Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 52


After spending an hour of watching Joe and Taylor kiss and laugh at anything the other said I though I was going to be sick, Brian on the other hand looked like he was going to kill Joe. I heard Taylor make a lame joke and I rolled my eyes, I heard my phone go off and I looked at it.

Want me to kill him? – Mazz

I started laughing loudly and shook my head no, I seen Joe snap his head around and glare. I saw Mazz flipping Joe off and Nick trying to get her to stop, while everyone but Taylor looked at Joe. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Jonas staring at Joe with warning looks and gave a little laugh.

“Can I be excused?” Joe asked.

“No.” Denise said.

“Come on Denise were done anyways.” My mother smiled.

I turned my head and glared at my mom for letting him leave, Joe sprang up at my mom’s words and ran out of the room before his mom could say anything else. I watched Joe run up the steps and heard a door slam and Taylor’s phone started vibrating. I seen her pull it out and laugh at the text, Bitch! Once everyone finished up we went into the living room and Kevin popped Camp Rock into the DVD player and Joe’s face appeared on it.

“Hey Kourt go find Joe I’m sure he wants to watch his self on TV.” Kevin laughed and kissed Angela.

I laughed at them and got up and walked up the stairs, I didn’t know what room Joe had went in but I just started opening doors. I had gone threw all the rooms but my mine so I figured I would give it a shot, but as I tired to open the door it would move. Someone had locked it, why would Joe be in my room and have the door locked. It didn’t make since but he was the only one who wasn’t downstairs. I put my hand in my hair and pulled out a bobby pin and started picking the lock. I heard someone moan and it sounded like a girl. What the fuck was he watching porn or something? I messed with the lock and it finally came undone and I heard the moan again. I opened the door quietly and looked in, I seen Joe but a blonde curly hair girl was on top of him and there were a lot of clothes lying on my floor. I bit my lip and held back tears as I watched them kiss, I couldn’t believe he was going to have sex with her in my bed.

“I love you, forever and always.” Joe said quietly but I heard him.

I felt my heart shatter as he said that to his tramp girlfriend, I felt like I was having a heart attack. Everything started to get blurry as I watched his lips hit hers again, I couldn’t take it. I took off my heels and threw one at Joe and the other at Taylor. Joe looked over Taylor and smirked at me, I felt hot tears run down my cheeks as I took off running out of the room. I heard my shoe’s click on the hard wood floor as I ran down the steps, I also heard someone running behind me. Someone grabbed me and I knew it was Joe, I pushed him back and he fell back on the stairs, I turned and faced him.

“What the fuck is your deal Jonas? One minute you’re trying to get in my pants and then next you’re in your slutty ass girlfriends!” I screamed.

Everyone came running out of the living room and watched as everything played out in front of them. I looked down at Joe and he had his shirt undone and his hair was a mess but he looked at me horrified.

“I wanted to be with you but you where leaving so it didn’t matter I figured I mite as well move on!” Joe screamed back.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“You’re leaving tomorrow for your movie you were just going to hook up with me and then leave tomorrow without even telling me! What was I going to wake up to a text saying bye I had to go do a movie?” Joe shook his head.

“No I turned it down for you! I wanted you back and if you would have talked to me instead of acting like a 12 year old and pushing me away you would have known that! I though we were going to have a second chance to be together but like always you fucked it up! Forever and always was the biggest lie I ever heard out of your mouth! I should have known when you came back with your slut that we would never get back together!” I cried harder.

“Oh here we go talking about how I left you and came back with someone else! Get over it Kourtney it happened and it's done I wouldn't have even been with someone if you hadn’t whored it up while I way away! Then don’t even get me started on that asshole Ethan!” Joe screamed again.

“I told you a thousand times I never slept with him! You want to know why it’s such a big deal! Because you claim that you love me and never fucking bothered to pick up a damn phone to even let me hear your voice for a second! I’m so fucking sick of chasing you, this is just a huge a fucking game to you! I had my feelings on the line I tired to let you go to be friends but you didn’t want that you wanted that stupid ass game you play! I hate you! Oh and your slut is cheating on you with Brian I caught them when I went to the boat house to met you!” I screamed.

