Waking up in Vegas

Questions and Answers

Brian’s P.O.V

I walked out of the room feeling like my brain was nub, I looked up and saw everyone talking and arguing, I quickly grabbed Zacky’s arm and dragged him back to the room effortlessly. Maybe he could think of a way out of this. “Man what the fuck is your problem?” he asked as he rubbed his arm from where I held him. I began to pace again, “We have a problem” I said.

“Ya I kind of figured that out when I saw the video” he said as he gave me a look that said he thought I was crazy. “That’s not our biggest problem now” I said in a loud whisper. He gave me a confused look, “What do you mean?” he asked, I picked up my phone. “My parents just called. Apparently Brent caught the wedding and drove back all night to Huntington to tell our parents. They want us to bring our ‘wives’. Your parents told my dad to make sure you bring her with you. Not to mention my mom who has gone crazy over the fact that I got married” I said all in one breathe.

Zacky just sat on the edge of the bed shocked, “How the fuck did this happen to us?” he asked. I just shook my head, “I don’t know but we have to figure out something quick” I said as I sat next to him. “I guess we really don’t have a choice but to bring them back with us… that’s if they agree” said Zacky in a defeated tone. We both knew our parents wanted us to settle down but we didn’t want to especially like this.

Brenda’s P.O.V

I was about to rip Jimmy a new one for thinking we wanted Brian and Zacky’s money when Zacky and Brian walked out ofour Brian’s room. “Shut the fuck up” yelled Brian, we all went silent from our fighting and looked at then. “What the fuck is up with you?” snarled Scarlet. Brian took a deep breath to try and clam himself. “Is it possible for us to speak with Rose and Brenda in private?” asked Zacky, he too looked like he was trying to stay clam.

Rose and I looked at each other and she gave me the ‘lets just do it to keep the peace’ look. I sighed and nodded my head, Rose and I followed Zacky and Brian back into Brian’s hotel room. “Okay… what did you guys want?” I asked, Brian looked very uncomfortable and began to explain.

“Well last night my brother Brent saw us get married and went back to Huntington and told my parents and Zacky’s parents. A little while ago they called us and they were really happy. They said they want to meet the both of you and….well….we were…wondering if you could come back to Huntington with us for a few days?” he asked a little scared at the end.

They wanted us to meet their parents… that was weird seeing as we only met them yesterday but this whole situation was weird. “Um…can Rose and I talk first?” I asked, they both nodded and left the room. “What do you think?” I asked Rose as I turned to her, I was confused about all of this. She gave me small smile and nodded her head, “Bren we should go” said Rose. She always was eager to please people. “But Why?” I whine as I leaned back on the bed.

“Because, think of their parents. They have Rock stars for sons and they must have been pretty happy to see them married no matter how they did it. And they must be happy if they wanted to meet us” she said. I thought about the situation for a minute. “Rose I didn’t want to get married yet” I told her. She sat down next to me and gave me a sympathetic look.

“I know but maybe we could get a divorce or something when we’re back home” she said. I sighed; “Fine” I said as I got up and went to the door. I opened it and peeked my head out. The girls were gone which meant they were going back to our hotel rooms to shower and get the hell out of here. I saw the guys sitting in their living room space talking.

I cleared my throat as Rose and I stepped into the living room. “We’ll do it” said Rose; “Thank you” said Brian and Zack. “Rose and I are going to go get our stuff and get ready…when do you want to leave?” I asked hoping it was going to be soon. For some reason I’m not that much of a fan of Las Vegas now. “Um... why don’t we meet in the lobby in two hours?” said Zack. Rose and I nodded our heads and went to go get out remaining clothes from their rooms. As we left and got into the elevator I couldn’t help but get the feeling that I was going to regret this.
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Okay so my internet is being a bitch and my computer broke down but it decided to work today so here's an update! If i can I'll update again tonight! I started on Crossroads so keep an eye on your watch lists! LOVE COMMENTS! I finally finished midterms so I'll be able to update more!

Over and Out Captain!!!