Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 48

I got a million guys who want me but all I want is that goofy ass Rockstar named Joe Jonas. - Kourtney.

It had been 4 days since my talk with Joe and he hadn’t even gotten close to me, If I was walking off stage he would go around and come out the other side, I couldn’t even set across him he would just get up and leave. Taylor and him where still going strong they messed like a happy couple so I just acted happy for them. Mazz and Nick where back together and I always seen her with the necklace Nick gave her on, it made me miss my snowflake a lot. Kevin and Angela where official to and acting like two insane teenagers in love they where attached at the hip I swear. Also Chace had got a new love and always texting me about her, it was Taylor Momsen. I wanted to be like them to have that feeling again I missed it I hadn’t felt it in a while. I sighed and heard Joe on the bunk above me talking on his phone.

“Yes I tired everything. I miss her even if I can’t have her I want to be her friend.” I heard Joe whisper.

I leaned out of my bunk and saw his curtain was closed so I moved out of the bunk and listened at his curtain.

“Drew I have tired everything, she hates me.” Joe sighed.

Drew? Who the fuck was Joe talking to, I mean I figured it was about me but who was he saying it to. I climbed up the latter to his bunch and crawled into it, Joe looked confused.

“I’ll call you back.” Joe pulled the phone from his ear.

“Joe tell me what’s going on!” The phone screamed.

I knew the voice and knowing Joe was talking to him pissed me off more. I grabbed the phone from Joe’s hand.

“Andrew what the hell are you doing talking to Joe?” I asked.

My brother must have noticed I came on the phone and was pissed because he started speaking Spanish then hung up. Asshole I would see him in two days and I was going to rip his head off. I threw Joe’s phone at him and he moved and let it hit the wall.

“Why are you talking to my little brother?” I asked.

“We became friends at the brunch I didn’t know he was your brother till he told me one day. Maybe if you talked to me I wouldn’t be talking to other Ryan’s.” Joe raised an eyebrow.

I set back against the wall and crossed my arms then turned my head away from him. I felt him move and set across from me, I should have kicked him.

“Why won’t you believe me? God it pisses me off I never gave you any reason to not trust me.” Joe said frustrated.

“Well showing up drunk at my door begging for forgiveness while your drunk because you couldn’t say it when you where sober never helped then leaving me with a song. Also what about what you told Taylor in the morning after you where drunk you told me it to and if I wouldn’t have told her about us you never would have.” I sighed.

Joe set in between my legs facing me, he put his hand on my cheek and I smacked it away but he kept putting it back so I gave up but if he tired to kiss me I was kicking him in the balls.

“I know ok, but I want you in my life and if it means only as my friend I want that. I want another shot to be your friend to make it up to you.” Joe begged. “Please.”

I sighed and looked at him, I noticed he had his glasses on and his hair was all messy. I loved when he looked like this it made me want to push him back on the bunk and kiss him. I bit my lip and held my hands against the wall while I though about what he said.

“Your never going to give up are you?” I asked.

“Nope.” Joe smiled.

“Fine but I have rules, No kissing, No telling me you love me, No touching blew low the waist, No holding me, No breaking on my neck, No getting me in rooms alone, and last No falling in love with me. Understand?” I pointed at him.

“Yes I understand.” Joe leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, I promise I won’t fuck it up this time.”

I shook my head and smirked, I knew he would fuck it up again just when is the question.


I woke up the next morning and my ‘new and improved best friend’ Joe wanted to go shopping, so after he dragged me out of bed, he dragged me to the mall. I was currently in Hollister looking at hoodie’s and jean’s when Joe came up behind me holding clothes he was buying for his self.

“Do you like these?” Joe asked holding out the clothes.

I looked threw them they where cute and I liked them a lot. I knew they would look good on him he just needed to wait a little wear them because it was burning up still.

“Yes I love them.” I smiled.

“What you got?” Joe asked taking all my clothes while I continued looking. “I like your stuff its very you.”

“That’s the point Joe.” I laughed.

