Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 49


“Kourtney come on you have to go get your parents today and I have to get my license.” Joe pulled me out of bed.

I sighed and fell into him while he helped me up, we had spent all day teaching Joe to drive and I was tired.

“Come on.” Joe dragged me into the bathroom and shut the door.

We where in Cuyahoga Falls and I had to drive and pick my parents up in Columbus. Joe was going with me and wanted to drive so we had to get up extra early just so he could go to the DMV, I just threw on jeans, a tee shirt, a pink hoodie, and small pink flats. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Joe bouncing up and down, he had a bag full of driver’s books, his glasses, extra shoes, extra jeans, and a brush. I laughed and grabbed my phone and glasses then followed him out of the bus. Everyone was sleeping and I wasn’t surprised it was only 6:30 in the morning, we had to leave early to make it back for tonight’s show. I seen Joe run to the driver side of the Ranger Rover and jump in, he was so excited it was amusing. I got in the passenger side, I knew I probably should be driving because he had to ride with someone over 21 but we where only going down the road so I let him. After a 5 minute drive Joe pulled into the DMV and ran into the building, I laughed and got out then followed him in. This place was dead to say the lest, their was one person working and their wasn’t a sole in here besides me and Joe. While he filled out paper work I leaned on the counter next to him and waited.

“Aww you guys are such a cute couple. My daughter loves you both.” The lady smiled at me and Joe.

“Oh were not together.” I said.

“Sorry.” The lady said.

“It’s okay but want us to sign something or take a picture?” I asked.

“Yes please, can I get both?” The lady smiled and pulled her phone out.

“Sure.” Joe smiled.

Joe stopped filling out paper work and we both stepped back, I fixed his hair while he fixed mine, I heard the lady laugh at us. Finally after we decided our hair looked good we turned and put our arms around each other and smiled for the camera. After the lady took the picture she had us sign a piece of paper to someone named Rose. While Joe talked to her and they set everything up I sent and laid down on the chairs they had out, they where hard and it sucked.

“Well it’s time.” Joe said coming next to me.

I got up and hugged him tight, he smiled and held onto me tight before letting go. We looked at each other a long time and just smiled.

“Good luck.” I smiled.

“Thanks.” Joe leaned down and kissed my cheek.

Joe let go of my hand and started walking out while looking at me, I flashed back to the night he left it felt just like now and the way he was looking at me even reminded me more.

Joe leaned down and kissed me again this time I was left breathless when he pulled back. He let go smiling and started to walk away.

“You better wait for me Kourtney I love you forever and always.” Joe yelled smiling then opened the door.

“I love you to Joe, forever and always.” I yelled back laughing.

When I snapped out of my flashback I realized he was gone and I was smiling at the door like a dumbass. I shook my head laughing and went and laid back down, I just put my sunglasses down and started falling asleep.

“I did it!” Joe screamed.

I jumped off the chair and ran and hugged him, Joe span me around a couple of times while we laughed. Joe put me down still laughing and hugged me tight again.

“Thank you.” Joe whispered.

“Why are you thanking me?” I was confused.

“Because you believed in me.” Joe smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

I smiled and put mine around his waist and we walked out to the car together and on the way he showed me his id, Joe of course made a goofy face in it. I just laughed and handed it back to him when we got in the car. Joe threw it in his wallet and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. I looked out the window and started going back to sleep we had a long drive Columbus so I’m sure it wouldn’t matter how long I slept. After what seemed like minutes I heard Joe talking and set up and saw I had been asleep and hour, I looked and saw Joe on his cell phone while driving.

“Were just friends! I wanted to help my friend out, you have guy friends but I don’t say thing about them.” Joe said frustrated in his phone.

He must be talking to Taylor she is the only one who would be upset about him driving in a car with me and alone for that matter. I had asked Joe what Taylor would say when she fond out and he said she wouldn’t care, guess he was wrong.

“Oh so now I’m not aloud to have girls as friends? I kissed her like twice it wasn’t a big deal and it wont happen again where just friends. You don’t seem to understand the just friend’s part. Why are you making a big deal? I don’t have feelings like that, yes I think she is pretty but I’m not going to have sex with her! You know what I’m done with this we’ll talk when I get home!” Joe was screaming into the phone by the end of the conversion.

I laughed and he turned his head while still talking and smiled at me. I took his phone and put it to my ear.

“Sorry Taylor he’ll call you back where getting ready to have hot wild sex, but I’ll be sure to take good care of him. Bye now.” I heard her scream and I hung up.

“Dude I’m going to kill you.” Joe laughed and took his phone.