“You’re lying! Just stop trying to ruin my life!” Joe yelled in my face.

“Yeah that’s my goal to ruin your life, like you ruined mine! Don’t bother calling me when you find out what the slut was really doing behind your back, I wont be there to pick up the pieces or their to take you back! Just stay away!” I smacked him then pushed him back.

I took off running and opened the door, I seen it was poring run but just ran out into it. I heard people calling my name as I kept running, I felt the puddle’s splash my feet as I ran. After what seemed like forever of running I stopped and leaned against a wall, I took out my phone and hit delete to everyone calling and texting me. I went to Mikes name and hit call.

“Hello?” Mike asked.

“Mike its Kourtney, I need you to call the movie people back and tell them I was joking and I said yes.” I head back tears.

“Kourtney it’s too late.”Mike said sadly.

“Call them back or anyone for that matter! Just get me out of this fucking town!” I screamed.

“Ok I’m calling, I’ll make you flight on the red eye.” Mike said calmly.

I hung up then threw my phone out into the road and slid down the wall, and started crying. I bawled my eyes out while the rain hit my exposed skin. After an hour of setting their in the rain a car pulled up and stopped. I looked and saw Kevin running towards me and hugged me, I fell into him still crying and he just held me. Kevin picked me up and Mazz opened the car door and Kevin put me in it. I set in the car shaking as Kevin and Mazz put a warm jacket over me.

“Where do I need to take you?” Kevin asked taking my hand.

“Airport.” I said threw tears.

Mazz moved up and held onto me while I cried, I held onto Mazz and cried on her shoulder and Kevin tighten his grip on my hand and never let go. Kevin pulled into the airport then turned off the car, Kevin stepped out of the car and walked around it holding an umbrella. I heard my door open and I got out and Mazz took a hold of me and walked inside. I couldn’t cry and my throat was dry, I wanted to die. Kevin’s phone started to go off and he picked up.

“I got her, it isn’t good were at the airport and she’s leaving.” Kevin said.

Kevin hung up shortly after talking to whomever and I pushed him and Mazz away and seen it was almost midnight. I walked to the counter and got the ticket Mike had booked for me, and then walked back to them.

“You’re really leaving?” Mazz asked.

“Yeah I need to go be away do something.” I said biting my lip.

“Please don’t go.” Mazz started crying.

Seeing Mazz cry made me start crying and I hugged her again tight. I held onto Mazz tight as she sobbed loudly. I felt bad for her but I couldn’t stay and be broken anymore I already felt like I was in a million pieces.

“You’re my best friend Mazz, I need you to let me go. This isn’t goodbye will still be friends and you can call me. You will always be my best friend. You're my sister.” I smiled and wiped her tears.

“I am still going to miss you. I want you to call me as soon as you get back into California.” Mazz cried while letting go of me.

“I will I promise.” I smiled.

I seen Kevin standing their waiting for me and I walked up to him and hugged him tight. Kevin put his arms around me and held onto me tight. Kevin was just as upset as Mazz and had started crying a little to.

“I’m going to miss you Kourt, you better call me every second of the day till I see you again.” Kevin wiped his eyes.

“I promise I will Kev you and Nick are the only Jonas men I like right now.” I smiled weakly.

Kevin smiled and kissed my cheek then hugged me again. I pulled my self away from him and gave Mazz another hug, I heard my plane being called then started to walk away from them. As the lady took my ticket I took a look back at Kevin and Mazz, Kevin was holding onto Mazz and they where both crying. Mazz waved and Kevin mouthed I love you to me, I waved to them then ran to get on the plane. I took my seat in first class and just looked out the window as the plane took off. I started crying again, I was on my way back to LA, with a broken heart.
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Let me know what you think & if you see mistakes.
