Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 43

The heart wants what the heart wants and apparently mine wants a big bruise. - gossip girl.

Ethan and I where setting at dinner, it was so freaking boring. Ethan wasn’t talking and I was still on a high so if he was talking I wasn’t paying attention. I felt my phone go off and pulled it out of my jeans and saw it was a text from Mazz and I clicked it.

Darling that boy has it bad for you! I always told you he loved you! I think he just showed you how much when he came out their and saved your ass. Kevin also told me to say he told you so to. Lol whatever that means. – Mazz.

I giggled a little and just deleted the text message, last thing I needed was Ethan seeing it and ruining my night.

“So that was pretty nice of Joe to come out their and help you but I never heard that song from either of you guys before.” Ethan raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

“Yeah it was a song we both heard before and knew so I guess he just sung it. I mean was on tour with him before this one he knows a lot about me.” I knew I was lying.

“Oh I forgot. I guess I’m just jealous he got to come out their and save you in front of millions of people. Truly I didn’t know you guys where close I never see you around him.” Ethan said then leaned over and kissed me.

I just spend a month trying to stay away from Joe is what I wanted to say but it would bring to many questions and I wasn’t ready to share my past with Joe to Ethan. Joe was someone I couldn’t talk about to anyone but who was their and saw it.

“Yeah, we were in the past now not so much since where busy with our love life’s.” I smiled and kissed Ethan.

Ethan smiled and the waiter brought our food and drinks, the more I drank the lighter I felt. After we finished dinner it was a little after 10 and I knew everyone was back so I suggested we go back to the hotel and he gladly went pulling me the whole way to his car. I guess he thought he was getting lucky.


It was about 10:30 when we walked into the hotel elevator, when the door closed Ethan threw me up against the wall and kissed me passionately. I just let him run his hands all over my back it wasn’t like he was getting anywhere. I kissed him back and he roughened it he bit my lower lip making it bleed I felt the taste of blood in my mouth. It grossed me out but once the ding came on and the doors opened Ethan pulled me out and down the hall kissing me, he pinned me back against a wall again and started sucking on my neck while pulling me close.

“Joe.” I moaned.

Holy shit! My eyes flew open and Ethan’s lips flew off my neck. I can’t believe I just moaned the wrong name to my boyfriend, this didn’t look good. I knew Ethan was pissed as he glared at me.

“Can you repeat that once more?” Ethan hissed.

“Sorry.” I muttered.

“I can’t believe you just said the wrong name!” Ethan yelled loudly.

“Ethan I’m so sorry, I have something to tell you though and you’re not going to be happy with me I know. When we where in Denver I kissed Joe, I stopped the kiss though because I love you. I never wanted to hurt you Ethan, and I know I seem like a bitch for giving you hell when you did it to me. Please don’t be mad, we can work it out. I swear will be ok, just don’t give up on me.” I reached for him but he moved away.

I looked at him and he looked more pissed than before, I’m guessing this wasn’t the right time to tell him I kissed Joe, but at lest it was out in the open. I just shook my head and looked at the ground. I felt something hit my cheek and I fell to the ground, I looked up at Ethan and saw he had just smacked me. I rubbed the side of my cheek and shook a little when he got down and in my face.

“You’re nothing but a piece of shit whore. I can’t believe I ever came back to you!” Ethan screamed again.

I started crying and shaking, I felt something hit my cheek again and it was a lot harder this time, I knew he had smacked me again which made tears pour out of my eyes.

“Stop this shit you did it to yourself!” Ethan’s tone was harsh.

“What the fuck?” Joe came running out of his room and down to where I was.

“Oh look if it isn’t the prince to rescue his slut.” Ethan hissed.

“Dude what the hell is your problem?” Joe asked trying to get to me but Ethan pushed him back.

“Well the fact my slut of a girlfriend cheated with you is my problem.” Ethan grabbed my hair and pulled me up and I screamed.

Joe pushed Ethan back trying to get him to release me but Ethan dropped me and fell on me and landed on my hand and I screamed louder, Ethan got off me and I started crying harder. I heard something hit and people running, I just kept my eyes closed. Someone rapped their arms around me and kissed my head, I knew it was Joe. I opened my eyes and saw Big Rob and a couple police officers who worked at the hotel pull Ethan away. I held onto Joe and he held onto me as tight as he could while I bawled.

“You ok Mr. Jonas?” Big Rob asked coming over to us.

“Yeah he didn’t get a chance to hit me. I’m fine.” Joe said and started to pull me to stand up.

