Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 47

You don't know a good thing until it's gone. And found something else. - Gossip Girl

It had been 6 days since we all performed in New York and we were now in Holmdel, New Jersey. I was currently walking through a flower shop with Nick and Kevin though, Kevin was finally picking what girl he liked the most and asking her to be his girlfriend. I hoped it would be Angela I loved that girl but Sage was fine too. Nick was getting Mazz flowers because it was their first official date, I guess he was asking her out tonight. From how much he had spent today he was pulling out all the stops, he had got her a necklace that was a heart and had his and her name engraved on the front, then on the back was the date they first kissed. It was cute and I was proud both my boys where in love.

“What do you think about roses?” Kevin asked holding up red roses.

“I like them and Nick get Mazz pink roses she loves pink.” I laughed.

“Do they even make pink roses?” Nick asked sighing.

“Yes, I’ll go order some hold on.” I took off walking to counter.

On my way there I heard my phone start going off and dug in my bag for it, I looked and saw it was Mike calling. I hadn’t talked to him in forever I missed him.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey Kourtney, how have you been?” Mike seemed cheerful.

“Good and you?” I asked.

Mike and I chatted about random things while I ordered Nick’s pink roses. I looked to see what Kevin and Nick where doing and all I saw was Nick throw his arms in the air and Kevin cross his arms, they must be fighting. I laughed and went back to talking and writing.

“Ok now I have some really good news.” Mike sounded excited to tell me.

“What is it?” I asked leaning on the counter.

“Well there is this movie and they want you in it, I told them you would have your final decision by the 23rd but there is one thing if you take it…” Mike trailed off.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The tour has to be cut short and you will have to leave on 26. I know you have dinner with your parents on the 23rd so you can call me sooner if you decide. Just let me know but I have to go. Bye Kourtney.” Mike hung up.

I looked at the phone, I couldn’t believe I was up for a movie deal but it also meant I would have to leave my friends. I knew they would all be happy for me and let me go but some part of me wanted to stay, there was a chance I wouldn’t see these people for a long time after the tour. I wanted to spend the last days with them but I wanted to do a movie. I just took a deep breath and walked back over to Nick and Kevin.

“Ready to go boys?” I asked.

“Yep.” Kevin and Nick said at the same time as we started walking out.


Kevin and I were helping Nick get the restaurant he rented to look perfect for his date, then I was off to help Kevin. Nick was running around testing the food and yelling at me and Kevin if something wasn’t done perfect. I knew he was freaking out inside this was the first date him and Mazz had ever had and his pink roses were running late. I saw a guy on a bike come up to the restaurant with a ton of pink roses and Nick ran out to get them.

“Wow he is really excited.” Kevin said.

“I know I wish someone was this excited about me.” I laughed watching Nick count the roses.

“Didn’t you do something like this for someone once?” Kevin asked.

I bit my lip and nodded, he was talking about the night I decorated the roof of Hollywood Records for Joe. I still haven’t talked to Joe since the night he showed up drunk outside my door, I still hated him for that matter.

“He asked about you the other day.” Kevin said still talking about Joe.

“Oh well.” I shrugged.

“You’re really done with him aren’t you?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah I am you can tell him that if you like.” I looked at my nails.

I saw Nick come running in from outside and ran to check everything again, I saw Mazz coming down the street and pulled Kevin outside.

“Hey guys.” Mazz smiled.

“Wow you look beautiful Mazz!” I smiled and hugged her.

Mazz had on a pink strapless dress and black heels that I knew she stole out of my bag. I rolled my eyes as she hugged me again and jumped up and down. Kevin laughed at us and shook his head.

“I can’t believe he is doing this for me!” Mazz squealed.

“Hey.” Nick came outside holding a single pink rose.

Mazz jumped into Nick’s arm and hugged him tight, while he hugged her Nick mouthed for us to leave. As the walked inside me and Kevin ran to the window to watch, Nick pulled out her chair then bent down and kissed her. I saw him hand the box to her and say I love you, Mazz started crying when he said it and cried harder when she opened the box. I laughed at them you would think he just popped the question to her by how she was crying. As I watched Kevin started pulling me away.

“Hey it was getting to the good part!” I laughed.

“I know but I need help now.” Kevin laughed.


