Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 9


I watched Lola and Julia walk out of Hollywood Records arm in arm. After Lola’s evil smile we got into a fight about what she was going to do to Julia. Then Lola convinced to let her take Julia and make her over after 10 minutes of fighting I just gave up and let Lola have her way. I was kind of depressed I missed Lyndie and Lola just took my one project that got my mind off Lyndie leaving and a lonely Christmas. I set down on the bench in the lobby and looked out the window. I got bored watching the people walk around so I walked up the stairs.

“What do you want from me? I saw you with that Disney bitch!” Mazz yelled from her recording room.

“Well I saw you sucking Jesse McCartney’s face!” Someone shot back.

“So that gives you the right to hang out with that whore?” Mazz snapped then opened the door.

I saw Mazz run out of her recording room she looked about to cry as she pasted me. I knew I shouldn’t go help her and I should go look in the room and see who she was fighting with. I couldn’t do it though. I walked into the bathroom and heard sobs I new it was Mazz. I walked up to the stall I heard the crying coming from.

“Mazz are you ok?” I asked.

“Why do you care Ryan?” Mazz yelled.

“Because no matter how much I hate you I can’t stand to see people upset just come talk to me.” I said hitting the door softly.

“Why so you can gossip to Perez? I’ll pass just leave Ryan!” Mazz yelled.

I sighed and gave up. She wasn’t coming out no matter how much I tired to help her. I walked out of the restroom and as I walked by her recording room I couldn’t help but look in. I didn’t see anyone. I felt bad for Mazz she seemed really upset. I shrugged it off though it’s all I could do. I walked into my recording room and everyone was gone so I snuck in and grabbed my laptop. I throw my laptop under my arm and walked up to the roof. I opened the door and saw a boy standing on the roof just looking down at people.

“Oh my god don’t jump.” I yelled.

“I wasn’t going to jump.” Joe laughed turning around.

“Oh hi Joe.” I sighed.

“Now that isn’t how most girls say hi to me.” Joe smirked.

“Let me guess it’s something like this. Oh Joe, Oh Joe.” I faked moaned.

“I wish.” Joe laughed even harder.

“So what you doing up here Jonas?” I asked setting on the ground.

“Trying to write a song, my brothers and I are working on our second album. Plus my family is annoying me.” Joe said taking a spot next to me.

“Nice want some help?” I asked.

“Wait you can write music?” Joe asked.

“Can’t everyone that works where?” I laughed.

“True, but what do you do?” Joe asked laying back on his elbows.

“Why does it matter?” I asked looking him.

“What is with this ‘Why does it matter’ deal?” Joe asked.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged.

“Oh, well what’s with your hair last time I saw you it was pretty now it looked like hell.” He said.

What the hell did my hair look that bad that everyone has to say something about it even the rockstar! I wanted to scream and not because I’m next to one of the hottest rockstars and I look like hell.

“Thanks Joe. I appreciate it. I’ll fire my hair dresser asap.” I rolled my eyes.

“Here let me help.” Joe pulled my ponytail out of my hair.

“Joe!” I yelled.

“What it looks better then that mess you had it in.” Joe shrugged.

“Asshole!” I mutter.

“Ok sorry I’m being mean.” Joe apologized.

“Thank you.” I smiled and flipped on my computer.

“So why are you up here?” Joe asked.

“Because I like it up here, is that good enough for you.” I smirked.

“Not really but I figure that’s all I’m getting.” Joe looked up at the sky.

“See your starting to get it.” I stared at him.

“Yeah I guess.” He looked over at me.

Joe’s brown eyes meet my blue ones. It felt like we kept looking at each other for a long time and neither of us said a word. I heard the computer beep and turned from Joe’s gaze and looked at it. The battery was dying.

“Why is there a huge snow flake on your scene saver?” Joe asked setting up.

“Well I love the snow and I haven’t seen it scents I moved out here so I wanted something to remind me of home.” I smiled remembering all the good time.

“So I’m guessing you aren’t a fan of hot weather?” Joe looked at me waiting for my answer.

“Not really I mean its sucks. In winter I can go outside and lie in the snow and watch all the little snowflakes fall on me.” I smiled.

“What’s your favorite memory of winter?” He asked.

I saw the computer died and just closed it. As I though about his question one memory stuck out more than anything.

“Just any that has my family in it.” I didn’t mean to say it and didn’t realize it was done said.

“You miss them a lot don’t you?” Joe asked.

“Yes, every day it’s hard I was close to my brothers and parents.” I said biting my lip.

“I’m sorry.” Joe whispered in my ear and hugged me.

“It’s fine.” I whispered back and put my arms around his waist.

As I hugged him I didn’t want to let go he was nice and warm and I was freezing. As I let go of my phone started to go off. I knew it was Lola and she was done with Julia. I didn’t want to go I don’t know why I felt so comfortable with Joe a guy I barley knew but I do.

“Thanks for this but I have to go.” I smiled and grabbed my computer.

“I see you have a habit of leaving people.” Joe laughed.

“Yep that’s me. Bye Joe.” I smirked and walked down to my recording room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its kinda of long.
but Joe. =]
and poor Mazz.
I wonder what Julia looks like.

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