I just got up and nodded, and followed Kevin. I couldn’t believe Joe never told me that he was going to do a movie and that they weren’t staying in LA. I wasn’t mad just more upset, I didn’t want him to leave when things where going good. I saw him standing there looking around, his eyes meet mine and I smiled. I ran over to him and hugged him tight cutting off his air.

“Whoa what’s wrong?” Joe asked hugging me.

“Nothing I just wanted to hug you.” I smiled and hugged him still. “But did you want to tell me anything?”

“Nope, not off the top of my head.” Joe smiled and picked up are bags.

I just sighed and picked up my bags. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned and saw Mazz.

“What’s wrong Kourtney?” She asked considered.

“Nothing.” I faked a smile and started to walk to get up with Joe.

This was going to be the longest 3 weeks of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww Kourtney and Kevin momment.
I promise no more crazy Kevin momments.
anyways wonder why Joe didn't tell Kourtney of if he ever will.
their is alot of twists coming so this chapter sucks I know but I'm going to blow your minds soon. (: