Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 36


I looked at Ethan smiling like and idiot while he smiled back at me. Ethan reached out and touched my hair softly as he moved a little closer. I smiled and blushed a little at him touching me, I felt like I was in high school again. The song You and Me by Lifehouse started playing in my head as we just stared at each other.

“God I can’t believe it’s you. It’s been two year scents I last seen you.” Ethan smiled.

“I know. What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Vacation.” He said simply.

“Hey Kourtney I’m going to take these to everyone.” Angela said interrupting mine and Ethan’s moment.

“Ok.” I smiled.

As she walked away I saw her wink at me and gave me thumbs up. I laughed and turned my attention back to Ethan, he was smiling down at me.

“So I saw you’re a huge music star now.” Ethan smiled.

“If that’s what you want to call me you can.” I laughed.

“Well I have seen you on TV making out with some Jonas Brother in your music video.” I swear there was a hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke.

I felt like I had been slapped as memories flew throw my head. I remember his lips touching mine, him holding me, us dancing, laying in the grass, my dressing room, his smell. It all came back to me and made my heart hurt.

“You ok?” Ethan asked.

“Yeah just thinking I can’t remember it.” I lied.

I saw his face get the light it had in it when he first saw me. I don’t know why I lied there wasn’t a reason I wasn’t with Ethan or Joe, man it sucks to be alone.

“So how are you and Karla?” My tone was harsh.

You see Karla was my best friend till she slept with Ethan and ruined my 3 year relationship with him. I heard when I left they got together.

“Broken up, after you left I realized I let the best thing I had leave.” Ethan touched my cheek.

I was silent I didn’t know what to say to him, I mean who really even knows what to say to something like that. Ethan leaned in slowly and kissed my cheek.

“I miss you so much.” He moved my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks as his hot breath when down my cheeks and stopped short at my lips. Ethan ran his hand down my arm and onto my hips and pulled me against him. I didn’t know what to do I mean this is the first time in 2 years we had seen each other, I wanted it but I didn’t want to give in.

“Hey Ethan, The boys need you.” A brunette came up to Ethan.

I jumped back and looked at this girl. She was pretty very pretty, she looked like model.

“Who are you?” I asked her.

“Nicole Daniels.” The brunette said.

“Is she you’re…” I started but she cut me off.

“No I’m not his girlfriend, actually I’m Drew’s girlfriend.” Nicole smiled.

“Hey Nicole I’ll come help them in a minute ok?” Ethan said waving his hand for her to go away.

“Ok.” Nicole smiled running off.

“Hey can you meet me for dinner tonight or tomorrow?” Ethan asked touching my hair again.

“Yes sure.” I smiled.

“Ok bye Kourtney.” Ethan smiled and started to walk away.

I waved to him and watched as he walked away then disappeared in the sea of people. I started walking out to where the car would be Joe and Taylor where outside the car sucking face as normal. I rolled my eyes and got into the limo. Even though I just talked to Ethan and he made me feel bubbly and warm seeing Joe and Taylor together still broke my heart. I put my hand to my neck and felt the snowflake still around my neck; I ripped it off breaking the chain. As Taylor got in the car I throw the necklace at Joe and hit him in the back of the head. Joe snapped around and seen it lying on the ground, he picked it up the looked at me. The look in his eyes was painful to see but it didn’t phase me he hurt me way worse. I just walked past him and got into the car. Joe got in after me and closed the door, I saw him playing with the snowflake charm. I shook my head and looked down at my hands and just played with them for the rest of the ride.
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Idk I wasn't feeling this chapter.
Tell me what you think I mite rewrite it.
but is anyone still wondering why Joe hates Kourtney?

Comments please?