“Oh well, she’ll get over it I mean you sounded like you needed help so I gave it.” I laughed and pulled out my phone.

I had just gotten a two texts, one was from Mazz and one from Kevin. There was also a call from my family just saying they would see us when we got their. After I checked my voicemail I went and opened Kevin’s text.

Hot, wild sex? You sure know how to piss someone off girl. (: – Kevin

I laughed at the text message and just clicked out of it and went to Mazz’s.

Nice job with Taylor. (: But your not really having sex with him are you? If you are best wishes and use a rubber. (: - Mazz

I started dying laughing and Joe looked at me like I was insane then went back to texted on his phone. I just closed my phone and threw it on the dash and Joe did the same thing.

“How about we spend this trip getting to know each other, maybe tell me what you did over the 4 months, I mean you know what I did but I can’t Google and find out what you did.” Joe smiled.

“You’re not going to like what you find out.” I shook my head remembering.

“I may not like it but I want to know.” Joe said turning my head to him.

“Well the first month after you left I just waited by the phone for a call or text but one never came then me and Mazz cried over you and Nick, I gained like 10 pounds. The second month Brain got sick of us being all depressed and took us out to parties, and then I just did things to keep me out of the house. The third month you know what happened you saw it all over TMZ, and then the four was a lot like the first I did nothing but eat and stay in Lola’s apartment.” I sighed and looked out the window.

Joe pulled the car over and I heard his seatbelt click and he climbed over the consul and hugged me, I turned and hugged him back. I bit my lip to keep from crying reliving those 4 months was hell, Joe kissed my cheek.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know I hurt you that much I was selfish I never though about your feelings.” Joe whispered into my ear.

“It’s fine, we both made a lot of mistakes over those 4 months and I made the one that pushed you away. Joe it’s the past so let it stay their.” I let go of him and he set back in his seat.

“So I remember you telling me you only had one brother but you have two?” Joe said changing the subject.

“Well Drew is adopted he moved in with us when he was 15 but we grew up with him I was even their when his mom had him, so I was always their and counted him as a brother. Then his parents died and mine adopted him and we looked so much alike he just took our last name. But Chris is my real brother and Drew is his best friend.” I laughed.

“Oh did you ever go out with...” Joe started but I cut him off.

“Eww Andrew! No that would be weird.” I laughed.

“Ok sorry just checking I don’t know how you Ohio girls do it. From what Drew said you where pretty bad, I heard about Ethan’s 18th birthday party.” Joe smirked.

“Ok I’m killing Andrew and ok Ethan’s birthday was private Chris and Drew just walked in. I never took off all my clothes anyways I stayed in shorts and a tank top.” I laughed.

“How far have you and Ethan gone?” Joe asked.

“Trust me we have gotten farther than me and him ever did. You have also seen me in a lot less clothes than he has.” I giggled.

“Really? I figured when you guys were at bunch you slept together.” Joe said.

“How many times do I have to tell you I’m still virgin?” I said sarcastically.

“Ok I got it.” Joe laughed.

“So how did you do on you’re test?” I asked.

“The guy said I was the best driver but I get easily distracted he said, I don’t think so though.” Joe said looking at the room.

“Well why don’t we put it to the test?” I smirked.

“Sure why not what are you going to do throw things at me?” Joe asked looking at me.

“Nah.” I smirked.

I unzipped my jacket and threw it in the back seat, then pulled my shirt over my head and threw it back in the back, I started undoing my jeans and noticed Joe had lost all attention on the road and was staring at me. I smirked.

“Point proven your easily distracted now watch.” I screamed as Joe moved the car putting his attention back on the car.

While he drove I leaned over and into the back and grabbed my shirt and put it on then put my jacket back on. Joe laughed and looked at me.

“Ok you won that but your telling me if you where driving and I was setting their pulling off my clothes you wouldn’t be looking?” Joe raised an eyebrow.

“No I probably would.” I laughed.

Joe laughed and started playing with the radio, as he flipped threw all the channels I rolled down my window and heard the loud traffic on the free way. Joe found a song he liked and started singing it loudly.