I still held onto Joe for dear life as the doors opened, I saw a pissed Taylor, a considered Mazz, Julia and Demi all step out of our room, Kevin and Nick where out of their room to looking at what happened, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas came running out of their room and down to us but Joe held out his hand telling them no. I was still shaking and crying horribly I felt Joe tiring to help me walk but I was making it hard.

“Omg Kourt…” Mazz said but Joe waved her away.

“Joe just let her come in here she’ll be fine.” Taylor said trying to grab me away.

“Shut up Taylor!” Joe snapped at her.

I never in my life heard him scream at her and after what just happened I wasn’t in the mood for screaming it was freaking me out. I started crying harder and Joe ushered me into his room he was sharing with his brothers, I saw Frankie looking confused and Nick and Kevin staring.

“Take Frankie to mom and dad’s room.” Joe whispered to his brothers still holding onto me.

Neither of them moved they all just looked at each other in confusion.

“Joe is she ok?” Frankie asked as I cried.

“Get him out of here!” Joe demanded louder.

Kevin and Nick rushed to Frankie and pulled him out of the room and closed the door behind them, Joe let go of me to go lock the door and I fell to the ground and still cried. I heard the lock and he picked me up and set me on his bed. Joe pulled me to his lap and I held onto him still and cried while he looked at my face.

“Shh baby, don't cry please... I'm here baby.” Joe’s voice whispered in my ear as he checked my face out.

I still cried and every tear we wiped up making sure he didn’t touch the spot where my face was stung at. After rubbing my back and holding me I finally got to where I wasn’t crying and my lungs opened back up. Joe looked at me, he looked horrified.

“God I can’t believe this freaking happened I could kill him right now.” Joe pulled me to him and put his hand on my head and bought my head to his shoulder.

I still was in a daze but Joe had set me down and before I could grab him he was on the floor pulling off my shoes and then pulled me up helped me to the bathroom. He turned on the water and helped me in. I walked to the corner and set down while the water hit me. I hated the feeling of my clothes wet that cling to me, it felt nasty. I seen Joe get in and he closed the door behind him and set down next to me, he put his arm over me and pulled me to him. I laid my head on him as the water hit us, it was warm and felt nice.

“I’m sorry this happened to you baby.” He kissed my hair.

I didn’t say anything for a long time and just held onto him while the hot water poured on us. I set up and looked at Joe he was staring at me I knew he had a girlfriend but I needed him. I leaned in and kissed him lightly, he returned it and just held his arms around me and gave me the power to pull away when I wanted to. After a little I pulled back and just laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head.

“You any better?” Joe asked rubbing my arm.

“Yeah.” I answered quietly.

Joe let go of me and turned off the water then disappeared leaving me in the shower dripping wet. He came back holding towels and pulled me out of the shower. He started to pull up my shirt and I pulled away from him. He came over and grabbed me and pulled me to him.

“I’m not going to hurt you baby your safe I just want to get you in some dry clothes just let me help.” He kissed me softly on the head and held me for a minute. “Can I or no?”

I slowly put my arms in the air and he pulled my shirt off and threw it to the floor and looked me in the eyes the whole time he buttoned my pants and took them off, he didn’t take anything else off he just rapped the warm towel around me. He took off his wet clothes staying in his boxers and then walked in his room, He came back in dry sweat pants and brought in my some extra clothes with him. He came over to me and handed me a shirt.

“Put it on and get out of the rest of your clothes and put these on. I’m going to be waiting outside the door for you.” Joe walked out and shut the door behind him.

I put on what I knew where Nicks clothes because Nick was the closet to my size and these almost fit. I opened the door and saw Joe leaning on the wall waiting like he said he would. He put his arm around me and lead me to his bed, I set down and he put my legs up on it then climbed over me and laid next to me, I laid my head on his chest and he put his arms around me. I heard the radio start playing softly and I smiled at the song it was Stay With Me by Josh Gracin, Joe seen me smiled and kissed my nose and I giggled a little.

“I love hearing your laugh, I’m glade I’m hearing it. I promise I will do everything to make you safe and make sure nobody every touches you like that again.” Joe looked my in the eyes.

“Thank you.” I said.

Joe didn’t reply and just held onto me tighter and listened to the song play. I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to me, I’m just afraid once his girlfriend gets a hold of him. I knew she was pissed but being here with him I didn’t care about anything else. I started to fall asleep and I swear I heard Joe say ‘I love you Kourtney.’ But it could have just been a dream either way I didn’t want to know.
♠ ♠ ♠
I told you all!
Now alot of questions have to be answered.
Anyone else love when Joe yelled at Taylor ----> I'm sure the haters did. lol.

but let me know of any mistakes.


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