Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 44

All I wanted was to start over. And you didn't even try. - Gossip Girl.

It was the next morning and I was sneaking back into my hotel room, actually I don’t know why I sneaking I mean everyone knew I spent the night in Joe’s room. I had left before he had woken up and wrote him a note, I knew it was wrong having him come to my rescue all the time. Joe was messing up everything he had with Taylor for me and we had nothing. He needed someone better than me, he could do better than me, and better than me was Taylor. I shook my head I needed to let him go so he could move on and be happy with someone who loved him. I had my chance with him a long time ago and I lost it. As I was about to open my door Joe walked out of his and held the note up.

“What is this?” He asked quietly.

“Me letting go of you. You deserve better than me, you deserve Taylor. Don’t give up your chance with her for me, we will never work and you know it. I think we should be friends. You need to let go of me and be happy, be with her. Please just stop trying to be my prince charming and be my friend.” I said looking at him.

“Fine you want a friend you got one but here.” Joe threw me a box. “And you’re wrong you’re the one who deserves better. Just so you know to I never regretted last night or any other night I spent with you.”

I watched as he walked back into his room and then opened the box. I saw my snowflake necklace and I knew right away it was going to be a lot harder than I though to be friends with Joe than I though. I sighed and opened the door and saw a very tired looking Mazz, Demi, and Julia setting on my bed, Taylor on the other hand was playing on the computer. I closed the door quietly and Mazz looked up and ran and hugged me. I hugged her back tight and she cried and held onto me tighter.

“I’m going to kill that fucker Ethan I can’t believe he hit you.” Mazz said checking my face out.

“I’m fine really.” I assured her.

“I kind of figured Jonas looked like he was about to kill someone last night if they touched you. He even yelled at Taylor.” Mazz said.

“He didn’t yell at me and you where just being a baby about it, so he took pity on you is all. Anyways is my boyfriend up?” Taylor snapped at me.

Oh my god what a bitch, strike what I just said to Joe. I looked at Mazz and saw a pissed look on her face. She walked up to Taylor and I crossed my fingers praying she wouldn’t kill her.

“Excuse me your not the one who got smacked last night and if you where in Kourtney’s spot you would have did the same thing so shut the fuck up. Oh and as for your boyfriend taking pity on Kourtney why don’t you take another look bitch he put you in check and clearly puts her in front of you, so really who is he taking pity on and I can tell you right now it isn’t her. Why don’t you back your shit and go back to fucking Tennessee or where in the hell you came from.” Mazz snapped.

“Whatever, I still wouldn’t have cried about it….” Before Taylor could continue Mazz smacked her hard.

I heard Mazz’s open hand collide with Taylor’s cheek, it made a huge sound and was sure to leave a burse. Taylor looked pissed and smacked Mazz back, I knew Mazz wasn’t going to stand for that. Mazz smacked Taylor again then attacked her and started pulling her hair out. I opened the door and screamed loudly so somebody would come and then tired to help Julia and Demi break Taylor and Mazz apart. Mazz was for sure a lot stronger than Taylor and wasn’t giving up. Somebody kicked me and pushed me back I didn’t see who it was, I figured Taylor. Joe, Kevin, Nick, Chace, Brian, and Big Rob all came running in. Big Rob pulled Mazz and Taylor apart then Nick and Chace grabbed Mazz and Joe grabbed Taylor, While Brian and Kevin checked to make sure Julia, Demi, and me where alright. I saw Taylor crying in Joe’s arms while he rubbed her back and tired to get her to relax, Mazz was trying to break out of Nick and Chace’s hold on her to attack Taylor again.

“Who started this?” Big Rob asked.

“Taylor’s stupid bitch ass!” Mazz screamed.

Nick covered Mazz’s mouth right after she said it and held his hand their.

“Please Mazz started it!” Taylor shot back.

That pretty much sent Mazz over the wall and bit Nick’s hand and he pulled it away and screamed in pain.

“Excuse me bitch how in the fuck did I start this! You started it by talking about Kourtney and what happened last night. You for some reason have to trash her, are you that insecure about Joe leaving you for Kourtney!” Mazz spit at Taylor and I shook my head.

“Enough Mazz.” Nick warned.

I set on the ground still and shook my head, Demi had gone and got Selena, Angela, and Sage, who where all now standing in the room. I felt like I was on freaking Jerry Springer, I saw Joe and Mazz glaring at each other.

“Why don’t you tell your boyfriend what you have been doing behind his back?” Joe hissed at Mazz.

“Joe!” I looked at him disapproving.

“What’s he talking about Mazz?” Chace asked letting go of her.

“Nothing.” Mazz lied.

“No, Mazz come on tell him! Tell him how you have been cheating on him with Nick!” Joe shouted and I’m sure everyone on our floor heard him.

Everyone went quiet and Nick moved away from Mazz and came over next to me. Mazz looked about to cry this is the first time I had ever seen her look so hurt, I was going to kill Joe. Chace looked just as hurt and I could tell he knew it was the truth, I looked over and saw Selena crying and holding onto Demi. I got up and threw the box Joe gave me at him and hit Taylor instead.

“Why don’t you tell Taylor what you fucking did Joe!” I screamed at him.

Everyone snapped their heads towards me and watched as Joe glared at me. Taylor bent down and picked up the box I had thrown.

“Set down Kourtney this isn’t your fight.” Joe said.

“No Joe if you’re outing people and ruining relationships and life’s you need your mistakes out in the open to.” I said.

“Shut up Kourtney!” Joe warned.

“No! Should I tell everyone about last night or movie night? Or are you going to stand up and be a man and take what you dished out and tell everyone.” I put my hand on my hip.

“What is she talking about Joe?” Taylor asked.

“Nothing.” Joe said.

“Then what’s this?” Taylor looked heartbroken holding up the snowflake necklace.

“I don’t know.” Joe lied.

“Then why does it have your name engraved in the back! Stop fucking lying and tell me what happened with her!” Taylor yelled and pushed Joe back.

“We made out a couple times!” I yelled at her. “You know what Kevin is the only one upfront about who he is with he is dating two girls but at lest they know it! Everyone else just fucking cheats! Taylor I’m sorry, I can tell you right now I will never make the mistake of getting involved with Joe again.”

I everyone in the room looked at me in confusion, I shook my head and walked up to Joe and hit him with bag and glared at him.

“You’re the biggest asshole on this earth, I regret every moment I ever spent with you. It was a waste of my fucking time. I though we could be friends but you just ruined any chance their was of a friendship.” I was on the verge of crying.

I just grabbed my coat and walked out of the room, I ran down the hall to the elevator. I walked out of the lobby and into the New York cold air, I was freezing all I hate on where the boxers and shirt gave me last night. I threw on my coat then hauled a cab and gave the driver 200 if he drove me into the city. Once I arrived in the city I realized I didn’t have my phone or even know where we where staying but it didn’t matter I just needed to be away from everything. I needed to be away from Joe.
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Whoa wonder what's going to happen next?

let me know of errors.