“She rolls the window down
And she
Talks over the sound
Of the cars that pass us by
And I don't know why
But she's changed my mind

Would you look at her
She looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly
But she don't know how I feel
And as she carries on without a doubt
I wonder if she's figured out
I'm crazy for this girl
Yeah, I'm crazy for this girl

She was the one to hold me
The night
The sky fell down
And what was I thinking when
The world didn't end
Why didn't I know what I know now

Would you look at her
She looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly
But she don't know how I feel
As she carries on without a doubt
I wonder if she'll figure out
I'm crazy for this girl
I'm crazy for this girl

Right now
Face to face
All my fears
Pushed aside
And right now
I'm ready to spend the rest of my life
With you

Would you look at her
She looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly
But she don't know how I feel
AS she carries on without a doubt
I wonder if she's figured out
I'm crazy for this girl
I'm crazy for this girl

Would you look at her
She looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly
But she don't know how I feel
And as she carries on without a doubt
I wonder if she's figured out
I'm crazy for this girl
I'm crazy for this girl”

After the song went off I smiled and Joe looked at me, he put his hand on my cheek and rubbed it lightly with his thumb while trying to watch the road. I didn’t know what he was doing but I had a feeling he song that song for a different reason then just because he liked it. I smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek and he put his arm around me and rubbed my arm. I laid my head on his shoulder and he played with him hair while driving on handed, we stayed like this for a while till Joe pulled into a gas station and we both got out of the car. While I went in and got us anything that looked like it would be good to eat and some drinks, Joe was out filling up the car. When I walked out he had the hood open and was looking at the car, I walked over and looked and didn’t see anything.

“What are you looking at?” I asked.

“The car won’t start.” Joe said looking around still.

“Oh do you even know how to fix a car?” I asked.

“No.” Joe laughed.

“Move.” I pushed him out of the way and looked in.

“You know how to work on cars?” Joe asked shocked.

“Yeah I grew up with all boys I know how to do a lot.” I laughed.

“Ok well I’m going to go use the phone to call a repair guy or whatever.” Joe said walking into the gas station.

As I looked in the car I didn’t see anything wrong with it, I walked to the driver side door and tired to start the car. It started up just fine, what the hell was Joe talking about? I closed the hood and walked into the gas station and Joe was on the phone talking to someone.

“Hey the car works, what where you talking about?” I asked.

“Nothing I guess.” Joe hung up the phone and ran out to the car.

I smirked and walked out with him, I had a feeling the car worked fine the whole time. As I got into the car Joe started messing with the radio some more and I smiled. When he took off I heard Addicted by Saving Abel come on and I felt Joe grab my hand. I looked over at him and he was looking at the road, I knew he was breaking a lot of rules I had set but I didn’t care.


About 2 hour’s longer than it should have took to get to my parent’s house we pulled in and I saw all the bags outside. Once Joe stopped the car I took off running up to the front door and banged on it, my old house keeper Misha answered.

“Hello oh my Ms. Ryan it’s you. Your parents are out in the pool, and who is this?” Misha smiled and pointed at Joe.

“His name is Joe. Joe Jonas.” I smiled.

“Nice too meet you Joe come in please.” Misha smiled.

“Thank you.” Joe smiled.

I took Joe’s ran and lead him threw the huge house to the back yard, I saw Drew, Chris, and my dad all playing basketball, My mom and Nicole where doing laps in the pool, and Lyndie was laying out on a chair looking very pregnant.

“Hey guys!” I yelled.

Everyone turned and looked at me and Joe. Nicole ran out of the pool and tired to hug me.

“Whoa girl I’m dry.” I laughed.

“Not for long.” Chris said and picked me up.

“Hey put me down!” I yelled and hit him.

“Here give her to me.” Joe said coming up behind Chris who was about to throw me in.

Chris handed me to Joe who put me down and looked at me. I hugged him and thanked him for saving me from Chris.

“Oh your not going to thank me.” Joe said.

“You better not Jonas.” I warned.

Joe smirked and pushed me back but as I fell I grabbed him and pulled him in with me. We made a big splash and while under water Joe grabbed me and pulled me up with him. When we came up I took a breath and hit Joe in the head.

“Ouch what was that for?” Joe asked.

“You threw me in.” I said.

“You where getting thrown in anyways I just wanted to do it.” Joe laughed.

I pushed him under water then swam to the latter, one I got out I knew my clothes where ruined. Fucking Joe. I crossed my arms and glared at him while he splashed me.

“Hold on Kourt I’ll get you something.” Nicole said and took off running into the house.

“I’ll go get you something Joe.” Drew said running after Nicole.

“Thanks.” Joe said getting out of the pool.

Joe came over to me and put his arms around me and put his head on top of mine. I knew he was enjoying this, I on the other hand wasn’t pleased with him.

“You mad at me?” Joe whispered.

“Duhh.” I smirked and pushed him away.

“Oh come on Kourtney he was just having fun don’t punish the poor boy Chris would have did it anyway.” My mom said laughing and got out of the pool.

