Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 32

We hear Chuck Bass isn't the only one who lost someone he loved this week. Our deepest condolences, Miss Waldorf. XOXO —Gossip Girl.

I looked out the window as we pulled back into LA. I sighed it was the last day I had with Joe and I wasn’t happy about it. Nick was spending his last day with Mazz, he had even stayed last night on her bus. Mazz texted me a ton of times telling me what happened, from what she said Nick had brought her a promise ring saying that it was a promise that they would wait and not see anyone while they where part. I secretly wished to be Mazz I mean Nick was like hugely committed to her if he wanted someone like Mazz to wait. Joe on the other hand hadn’t gotten me anything. Once the bus parked I saw Lola and Mike waiting for us, I went to run out but someone grabbed me.

“Hey meet me on the roof and 8 and don’t be late.” Joe said and then let me go.

I smiled and nodded then took off running to see Mike and Lola. Lola screamed and I jumped on her while Mike hugged all the boys.

“God it feels so good to be in LA again.” Brian laughed.

“I though you loved touring?” Lola said.

“I did but I miss coming home to pretty little things like you.” Brian laughed hugging Lola.

“Dude thanks the welcome back!” Julia screamed sarcastically.

“Sorry Julia we forgot you.” I laughed as Lola and Mike hugged her.

I heard everyone start talking in chaos as I watched the limo pull up. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Jonas get in, followed by Frankie, Nick, Mazz, Kevin, and was Joe. Joe didn’t get in he looked over at me and smiled, I returned it and waved. We locked eyes and just looked at each other for a moment till Joe was pulled into the limo, and it took off. I watched it go I wasn’t sad more excited because in 8 hours I would be with Joe again. I smiled and turned back to everyone who was arguing over god knows what. I just laughed it was good to be back home.


It was almost 8 and as I walked into Hollywood Records I was never more excited. I knew Mazz was in tonight so I figured I would stop by and say hi. When I got to her door I heard music blaring so I opened the door and saw her and Nick making out with their arms around each other on the sound table. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing and closed the door quietly and ran up stairs. I saw Joe standing their waiting for me, I ran to him and he spun me around. I laughed and kissed him, he returned it and held onto me.

“I’m going to miss you.” Joe said pulling back.

“I know I’m going to miss you to.” I smiled and played with his hair.

“What am I going to do without you these next couple months?” Joe asked softly kissing me.

“You’ll live there is a done of girls out their plus your co star for Camp Rock is cute.” I smiled weakly.

“So the only girl I want is right here.” Joe said.

I couldn’t help but admit it made me smile from ear to ear and blush like mad. I smiled and snuggled me head into his neck. He pulled me closer and drew little hearts on my back, I kissed his neck lightly and he pulled my head up. Joe started into my eyes for a minute then I noticed he was shaking and playing with his hands.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“Yeah just promise me when where apart you wont find some other guy. Just wait its like 4 months and I’ll be back.” Joe held onto me tighter.

“You’re kidding me right?” I laughed. “You’re the one I want, the only one!”

Joe shook his head laughing and leaned down and kissed me again. As we kissed it started to sink in that this was our last night for the next 4 months. I knew I wouldn’t find anyone else I wanted him, but I wasn’t so sure he would wait that long to come back to me. He started to pull back but I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him back in, I wasn’t letting him go yet. I wasn’t ready. We kissed on the roof with the city lighting up the sky, it felt like something out of a movie. But the magic ended and he pulled back and rested his head on mine.

“I have to go soon.” Joe sighed.

“I know I don’t want you to.” I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder.

“I know and I don’t want to leave you either. I never though it would be this hard to leave someone.” Joe whispered and rubbed my back.

We just stayed how we where for a while holding onto each other hoping we wouldn’t have to let go of each other. I heard it start to thunder and felt something wet hit my face, I looked up and saw it was about to pour.

“Come on lets go in.” Joe said pulling me.

“No let’s stay up here. If we go in everything ends and I’m not ready for that.” I pulled him back.

Joe started laughing and as soon as he leaned back in it started pouring down rain and we where getting soaked. I just laughed and danced with him while the rain hit us. Joe pulled be back to him and kissed me passionately pulling me as close as he could.

“I have to go.” Joe sighed pulling away.

Joe leaned down and kissed me then started walking away. I sighed and watched him go with my head hung. I saw him laugh and run back then he picked me up and I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

“I can’t believe you where going to let me go!” Joe laughed.

“Did I have a choice?” I asked.

“I guess not.”Joe said putting me down.

“Joe I…” I was going to say it but he stopped me.

“Kourtney Ann Ryan I love you. I have been for a very long time.” Joe smiled.

“Joseph Adam Jonas I love you to.” I smiled and kissed him.

Joe smiled when I said it back. I didn’t regret it I knew we where finally on the same page and it felt amazing. As we kept kissing I heard the door open and we both looked it was Nick and I knew it was time.

“Joe we need to go.” Nick said sadly.

“Give me a minute.” Joe yelled to Nick.

The door closed and Nick left. I looked at Joe and he looked just as sad as me, neither of us wanted to leave the other and we both knew it. Joe leaned down and kissed me again this time I was left breathless when he pulled back. He let go smiling and started to walk away.

“You better wait for me Kourtney I love you forever and always.” Joe yelled smiling then opened the door.

“I love you to Joe, forever and always.” I yelled back laughing.

I watched him walk off and smiled, I had 4 months till I would see him again. I knew it would be worth it in the end when we see each other it would all be ok. I felt my phone go off and flipped it open.

Forever & Always. - Joe
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going to skip the 4 months then the burning up tour.


Kourtney. x3