“Well come on I need to get my hair cut.” He said blowing his hair out of his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and tousled his hair as I walked by him and started paying for everything. Joe of course wouldn’t let me and flashed a credit card and bought me everything, I didn’t want him to I felt poor again. As we walked to find a hair cut place I saw Joe staring out of me out of the corner of his eye, I knew he was breaking one of the rules. After what seemed like forever walking Joe found some place suitable for him to get his hair cut and while he did I continued shopping in a vintage store next to wear Joe was getting his hair cut. As I looked around the store I found a cute blue dress so I figured it was a shot, I put it on but I couldn’t get it zipped so I left it unzipped and went to the mirror to look at it. I looked good and brought out my eyes, I seen Joe coming up behind me in the mirror. Joe smiled and zipped my dress up then pulled some of my hair back into a half ponytail then dropped it.

“You look pretty but what’s the dress for?” Joe asked setting the bags down.

“Dinner with my parents I need a dress bad. I wore all mine.” I laughed.

“Girls and clothes.” Joe shook his head.

“Please Joe you have more than I do.” I turned and looked at him.

“No way, maybe more skinny jeans but hardly more clothes.” Joe laughed.

“Sure Joe will count when we get home.” I smirked.

“Ok deal but I’m right.” Joe unzipped the dress and as he did I felt his finger tips go down my bag and it made me tingle.

“Thanks.” I smiled and walked back into the dressing room.

After I put on my shorts and tank top then fixed my scarf I threw on my sunglasses. I see Joe paying for the dress with his shiny card again and went up to him and took it.

“Stop buying me stuff, I have money you know.” I laughed.

“Friends buy each other things I’m buying you the dress.” Joe grabbed me then the card and threw it to the lady.

“Joe come on.” I tired to get the card but he blocked me.

“No it’s over with.” Joe took his card and put it in his pocket while the lady packed the dress and handed it to him.

Joe smiled and held the bag out to me and I took it and sighed. I walked out of the store holding bags full of stuff Joe wouldn’t let me buy it made me mad I wanted to buy something with my money.

“Want to go to lunch?” Joe asked walking next to me.

“Are you going to let me buy?” I looked at him.

“Probably not.” He smirked.

“Then no.” I walked ahead.

Joe grabbed me and pulled me back, he dragged me to the food court and handed me all the bags while he went and got us food, I seen he had left his phone on the table and started looking threw it, I noticed one picture stuck out most. It was one of me and him kissing he must have edited it on his phone because it said I Love You Baby Forever & Always then had the date we first met. I smiled a little and set his phone back on the table. Joe came back shortly after and handed me a hamburger and fires, I smiled when he set down and threw it at him. Joe laughed and threw one back, I looked at him smiling.

“Is something wrong?” Joe asked rubbing his face making sure there wasn’t on it.

“Nope I just missed this.” I smiled and took a bite of my food.

“Same here I missed you a lot. I love you Kourt.” Joe tousled my hair.

I laughed and fixed my hair that he fucked up, while I fixed it I saw him staring at me. He leaned over the table and put ketchup on my nose. I laughed and wiped it off.

“Hey want to go to the chocolate fountain outside?” Joe asked.

“Wait they have a chocolate fountain here?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah.” He smiled.

“Oh hell yeah.” I threw the food down and grabbed my bags and ran outside.

I heard Joe laugh and he followed me outside, I seen the chocolate fountain and screamed. I dropped my bags and ran over to it, I felt something hit my check and seen Joe licking his fingers.

“Oh you so didn’t.” I laughed.

“Oh I did.” Joe smirked.

“It’s on!” I laughed.

I chased Joe around the fountain like 1000 times when I caught up to him I pushed him into the fountain but as my luck goes he pulled me in with him. I shook my head and set in the chocolate looking at Joe licking all over, he laughed and came over to me. I laughed and threw even more chocolate in his hair, he laughed and put his hand on my cheek, I though he was going to kiss me he kept leaning in closer so I threw more chocolate at him and he backed away confused. I smirked then got out of the fountain and took off running while Joe chased me with chocolate all over us, we looked like mud monsters. Joe finally got a hold of me and threw me into a photo booth and we took random pictures. We spend the rest of the day in the photo booth taking pictures together and shopping all while covered in chocolate, it was one of the best days of my life and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I jumped on Joe’s back and he carried me while walking but put his hand on my head and pulled my head down then he licked my cheek,.

“Eww you’re so weird.” I laughed.

“But you still love me.” Joe smiled and I just rested my head on top of his.

“Yeah I do.” I laughed and kissed his cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Their friends.
Idk about a Chocolate fountain being real I just though it was a cute idea and I wanted Chocolate so you got what you got.
These are the final chapters!

Let me know of any mistakes.