I looked at Joe and he was watching my mom come out of the pool, I rolled my eyes. My mom was in her 40’s and still looked amazing she had dark hair like mine but it was cut short into a pixie cut, she also probably had a better body then me, she was like an older well aged version of me. I looked back at Joe and he was still staring at my mom, my mouth moved into a frown. He was probably thinking about doing my mom, asshole. I pushed him back into the pool to get him to stop drooling. I bent down when he came up.

“Joe she is 40 give it up.” I glared.

“I wasn’t thinking about her I was just picturing you in about 20 years.” Joe smirked and splashed me.

“Gross Joe.” I rolled my eyes and walked up to Nicole.

“Now I’m a zero and you look about the same so this should fit you.” Nicole handed me the smallest bikini I had ever seen.

“Ok Thanks.” I laughed and walked into the changing room that was outside.

As I put on the bikini I realized how small it was it barley covered my boobs and the bottoms where tight but looked fine. I threw my wet clothes in the outside dryer and walked out. I heard Body on me by Akon start playing on the radio and saw Joe on the diving board looking over at me. I noticed he had changed into swim trunks, eww he was still looking I put my hands over my stomach and sucked it in. I felt freaking naked and knew I shouldn’t have put the bikini on. I seen Drew looking back and forth then pushed Joe in.

“Dude that’s my sister.” Drew laughed.

“I wasn’t looking.” Joe said when he came up.

“Sure.” Drew said then jumped in.

I stepped onto the diving board and tired to think of something to do but couldn’t, Joe was starting at me again and I rolled my eyes.

“Come on girl do a flip.” Chris said jumping in at the shallow end.

“I don’t think I remember how.” I said.

“Just flip already.” Drew yelled.

I sighed and bounced on the driving board then did a flip in the water, as I was under water I swam over to where Joe was and swam up to surface and appeared in front of him. Joe smiled and looked at me, while everyone else clapped for me.

“We should get going where going to be late and you have to perform tonight.” I said.

“It’s a two hour drive I’m sure we can make it on time just chill.” Joe smiled and pushed me under.

After spending most of the day in the pool I got out and laid on one of the chairs next to my mom and Nicole. They both looked at me and I looked back and forth.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you dating him?” Nicole asked pointing to Joe who was playing basketball with my brothers and dad.

“No just friends he has a girlfriend.” I laughed.

“Your father had a girlfriend when I meet him two.” My mom smirked.

“It’s not like that we don’t see each other like that, we tried it kind of once and it didn’t end well with us.” I sighed.

“Maybe you don’t think you see each other like that but everyone else sees it, the way he looked at you when you game out I though the poor boy was going to have a heart attack.” My mom laughed.

“You sound like Kevin and he also stared at you mom, I think he just looks at anything that passes him.” I laughed.

“Every man does sweetie.” My mom laughed.

I looked over and seen Joe running towards me, Joe jumped into the chair and landed onto of me. Joe smiled down at me and moved my hair out of my face, while glared at him.

“Kevin just called me and said we should get back you all ready?” Joe asked.

Joe was twirling the ends on my hair and I saw his eyes travel up and down, I rolled my eyes and pushed him off but he just laded next to me in the chair. I saw my mom smile and Nicole smirk, I looked up at Joe and noticed his hair was still wet and was dipping. I ran my fingers threw it and shook it, Joe laughed and grabbed my hand and shook his hair in my face. I hit him lightly and he laughed, I seen my brother’s and dad where gone and I figured they where changing.

“Come on guys we wouldn’t want Joe being late.” My mom said getting out of her chair.

“Yeah we defiantly don’t want. I’m sure your girlfriend is waiting to get her claws in you anyways.” I smirked.

“After what you said this morning to her I’m sure she is pissed I still haven’t called her yet. She probably things were having sex.” Joe laughed then kissed my cheek.

“Kourtney! Joe! Come on!” Nicole called from the house.

Joe and I both smiled at each other and got up, as we walked into the house I seen him checking me out again so I pushed him then walked off laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww Kourtney went to visit her parents.
Now the dinner with all of the Jonas's will not be intill the next day.
I was listening to Akon - Body On Me ; the whole time I wrote this or I'm Crazy For This Girl by Lifehouse.
but again Final Chapters.
and for those of you; no i didn't forget about the movie deal :)

[now those of you may have noticed in earlier chapters Kourtney talks about one brother its why I made Andrew adpoted so he isn't really her brother but in a way he is] ok just wanted to let you know.

Anyways let me know what you think.

Also any mistakes you see please tell me.
