Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 38

And some things never change. Let a new game begin. XOXO —Gossip Girl

When I walked back into the party I went straight to the table where the food was and saw all of it had disappeared so I walked to the door leading to the kitchen and heard shouting.

“At lest I didn’t have sex with her!” Someone screamed.

“Oh so me having sex makes me a bad person! You hurt me!” I knew the girl screaming was Mazz.

I pushed the door open and saw Mazz and Nick standing about a foot apart arguing. The both snapped their heads towards me and looked at me, Mazz stormed out of the room and back into the party. Nick and me just stared at each other with confused looks on are faces, I just shrugged and got a plate and started putting food on it.

“Kourtney….” Nick started but I cut him off.

“I know Nick I didn’t see a thing.” I smiled and kept putting food on my plate.

“Thanks.” Nick smiled and stole a donut as he walked back in to the party.

I smiled and walked to the island and started eating the food I got when the door flew open and in walked Joe. Joe didn’t look at me or speak to me he just grabbed a donut and bit into it, he had his back facing me and was looking out the window. I knew he was pissed and I was pretty sure it was at me.

“I didn’t sleep with him.” I said taking a bite of my eggs.

Joe didn’t move and all I could hear was the sound of him eating, I shook my head and got up. I was about to open the door but it flew open and I jumped back. It was Nicole from yesterday she smiled at me.

“Hey how are you?” Nicole asked smiling.

“Good, starving but good.” I smiled putting the spoon in my mouth again.

“Haha nice. Hey you should come meet my boyfriend!” She said bubbly.

“Sure, I’m not doing anything now anyways.” I smiled.

I started to walk out with the plate in my hand and Nicole took it.

“I was eating!” I said dramatically.

“Where going to have lunch here soon just come on.” Nicole said pulling me out of the room.

As I walked back into the party I saw Ethan’s face light up and he mouthed sorry, I just nodded to let him know I got it. I looked at all the people and saw Mazz dancing with Chace looking like she was about to die and staring at Nick dancing with Selena. Kevin was dancing with Sage and I saw Angela eating on the side lines staring at them with jealous look. As all these people pasted throw my eyes I felt bad for them it seemed like everyone had someone they couldn’t have.

“That’s him!” Nicole pointed to a tall boy with short hair.

Nicole ran over to him and threw her arms around him and kissed him, I knew the boy. I lived with him my whole life he was one of my best friends. Nicole pointed over to me and the boy looked at me shocked when he realized who I was he ran up and gave me a warm hug.

“Kourtney!” He sounded excited.

I started crying and held onto him tight, last time I saw him he was two feet shorter than me now he was probably three feet taller now.

“Andrew.” I said sobbing and held on tighter.

“Wait you know each other?” Nicole asked confused.

“Drew is my younger brother.” I said crying still.

“Wait! You’re Kaytle! Ethan’s ex! And Chris and Drew’s sister!” Nicole’s eyes where coming out of her head.

“Yes that’s me. Wow I haven’t been called Kaytle in years.” I laughed.

“I’ve heard so much about you! I always wanted to meet you!” Nicole smiled.

“Well now you have. But is Chris here?” I asked.

“Yes with his wife.” Drew smiled from ear to ear.

“Holy shit Chris is married!” I yelled and a bunch of people looked at me.

“Yes umm… wasn’t it February when they where married?” Drew asked Nicole.

“Yes hunny that’s when it was.” She smiled and held my brothers hand.

I smiled I just couldn’t believe how much I missed in two years, my little brother was now grown up and my older brother was married. This was crazy!

“Who is he married to?” I asked excited.

“Wait she never told you?” Drew asked confused.

“No. Who told me what?” I asked looking back and forth between Nicole and Drew.

“He’s married Lyndie. You know the girl you lived in California with.” As soon as Drew said it I went off looking for Lyndie.

As I walked throw the room I turned every blonde around and looked at them, I finally was down to the last one and she was standing in the corner with her back turned to me. I right away knew it was Lyndie I mean her hair gave it away, I put my hand on my hip and cleared my throat. Lyndie turned around and dropped her drink when she seen me.

“Bet you’re surprised to see me. Want to know what I’m surprised about you married my brother! Did you tell him you kicked me out because I’m sure you wouldn’t have the ring on your finger if you did?” I was screaming and people where looking.

“Kourtney keep your voice down let me explain everything.” Lyndie said.

“Lyndie nothing you say can change things between us you kicked me out and never told me you talked to my family this whole time!” I screamed about in tears.

“I’m pregnant and I was In January when we lived together I found out and couldn’t tell you so I kicked you out. I know it was wrong but I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out like this I tired to call and talk to you to apologize but your phone no longer worked.” Lyndie said quietly.

I couldn’t tell if she was lying or not I had thrown my phone off the roof, I remember that night. Everything flashed back Joe with his arms around me and me crying, him playing with my hair, carrying me and holding onto me not letting go. I put my hand on my neck I knew I throw the snowflake at him but it reminded me of when he gave it to me and put it on that night. I felt a stab in the heart and felt like I was having a heart attack.

“Kourtney are you ok?” Lyndie asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

“Yes I’m fine.” I told her.

“Well if it isn’t little Miss Hollywood.” I knew it was Chris he was the only one who called me that.

I turned around and forgot everything with Lyndie and tired to block out Joe and hugged him. Chris was a lot taller than Drew so he picked me up when he hugged me. I laughed and held onto him tight and tired not to cry, I needed to stop crying.

“Christopher!” I laughed.

“Everyone it’s time for lunch.” Mr. Anderson which was Ethan’s dad said.

I smiled and walked in with Lyndie and Chris laughed I saw everyone taking their places at their seats and Ethan signaled for me to come over to him so I said good-bye to Chris and Lyndie and told them we would chat after lunch because they where on the end. I seen Chace and Nick setting next to each other and Mazz and Selena where also seated by each other. Taylor and Joe must have switched cards around because they where setting next to each other and Ethan had the chair next to Joe pulled out and told me to set in it. I smiled and took the set its not like I could do anything about where I was setting when I set down I noticed Joe’s hand was on Taylors thigh and was rubbing it, I bit my lip and looked at Ethan.

“I’m sorry about earlier I just missed you and let my hormones get the best of me. I promise never again.” Ethan smiled and kissed my cheek.

“It’s ok.” I smiled.

I leaned over and kissed Ethan on the lips lightly and a couple people clapped. I smiled and put my hand in Ethan’s while they brought in the foot. I looked down at the table and saw Chris, Lyndie, Nicole, and Drew all laughing having a good time but I didn’t see my parents.

“They couldn’t make it.” Ethan whispered like he was reading my mind.

“It’s ok I don’t think I could face them yet.” I sighed and put my napkin on my lap.

I heard a giggle next to me and saw Taylor laughing and Joe’s hand was still rubbing her leg, it was truly sickening watching them I couldn’t eat. I just looked at the food in front of me and passed it on. Ethan kissed my head and held my hand tighter and smiled. I heard something go off and I pulled my phone out of the handbag. I saw a text from Joe and sent him a weird look but he was to busy with Taylor so I just opened it.

Slut! – Joe
♠ ♠ ♠
The Brunch is over finally! Ahh two long chapters I rapped it up both of a thosand words.
At lest Kourtney got to see her brothers.
and Lyndie.
but we still have the parents.
Guess who is back? Joe.

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