Waking up in Vegas

What The Hell Happened?

Brenda’s P.O.V

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch…..My head. I woke up and quickly grabbed my head. It feels like it’s been ran over, and put in the blender. I took a deep breath to try and make the ringing in my ear stop. What the hell happened last night? I try to open my eyes but the sun was shining in and I didn’t feel like getting blinded so early I the morning. I decided I should get up and see the girls. They probably know what happened. Suddenly as I was getting up I stopped, I looked down and saw that I was naked under the sheets…..I’ve never slept naked….so….I heard a moan and looked over startled, Fuck Fuck Fuck.

This is not good, oh my god. It was Brian, great I’m officially a whore. I haven’t even known this guy for 24 hours and I already gave him my virginity. I ran my hand threw my hair, and looked around the room. It wasn’t my room so I was guessing it was his. Out of the blue my hand gets stuck in my hair, I untangled it from my hair and then noticed something that wasn’t there before…….OH MY GOD.

No this can’t be happening; a huge ass ring was on my finger. I quickly scooted over to Brian and checked his hand. He too had a ring on. This is not good, not good at all. While I was panicking, Brian woke up with a smile on his face. He then noticed I was there and gave me a confused look. “Where did this come from?” I asked him while breathing heavily. Oh god I feel like I’m going to pass out. His eyes widened as he looked at my hand and then at his. Suddenly we hear a scream and jump out of bed.

I quickly grab the sheets and wrap it around me while Brian took the other and wrapped it around himself. We ran out into the huge living room to see Rose crying and screaming and the rest of the guys and girls. “This cant be happening, not to me. Why me?” cried Rose. “What happened?” I asked her as I quickly ran over to comfort her.

“I don’t know I just woke up next to Zack and saw this on my finger” she said as she showed me her hand. “The first time I get drunk, I lose my virginity, and get married” she sobbed into my shoulder. “You were a virgin?” questioned Zacky. This only made Rose cry harder. “Is anyone else married?” I asked hopefully as I looked at the girls. They all checked their hands and shook their heads.

“What the hell happened last night?” I questioned. Sam quickly ran over to the other side of the living room and picked up her video camera. “Maybe this could tell us” said Sam as she ran over to the TV and hooked it up.

Rose’s P.O.V

I cried on Brenda’s shoulder, what am I going to tell my parents? What am I going to do? God I knew it was a bad Idea to come here. All bad things happen in this god forsaken city. When Zack said ‘Were a virgin’ it made me cry harder. I wanted my first time to be special with someone. Not some one night thing. Just as I was crying I heard the TV turn on. I pried myself away from Brenda to see the mess I made.
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Yay! Second update today! Comments?

Over and Out Captain!!!