Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 42

It's just...nobody's ever looked at the way you just did. In fact, I don't think they looked at me at all. - Gossip Girl

It had been almost a month since the night with Joe and we where currently getting ready to perform in Wantagh, N.Y. When we landed in New York earlier that day Chace and Mazz had a tearful reunion, as did Nick and Selena when she surprised him. Mazz and I never talked about her sneaking around with Nick, I didn’t know if maybe they where like me and Joe and just had a moment of weakness or if it had went on after that. Also since that night in Denver Joe and I hadn’t talked, he had tired to get me alone many times but I always ran away from him. I didn’t trust myself alone with him. Also Ethan had no idea still I had cheated on him and I didn’t plan to tell him till later on we had been going strong and after tonight’s performance we where going to dinner. Kevin still hadn’t picked which girl he wanted more. Then there is some good news to add on the 23rd I would be having dinner with my family while we where in Ohio. Apparently Ethan had even my parents my number and they called and invited me and the Jonas family to dinner.

“Kourtney you’re on in 10!” The stage manger yelled.

After doing this how many every times I had I still got excited to perform, I loved it. This tour was a lot different then the When You Look Me In The Eyes one I don’t get to sing as much, I always have to switch with Taylor.

“Good luck baby.” Ethan kissed me quickly.

I kissed him back and the stage manger called it was time so I broke the kiss and ran out on stage. I waved to all my fans, I looked at my band, Adam and Brian where giving me the thumps up like that had since the first time. Jordan and Julia where smiling and looking out at fans. I looked out into the sea of people and saw signs and shirts with my face and name on them. It was a huge change since my first time, I smiled and waved to my fans again.

“How’s everyone doing tonight?” I yelled into the mike.

It sounded liked everyone in the place was screaming at me, I smiled and laughed.

“Sounds like everyone is doing good!” I yelled still.

I sent the boys the sign I always did and they started to play the beat to Fly on the Wall, then followed into Over it, and sang a couple more songs and ended with Love Story. As I sang Love Story I saw out corner of my eye Joe standing their, it brought me back.

“I promise you if they boo you off I’ll come out their and save you if I have to.” Joe smiled and put his hand on my cheek and wiped tears away.

“Oh joy my very own superhero.” I laughed.

“Maybe but just believe in yourself and everything will be fine. If you forget the words to your song just look at me and I’ll mouth them to you if I have to ok.” Joe said pulling me into a huge.

I put my arms around him and hugged him back. I got to say he gave me the confidence that I didn’t have 10 minutes ago. I couldn’t believe he had come to my rescue when I needed someone, he hated me and I knew that. At rehearsal when I sucked all he did was mouth slut and laugh at me. So why in the hell was he doing all this?

“You ok now?” Joe asked wiping the last bit of my tears with his thumb.

“Yeah I think.” I said.

“Well smile sunshine and go their and rock them.” Joe said pulling me up.

“Ok let’s go do this.” I smiled.

“Now that’s what I like to hear.” Joe smiled back.

Joe grabbed my hand and led me to the curtain. I smiled and looked at everyone, most of them looked so confused by what was going on that they didn’t know what do.

“Good luck I’ll be right here.” Joe smiled and hugged me again.

I had lost my focus when I had my mini flash back and it caused me to fall and hit the floor. Everyone gasped and I didn’t know where we where in the song so I started to panic. Brian and Julia where staring at me to get up, this was the first time I had fallen in front of people on stage in the middle of my concert. Holy shit, I was freaking out.

“A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most,
'Cause you are my heaven.”

Joe came out on stage and had a mike in hand singing, I looked at him shocked and he helped me up. He mouthed for me to sing, I knew the song he preformed it for me on the roof top. Nick and Kevin must have signaled the band a new beat because they where playing a softer beat more that fit what Joe was singing.

“I don't wanna waste the weekend,
If you don't love me, pretend
A few more hours, then it's time to go.
As my train rolls down the East coast,
I wonder how you'll keep warm.
It's too late to cry, too broken to move on.”

Joe smiled as I sung, I think he was just happened I remembered it after how many ever months it had been. Joe took my hand and lead me out to the middle of the sage and he started to sing his part.

“Still I can't let you be,
Most nights I hardly sleep.
Don't see what you need in me.”

I seen Kevin and Nick singing to each other which mint me and Joe would be singing the chorus together. I tired not to laugh and the actions Kevin and Nick where making so I looked at Joe. He tapped my hand twice to let me know to start.

“A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most,
'Cause you are my heaven.”

As we sang together Joe took my hand again and span me around then brought me back to him. He tapped my hand once to let me know it was his tune.

“Misplaced trust and old friends,
Never counting regrets,
By the grace of God, I do not rest at all.
New England as the leaves change;
The last excuse that I'll claim,
I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl.

Still I can't let you be,
Most nights I hardly sleep,
Don't see what you don't need in me.”

At the last part he looked me in the eyes, I knew this song was wrote months ago but never more in this moment did this song feel written for me. I was on a natural high and I loved it. I felt two taps and I knew it was both of us.

“A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most,
'Cause you are my

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore.
Heaven doesn't seem far away.
Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore.
Heaven doesn't seem far away.

A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most,
'Cause you are my heaven.
You are my heaven”

Once we finished I smiled and dropped my mike on the ground and Joe hugged my tight. Joe slipped his arms around my waist and we waved to everyone out in the audience. I smiled and grabbed my mike off the floor and walked off with Joe.

“I promised you along time ago if you ever got in trouble I could come out their and save you.” Joe whispered then ran ahead.

I shook my head and smiled, that was my flashback and in a way it caused that promise made a tour ago come back to life. As much as I hated to admit it Joe was pretty much my personal superhero. I threw the mike to Nick who smiled and winked at me. Mazz stood on the side speechless but with an all knowing smile on her face. Joe passed me again and smiled as him and his brothers ran out on stage and welcomed everyone. I saw a pissed looking Ethan and smiled warmly at him, he didn’t return it. Shit, think fast. So I did what I knew how to, I kissed Ethan, he happy returned and his mood seemed to lighten. Taylor on the other hand glared at me with hate in her eyes.

“Come on lets go to dinner.” Ethan smiled and put his arm around me.

This night was one I would never forget I knew it, truly any memory with Joe in it was hard to forget. I smiled as the cold air hit my skin when we walked out and took Ethan’s hand. Ethan leaned over and kissed my head softly and held onto me tight as we got into the car then drove away from the building and I looked back. I would see everyone in an hour or so and I knew I would have a lot of questions to answer but at this moment I didn’t care.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just had to throw it in.
Next one is going to be huge and alot of drama.
I though I would give you all a happy one before it.
And notice Kourtney's parents called her for dinner!
Also the flashback is really how it is in the story if you don't remember go look its like Chapter 22.

anyways let me know of any mistakes, I spelled since right! (:

but leave me some stuff.
Comments & Subscribes make my day.

Love, Kourtney