Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 4

I walked onto the roof and I could hear the LA traffic, it didn’t help the Jonas Brother’s were back in town, girls would be lined up and down the street trying to get a look at them. I sat down on the ground and pulled out my laptop and turned it on. While I waited for it to reload everything on it I looked around to see if there was anything that could spark a song. There wasn’t. After spending an hour up here I gave up and walked back down the stairs. I walked to Lola’s office and saw her online ordering dresses.

“What you doing dollface?” I asked jumping into the set next to her.

“Ordering a dress for next Friday.” Lola smiled.

“What’s next Friday?” I asked.

My songs had to be turned in my next Friday for the album but other then that I couldn’t think of anything else.

“Next Friday is the Christmas Party.” Lola said.

“Shit it’s almost Christmas!” I yelled.

“Yeah I guess with being so busy you just forgot.” Lola shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess.” I sighed and flipped open my laptop and started ordering Christmas gifts for everyone.


Later that night when I walked in the door Lyndie was setting at the table reading Perez Hilton intensely.

“I saw you and Mazz had an interesting day.” Lyndie laughed.

“Yes. What’s it say on Perez now?” I asked leaning over her shoulder to look.

“Nothing I’m sure you haven’t seen already.” Lyndie laughed.

Lyndie knew Lola and I looked at Perez at lest once a day so when I got home I could talk with Lyndie about all the celebrity gossip that had happened that day.

“I looked earlier but anything new?” I asked reading.

“Nope not since noon when Lola texted me to get on and read.” Lyndie smiled and closed the computer.

“I swear I’m going to kill Mazz.” I bit into an apple and threw my cell on the table.

“Holy freaking Jonas!” Lyndie squealed grabbing my phone.

“Oh yeah I ran into the Jonas Brothers today.” I smiled.

“Wow! Tell me everything.”

After 6 bowls of popcorn and a case of pop I got threw my Jonas filled day. Lyndie was so shocked by it all she couldn’t speak.

“You have to get me in tomorrow so I can find Nick.” Lyndie jumped up and down.

“Lyndie you have to work and I don’t know if they're going to be there tomorrow.” I kind of hoped they would be.

“Fine but if they are you so have to text me if the're there.” Lyndie giggled and ran to her room.

“I will.” I giggled.

I picked up all the bowls and pop cans and threw them in the trash. I hated doing dishes and Lyndie would never notice they were missing. I walked into my room and realized how poor we were it sucked. There wasn’t much room to even move all I had was a bed and all my clothes. When I moved out here and decided not to go to college my parents were so pissed they cut me off. They wanted me to go be a nurse but I wanted to be a signer. So when I moved out here I had nothing. Lucky for me Lyndie moved out here a month later. Lyndie does online schooling to get her masters; she wants to be a teacher. Lyndie’s parents think she is in school so they send her money every month for anything she needs but we just use it for food and rent. Once my cd is finished I’ll get a nice pay check from that but till then we're using Lyndie’s money. I felt bad for taking it with her working all day while I got to have my dream which for now meant working for free. I sighed and looked out my window at the traffic. I noticed things were decorated for Christmas, I guess I just never noticed because I was always in such a hurry. Seeing all the lights made me even sadder I missed Ohio and everyone there. I missed my parents a lot but they didn’t want anything to do with me I still send them a Christmas gift every year they probably just throw it out. Guess this would be like Christmas last year I would be alone. I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my head down and started to cry.
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Ok I think its alot better then the chapter 4 I had posted.
let me know what you think.
their is no Joe but it gives more into Kourtney and Lyndie's lifes.