Waking up in Vegas

The Video Part 2 and The Call

The tape then stopped and we all looked at each other. “So it’s your fault” said Rose as she stood up and pointed to Zacky. His eyes widened in shock, “You didn’t have to saw yes miss wild thing” he said as he too stood up to defend himself. “And our marriage is your fault said Brian as he looked at me.

My jaw dropped, “Do you need me to rewind the tape and tell you who asked who to marry them” I said in anger. “You’re the one who said she wanted to get married, not me” he said as if that settled it. “You’re crazy” I stated with shock. We all continued to argue at whose fault it really was when the tape came back on.

The camera focused in on the inside of a chapel. “Okay let’s start the first ceremony” said a badly dressed minister……at least that’s what it looked like. “Zachary Baker do you take his women to be your lawfully wedded wife?” asked the minister with a smile. Zacky smiled and pulled rose who had a plastic bouquet in her hands. “Yup” said Zacky. “Do you Rose Winter take this man to…” said the minister but was cut off by Rose. “YES” she said loudly.

We were all in the background cheering. “With the power vest in me by the state of Nevada I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride” said the minister. Just then Zacky attacked Rose with a big kiss, they moved out of the way and then Brian and I took our places. We were both laughing so hard. The minister repeated the same thing with Brian and I and we both ended up making out half of our ceremony. Just then everyone was laughing and cheering when the tape cut off.

“I got married in jeans and a Metallica shirt” I said out loud as everyone sat in silence. “What are we going to do?” asked Brian worried. “You guys could get an divorce” said Johnny. “No way that gives them half the right to all their money” said Jimmy. Rose and I stood up enraged. “For your information we don’t need your stupid money, we do fine on our own” I said as I sent him a death glare.

“We don’t want your money” said Rose in a dead voice. All the guys looked at us with weird looks, and Jimmy looked a little scared. “Fuck sorry it’s just a thought” he said as he moved away. Just then a cell phone rang. We all looked around and it was Brian’s phone. “Hello” he said as he picked it up and walked back into the other room.

Brian’s P.O.V

I picked up my cell phone and went into the next room. “Hello” I said as I picked it up. “Brian? Oh my god Brent I finally got him” I heard my mom speak threw the phone. “Mom what’s going on?” I asked panicked that something happened. “Oh don’t act stupid. My little boy MARRIED” she yelled threw the phone. My eyes widened in shock. “How did you know?” I asked in shock as I sat down at the edge of the bed. “Your brother saw the whole thing. He was at the ceremony and he drove all night back to Huntington to tell us the good news. Oh my god the Bakers are even more excited than we are.” She said happily.

“What?” I asked still in shock. “Your father and I never thought you’d grow up and settle down. Oh honey we’re so happy for you. You have to bring my new daughter back, everyone can’t wait to meet her” she said as I stood up and started to pace in a panic. “Oh your father wants to talk to you, bye” she said. Just then I heard my dad, “Well if it isn’t the man of the hour. Congratulation, Son I got to tell you the truth. We never thought it would happen. I mean you’ve never shown any signs of ever wanting to get married and here you are. Married, you have to come back tonight. We have to meet her. Oh and the Bakers want Zacky to bringing his new wife. Fuck you should hear them. His mother actually started crying” said my dad.

“Um…thanks dad. I will but I have to go” I said quickly. “Ha ha can’t stay away from her can you? I was like that with your mom when we first got married” he said. “Well I’ll let you get back. I’ll see you tonight son” and just like that. I closed my cell phone and began to freak out. What the hell was I suppose to tell them? And one thought crossed my mind…..I’m Screwed!
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I hope you like it! Please comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!