Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 41

I don't want to talk about it. I just want to escape. - gossip girl.

I got up the next morning and saw Mazz, Demi, Taylor, and Julia where all in their beds asleep, I got up and went into the bathroom. After a hot shower, I fixed my hair and throw on a paid shirt and rolled up the sleeves and threw on a pair of shorts. When I went out to get my flats I saw Mazz was up and texting someone, I figured it was Nick or Chace but it was probably both.

“Who you texting?” I asked Mazz.

“Chace he is telling me about Gossip Girl.” Mazz rambled on as I put on my flats.

“Oh cool how are you guys by the way? Since you’re across the country from each other?” I knew how they where doing, I seen it yesterday when I walked in on her and Nick.

“Good, I’ll see him in less than a month when we go to New York.” Mazz smiled with delight.

“That’s cool. I’m going to get coffee.” I started to walk out.

“I though you didn’t drink coffee?” Mazz asked.

“I don’t but someone else does.” I opened the door and walked out.


Kevin and I were currently at Starbucks, looking out the window at the paparazzi across the street.

“So why did you bring me here?” Kevin asked.

“You like Starbucks I though it would be nice.” I shrugged and looked at him.

“Yes, I do but what did you bring me here for, I can tell you want to talk about something.” Kevin looked me in the eyes.

“Well I mite as well tell you.” I paused. “Joe and me kind of made out last night.”

I though Kevin had a heart attack he ripped off his sunglasses and held his heart while looking at me shocked. I shook my head and put it down on the table.

“When? What? How?” Kevin was barley speaking.

“Last night when we where watching movies after everyone was asleep I went to get something to drink and Joe I guess followed and somehow it turned into a make out session between us.” I said and ran my hand threw my hair.

“I swear you to have like some kind of pull to each other.” Kevin laughed.

“Kevin this isn’t funny I cheated on Ethan and he cheated on Taylor! I don’t know what to do.” I whispered.

“Well you only have one thing you can do. Tell Ethan.” Kevin whispered back.

“I know I don’t want to though I gave him so much hell when he cheated on me with Karla, but I did the same thing with Joe.” I shook my head.

“Ethan will understand explain everything to him, don’t let him leave like he let you leave.” Kevin took my hand and held it tight.

“This is all my fault though he won’t forgive me.” I pulled my hand away and put my head in my hand.

“No it isn’t. I’ve known Joe for 18 years if he wants something he goes for it no matter the coast, he doesn’t care who he hurts sometimes or the mess he causes, he gets reckless. Don’t forget he is to blame to. But you’re the same as him you both are hard headed, both will do anything to get what you want, and are reckless as hell. You guys destroy each other but then build each other back up. You’re totally different from each other too and that’s why you fight. On paper you guys would never be a match but in person you guys have it, what people want so bad, just by the way you look at each other there is insane chemistry.” Kevin smiled.

“You’re insane! We can’t be in a room alone without attacking each other or making out. That’s not chemistry or love it’s lust, pure lust.” I shook my head.

“Kourtney he is in love with you! Everyone sees it you guys are so blind and in denial that you don’t see what you guys have in front of you. Look me in the eyes and tell me when you kissed him last night every feeling you had for him didn’t come back up.” Kevin said staring at me and I didn’t look at him. “That’s what I though.”

“I don’t know Kevin.” I shook my head.

“Me either but sooner or later you and Joe are going to have to decide if you want each other, and if not then you need to leave each other alone.” Kevin looked at me.

“I made my choice I picked Ethan. The only one who have to decide on anything are Nick and Mazz, I made Joe’s choice for him.” I looked back at Kevin.

“Wait what? Nick and Mazz? Just because you made up your mind doesn’t mean Joe has made up has.” Kevin tipped his cup to me.

“Yes, I also caught Nick and Mazz in my hotel room making out.” I laughed a little.

“See! That they have is what you and Joe have but what you and Joe have is a lot stronger!” Kevin pointed at me.

“Kevin! I warned.

“Sorry.” He apologized.

“Anyways off the topic of cheating Jonas’s how is your girl trouble?” I asked looking at him.

“Horrible I feel like I’m on the Bachelor. I am falling for both, their so different from each other.” Kevin said and took a long drink of his coffee.

“I like Angela a lot but I haven’t talked to Sage really so I don’t know.” I shrugged. “But you’ll pick the right one for you Kevin and you know it.”

“I know but I feel like I have to pick soon or I’ll lose them both. I just don’t want to pick the wrong one or break anyone’s heart.” Kevin sighed.

“I know buddy but you have to.” I took his hand.

“Come on we better get back before the bus leaves without us.” Kevin smiled and put on his sunglasses.

“Ok.” I grabbed my purse and sunglasses.

As Kevin and I walked out into the big sunshine I put on my sunglasses and walked close to him as the paparazzi ran over to us and took pictures. Kevin opened the door to my side of the rental car and I got in while he ran around to his side. All the flashes where driving me nuts I was so happy when Kevin drove away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I though I would have a Kevin and Kourtney moment.
anyways tell me what you think.
and let me know of mistakes.
I want to have the best story possible.
