Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 5

It was now the Friday of the Christmas party but I couldn’t go because I had last minute recording and writing sessions all day so Lyndie was taking my spot. It was also Lyndie’s last night in town she was leaving to go home for two weeks her parents actually wanted her home. Lola had offered to come stay with me but I told her she should go home too. Everyone I knew would be with their families but me.

“Kourtney can you come help me with my hair?” Lyndie yelled.

I walked in to the bathroom and Lyndie was in her green dress and her blonde hair was everywhere.

“What the hell did you do?” I asked picking up the curling iron.

“I was curling it and it just went everywhere.” She started sobbing.

“Whoa big girl claim down I’ll fix it.” I smiled.

After about 10 minutes I had fixed her hair and now it was in was in soft blonde ringlets. I redid her make up to make her look less like the hooker’s we see on the street.

“There now let me go get your Christmas present.” I ran to my room and grabbed the bag off my floor.

“Wow I can’t believe you got me a Christmas present.” She hugged me and then tore open the paper.

“You like?” I asked.

“Yes!” She squealed pulling out the gold and red dress I had bought her.

“Well go put it on.” I smiled.

“Ok. I wish you would come tonight Kourt.” She yelled while changing.

“Lyndie stop yelling your next door I can hear you. I wish I could too but I’ve been working all day we have to get done by tomorrow and we're still missing some songs.” I said.

“Well if you get finished please stop by.” Lyndie walked in.

“Wow girl you look amazing and I’ll try.” I hugged her tight.

“Well you ready to go?” Lyndie asked.

“Yeah I just have to grab the presents.” I picked them up and followed Lyndie out the door.

I opened the back door of my car and put all the gifts in and Lyndie’s suitcases for tomorrow. As I drove to the party I realized how much I would miss Lyndie after she left tomorrow we stayed together most holidays but now she would be gone and I was alone for two weeks.

“So have you had any Jonas action lately?” Lyndie asked snapping me out of my trace.

“No actually not since the day I meet Kevin and Nick which was over a week ago.” I sighed.

“Maybe I’ll see them tonight and then I can text you and you can come down and me, you, and Lola can all get a Jonas.” Lyndie was getting excited.

“Lyndie I don’t think I’ll get out tonight and if I can I’m spending it with you it’s your last night.” I looked at her.

“I’ll be back in two weeks it’s not like I’m leaving forever.” Lyndie sighed dramatically.

“I know I’m just going to miss you.” I smiled and pulled into the parking lot.

“I know but we have phones for reasons.” Lyndie smiled waving her new enV 2

“You never pay your damn bill do I have to remind you that you always use my phone?” I asked.

“Well daddy is paying it now.” She smirked.

“God I swear I hate you sometimes.” I laughed and walked in.

Lola was waiting and when she saw us she screamed and ran up to us.

“Lyndie you look so beautiful and Kourtney you look umm... normal.” Lola seemed shocked.

“Lola I told you I couldn’t go.” I sighed.

“I though you where kidding.” Lola put her head down and faked cried.

I laughed it was funny seeing Lola with her blonde and cotton candy high lights. She was so crazy she even had rainbow colored contacts so her eyes would match her hair.

“Lola you look amazing so go and be crazy with Lyndie and I may stop by later if Mike doesn’t kill me first.” I laughed.

“Ok bye Kourt.” Lyndie and Lola both yelled then ran off to the party.

I smiled and watched them they both were so amazing and I would really miss them. I sighed after I couldn’t see them and then walked up to the studio and everyone was dressed up. Adam and Brian where dressed in tux’s and had on Santa hats.

“Nice boys.” I laughed.

“Yeah we know.” Brian put his arm around Adam.

“Yeah we'll be there when the lady’s get rejected by the Jo Bro’s.” Adam smiled.

“Yep were their shoulder to cry on.” Brain fake cried on Adam’s shoulder.

“Give it up guys you won’t be going anywhere tonight.” Mike said bringing in a bunch of papers.

“This is the biggest party of the year come on dad!” Brian whined.

“Mike let them go we can call them when we need them.” I said.

“Ok fine but get your asses back in here in 45 minutes.” Mike scolded as the boys ran out of the recording studio.

“So what all do you got Mike?” I asked.

“Well the writers came up with this song La La Land, See you again, and Fly on the wall. Now I think you’ll like them they seem more like you but now we just need one more. Have you come up with anything?” Mike asked hopeful.

“No I just need an hour please.” I begged.

“Fine you get and hour and nothing less. I’ll try and write something in case you can’t.” Mike sighed and waved me away.

I grabbed my laptop off the table and ran up the stairs where I could hear Shake It blaring. As I got to the roof everything faded out and I smiled this is what I needed silence. I sat down on the ground and flipped open my pink laptop and pulled up my writing page. I looked at the time it was 10 o’clock and I had to be back down there at 11. I heard the door to the roof come open and I looked back. All I could see was a guy in a tux. Oh this couldn’t be good.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda of like this Chapter.
La La Land - Demi Lovato
Fly on the wall & See You again- Miley Cyrus.

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p.s. tell me if you see any mistakes.