After spending another hour helping Kevin get a hotel room he had rented for the night to look perfect, I was so tired. I went and laded on the perfectly made bed as Kevin changed.

“Hey get off the bed.” Kevin said pulling my feet.

“Come on this is the most action the bed will be getting all night just let me relax.” I said closing my eyes.

“Kourtney come on she’ll be here any minute.” Kevin begged.

I shook my head and got off the bed and he ran to fix it. What was with these Jonas boys and there OCD on things being perfect. Kevin had me do the flowers over again for the 10th time while he remade the bed. I acted like I was fixing the roses and pulled out my phone, I couldn’t text anyone everyone had a date tonight even Julia and Adam were going out, and Brian and Jordan also had dates with twins. I was the only one spending tonight alone, lucky me.

“Well it’s almost time so get out.” Kevin demanded.

“Nah I think I’ll stay and find out who you picked.” I smirked.

“No you won’t.” Kevin pushed me out of the room. “I love you and all Kourtney but this is my night so excuse my behavior but bye.”

I laughed as Kevin closed the door, when I got to the elevator I saw Angela stepping off and screamed. She looked at me confused and I ran to hug her. She laughed and hugged me back.

“Why are you so excited?” Angela asked.

“I can’t tell you but you’ll see. Call me later tonight.” I smiled.

“Ok I will bye Kourtney.” Angela waved then started walking again.

I walked into the elevator and screamed, I was so happy he picked Angela they were perfect together. I sang along to the song playing in the elevator, and then when I got off I skipped to the piano room. I opened the doors to the piano room and saw it was all white and had different kinds of flowers everywhere, by how bright the room was you would think it was daytime. I walked over to the all white piano and set on the bench, after spending the day with two boys who were crazy in love with two of my friends it inspired me to write a song. This one wouldn’t be like the one’s I had wrote lately which where super sad and most were about that stupid asshole Joe. I shook my head to get Joe off my mind and smiled, I warmed up and started playing it a little. I put a piece of paper on the stand and a pencil as I wrote the lyrics out I became more excited and couldn’t wait to play it. By the time I had finished the last line I was bounding up and down. I played around with the keys till I found a sounded I liked the most and fit the song.

Yeah, Yeahh, Yeah (Uhh-Huhh)
Show Me What You Mean Boy
Cause I Could Get Used To This
Obsessed With Your Sexiness
It's You That's In My Heart
And I Know What You're Tryin to Do
Your Making Me Work For Youuu
Making Me Fuss Over You
I Can't Help If I'm In Love

And I Know With
That Look In Your Eye (My Baby)
That You Want Me To
For The Very First Time
I've Got The Strangest Feeling
In My Mind
I'm Thinkin Of What To Do
For The Very First Time
Don't Wanna Lose This Meaning
The Best Time I Have Is With You

Unashamed Of Showing My Affection
Just Spend Alittle Time With You
Stay Up Late On The Phone To You
I Can't Believe What I Feel Inside

And I Know With
That Look In Your Eye (My Baby)
That You Want Me To

For The Very First Time
I've Got The Strangest Feeling
In My Mind
I'm Thinkin Of What To Do
For The Very First Time
Don't Wanna Lose This Meaning
The Best Time I Have Is With You

For The Very First Time
I've Got The Strangest Feeling
In My Mind
I'm Thinkin Of What To Do
For The Very First Time
Don't Wanna Lose This Meaning
The Best Time I Have Is With You

I've Seen it time and time before, Yeah
You've Got My Hand
If You Ever Really Need It
Anytime That You'd Think You Fall
I'm With You, I'm With You
Don't Really Need A Second Invitation
Give Me Something To Look Forward To
All I Want Is A little affirmation
To Be With You

I've Got The Strangest Feeling
Don't Wanna Lose This Meaning
Baby, Baby
I Feel So Alive

For The Very First Time
For The Very First Time (Very First Time)
I've Got The Strangest Feeling (I've Got The Strangest Feeling)
In My Mind
I'm Thinkin Of What To Do (What To Do)
For The Very First Time
Don't Wanna Lose This Meaning (Don't Wanna Lose This Meaning)
The Best Time I Have Is With You (Best Time I Have Is With You)”

“That was amazing.” I knew the voice.

