Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 31

I'm so addicted to. All the things you do. When your going down on me, in between the sheets. - Saving Abel

Two weeks! That’s how long it’s been and Joe still hasn’t told me, were on are last week of touring and have only two shows left. Nick hasn’t told Mazz either I let it slip one night when we where talking and I though she was going to go kill him. Luckily I had talked her down and she let it go. I never did though I couldn’t believe he wouldn’t tell me. For the last two weeks he would sneak down and sleep next to me till it was morning then go back to his bunk, never once did he saw anything about Camp Rock. I had also had Kevin give me more dirty on this movie apparently Demi from earlier on in this tour was going to be Joe’s leading lady, I was jealous that girl was super pretty.

“Kourtney you awake?” Joe asked.

“Yeah why?” I asked rolling over to look at him

“Well I was just thinking what happens when this tour ends?” Joe asked brushing my hair out of my face.

“What do you mean what happens?” I was confused.

“I mean with us.” Joe said.

“Oh. Well you’ll be in LA and you can come and see me.” I lied.

“Yeah, I guess.” Joe leaned down and kissed me.

Oh my god! I give him a chance to tell me I even set it up so he could tell me then he lies! When was he going to tell me when he got on the plane to Utah or when he went to Europe? I knew they where joining Avril Lavigne on tour but I thought they would just be returning to LA after they where done. Guess not. I returned the kiss with no emotion in it, I didn’t even want to kiss him back I was so fucking pissed at him.

“What’s wrong?” Joe asked breaking the kiss.

It was now or never.

“When where you planning on telling me you got a movie deal and I wouldn’t see you till July?” I snapped.

“Who told you?” Joe seemed pissed.

“Why does it matter answer the fucking question!” I demanded.

“Because it wasn’t their place to tell you! Yes, of course I was going to tell you.” He shook his head.

“When the day before you left or the day you didn’t come back and I seen you in July! What where you going to say oh sorry I never told you but I was off filming a movie?” I said dramatically.

“No I was going to tell you when we were back in LA so while we where on tour together we could just spend it happy and not waste the time being pissed at each other!” He yelled.

“So you would rather lie to me and not have me be mad till last minute?” I asked.

“Yes if I got to spend the rest of this tour with you happy but that’s not going to happen now.” Joe waved his hands in the air.

“I can’t believe you would lie to me!” I yelled.

“You wouldn’t lie to me and just spend the time with me then tell me when it was time?” He was serious.

“NO! I would tell you so when we where back in LA it wouldn’t be as hard and we would know how much time we had left so we could spend it together and not waste it.” I rolled my eyes.

“Oh so we could spend every second looking at a clock counting down, nah I think I would rather lie and spend it with you without a time limit. I didn’t want to think about it!” Joe shook his head.

Neither of us said anything for a moment and just looked at each other in the dark. I heard Nick get up and make his way to the kitchen.

“He needs to tell Mazz.” I whispered.

“He doesn’t want to yet just like I didn’t want you to know!” Joe was being loud again.

“You’re being loud.” I said quietly.

“Who gives a fuck? Kourtney I promise we where going to tell you but we just wanted a couple nights with you guys before we lost you guys!” Joe started yelling again.

“Joe shut the fuck up!” Nick yelled.

Joe and I stayed silent for a second and just looked at each other. I heard Nick go back to sleep and looked over at Joe and saw he still looked upset.

“Just tomorrow when everyone goes shopping, stay here.” Joe begged.

“Ok.” I said.

“I’m going to go before we start fighting again.” Joe said.

He leaned down and kissed me again then got out of my bunk. I just lied their and listened to him get back into his. I heard him start snoring and knew he was asleep. I smiled and rolled over trying to get some sleep to when I felt something cold touch my skin. I picked it up and saw it was Joe’s phone I figured he wouldn’t care if I looked at it so I just turned it on. A picture of me showed up on the screen, I had my hair in a bun and my glasses on, I was drinking something from a Starbucks cup. I never even remembered taking the picture so I figured he just took it one day when I wasn’t looking. I smiled and started to look throw his photos, I saw a bunch with him and his brothers, some of me and Mazz acting retarded in the snow, some of me from my Love Story video, one of me and his brothers, Mazz and Nick hugging. There was a ton of different pictures and after I got done with them I went to his contacts and started looking. A lot of them where girls but his first contact stuck out the most to me, it was listed it was me. I picked up my phone and called it I wanted to hear what my ringtone was I heard Jesse McCartney’s song She’s No You start blaring. I started to panic and hitting buttons to make it stop ringing but it wouldn’t stop.

“Shit.” I muttered.

“What are you doing?” Joe asked putting his head in my bunk.

“Nothing just trying out phone ringtones.” I smiled sweetly.

“Sure give me my phone.” Joe demanded putting his hand out.

“Night Joe.” I smirked handing him the phone.

I heard him laugh and then I fell asleep.


I did as Joe asked me last night. When I was invited shopping I turned them down, Joe on the other hand had faked sick. He wasn’t a bad actor everyone believed he was sick for a minute I did to. Once everyone left he returned to his normal self though and went crazy.

“Dude I should drive this bus I would be the best driver ever.” Joe said playing with the radio and had his feet up on the wheel.

“Oh yeah so we can die?” I laughed standing behind his chair.

“Whatever.” Joe rolled his eyes and got up.

As soon as he got up Addicted by Saving Abel came on the radio.

“Aww I love this song.” I smiled and set on the table.

“Really now?” Joe smirked.

Joe walked over to me and started to kiss me. I listened to the song play as we kissed, I felt him pull me off the table. As we made our way back the bus I throw my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He pushed me into the bedroom area and shut and locked the door behind him. I laughed and he pushed me against the bunks and ran his down my hips. I pulled off his shirt and throw it to the floor, and then he in return did the same thing. I pulled him down with me onto my bunk. He got on top of me never breaking the kiss. I heard the song still playing while we kissed, I ran my nails up and down his back digging into his skin as he bit my lip. He broke the kiss and moved down to my neck and was biting me. I felt him trying to get my jeans undone and laughed because he was having such a hard time.

“Joe where are you?” Kevin yelled.

“Shit.” Joe said.

Joe jumped off my bunk and throw on his shirt then throw me mine. I watched as he ran to unlock the door then jumped into his bunch. I throw on my shirt and Joe leaned his head down.

“Sorry.” Joe apologized.

“It’s fine.” I leaned in to kiss him.

We kissed for a couple seconds and I smiled it kind of felt like the spiderman kiss. He pulled back smiling and disappeared. Damnit. I sighed and fell back into my bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Damnnnnnn Someone wanted themselfs a Jonas.
but i hope you all liked it.
(P.S. No they did not have sex just made out and had some clothes off.)


Kourtney. x3