Joe set down on the bench next to me and I moved as far away from him as I could on the bench. Joe looked at me then just looked down and started playing around on the piano, while I just played with my hands. We stayed in silence for what seemed like forever.

“Why are you here?” I snapped.

“I’m sorry ok, I messed up I know. I just can’t take you being mad at me, you haven’t said a word to me since the night I showed up drunk at your door. Kourtney I would do everything to take back that day I knew I ruined everything….” Joe started but I cut him off.

“I don’t want to hear it Joe, your not sorry and I don’t believe anything coming out of your mouth. You’re a liar.” I wouldn’t look at him.

“Kourtney…” Joe tired but I cut him off again.

“Stop ok I heard you say you were falling for Taylor, so stop trying to make us right and go be with your girlfriend. I wasn’t lying the other day when I said you were a waste of my time.” It hurt a lot more than I thought to say the last part.

“You're lying I know it.” Joe put his hand on my cheek and I pushed it off.

“Do I look like a booty call to you Joe?” I looked at him. “All you do is use me when you’re bored with your girlfriend. Hell I’m surprised you're not texting me and telling me to come to your room or taking off me clothes. Oh wait you took me to your room and took of my clothes after you made out with me.”

“Kourtney your not a booty call! I’m not using you either and you know as well me that the only reason you came to my room is because Ethan hit you and I made you feel safe. Also the only reason your clothes came off was because you where soaking wet from the shower and I left you in your underwear and gave you other clothes I never once looked at you like I wanted you. Plus we kissed because you where hurt.” Joe said and tired to touch my hair but I smacked his hand away again.

“Oh so I’m ugly and you gave me a pity kiss? Real nice Joe you can leave now.” I rolled my eyes and turned my head away.

“I didn’t mean it like that, god you’re unbelievable you know. I think you’re gorgeous, and no it wasn’t a pity kiss. I wanted it as much as you did. Kourtney I never got over you, I still love you.” Joe bit his lip.

“How long did that take practicing in the mirror?” I snapped.

“About as long as it took you to be a bitch.” Joe shot back.

I just ignored his comment and started playing the piano again, and Joe of course didn’t move.

“I still remember when you said you love me, I wanted to say it first so I did then you smiled and said it back, it was pouring down rain and all of your make up was messed up and your hair was tangled and ruined, but I don’t think you ever looked more beautiful to me then that moment. I knew when I had to go it was going to be hard as soon as I left you up there I was dying to be with you, I sat in my bed every night looking at pictures of me and you or watching the Love Story video. Then that morning when I woke up and saw you and Ed on TMZ I was so jealous and wanted to die because he got to do the one thing I couldn’t he got to be with you, kiss you, hold you, touch you, everything I missed. I missed coming down lying next to you and watching you sleep. I could be walking down the street and see a girl with hair like yours and I would stop her to make sure it wasn’t you, or if I smelled someone who smelled like you walk past me it brought me back every memory of us. Then I meet Taylor and I was so fucked up and broken hearted over you, she never knew but she got you off my mind but sometimes she would do something and it reminded me of you. I just fell for her is all but I am still in love with you and I know your still in love with me.” Joe tired to grab my hand but I pulled it away.

“I’m not your girlfriend, your wife, or your slut so stop acting like my boyfriend. It’s simple I don’t want you.” I grabbed my music and got up.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me.” Joe grabbed my arm.

“I am not in love with you!” I yelled while looking him in the eyes.

Joe dropped my arm and looked at me in pure shock. I smirked evilly then turned on my heels and walked out. I closed the door behind me and fell back against it and breathed heavy, I didn’t picture Joe when I yelled it I pictured Ethan. I couldn’t have said that to Joe it would have been a lie, so I just pictured the one person I could say it to. I shook my head and collected myself then walked up to my hotel room.
♠ ♠ ♠

Nick + Mazz = Together.
(Don't die on me Mazz I know your happy)

Kevin + Angela = Together.
(Your welcome Angela I know you love me for putting you with him. Jk)

Kevin + Sage = Broken up.
(Sorry Sage. I still love you though girl)

Joe + Taylor = Together.
(Don't kill me.)

Joe + Kourtney = Nothing. :(
(Sorry Koe fans.)

Well let me know what you think.
this was really a fun chapter to write and all.

Let me know of mistakes I'm sure listn2yourheart4 could use some help seeing the mistakes.
