How to Disappear Completely


I glance at Durden's ever-expanding waist-line. I have wondered about her stomach. How could she give birth? What if she is too weak? I am afraid for her, although I should not be.

I should fear for Beckett, Carden, Chislett, Mrotek, Siska, and myself.

"Durden, you're pregnant." We sit on the mats, practicing yoga. We finished our slow laps in the pool. I feel the soft undulation of the water still, the droplets from my dark hair dripping onto my gray shirt. "What does it feel like?"

"It feels like a small...creature living inside me. It kicks, feels warm..." She smiles. "I have heard labor is painful, you know, from those ancient books, but for this special blessing, I will go through with it." Durden rubs her stomach happily. "I can't wait to give birth to a miracle."

I smile, wondering if Mrotek will even be around for the birth. If any of us will. And who will take care of her? Our pupils are barely reaching puberty; how could they possibly help raise a baby?

"How long has it been?" I ask, stretching my arms over my head.

"It's been quite a while...Almost nine months," she answers. No one has noticed her waist line until now; she has been hiding it well. "I could be giving birth at any time now."

I shut my eyes. Mrotek will not live long enough to see his child. I wonder what gender it will be. I hope a girl; she could keep her mother company in this sea of men.

"Have you decided on a name?" I continue to stretch in order to keep myself from feeling frustrated. I start to say whatever comes into my mind in order to wave away the silence. "I'm sure the baby will be beautiful."

"Oh, I'm sure it will too. Babies, in general, are beautiful. I think all children are beautiful." Durden continues to stretch, grin plastered on her face. "I haven't thought of any names...Andy suggested Buster, but I'm sure it was just a joke. Do you have any suggestions?" She seems so content; I hope she never hears of our deaths.

"No, I have none." If I had children, I would never want the burden of naming them. I could never choose.

"If you have any suggestions, let me know," she says, standing up. "This was very relaxing, Rory, but I need to visit Andy. I'm sure I should tell him that I might...well, he should keep an eye on me. I'll see you." She waves, exiting with a slight skip in her step.

How can one be so happy?

> >

We gather in a gray room with a circular mahogany table inside. There are only six chairs set. I sit down, waiting for the others arrive. I'm sure we all understand what this meeting will be about.

As soon as everyone enters, Mrotek is the first to speak. "How soon?" he interrogates roughly, crossing his arms. Chislett grits his teeth at Mrotek's attitude.

"Soon. We'll be leaving as soon as tomorrow morning at six-o'clock.."

"Tomorrow?" Mrotek grips the table. "But Kate could--"

"We know, and Marshall and Johnson will take care of her; we've prepared them for the worst. Surprisingly, Carden taught them what to do when a woman is giving birth." We stare at him questionably.

Carden shrugs. "I thought it'd be important one day."

"Can Rory stay behind to--"

"Absolutely not. We need as much help as we can get," Carden replies. "Saporta leaves tomorrow, and we go tomorrow. There's no better time to do it. The sooner we release Big Brother's grip, the sooner we return the world back to normal."

"This is normal. Don't say normal," Siska states, running his hands through his thick, curly hair. "As long as Big Brother's rule ends, it doesn't matter."

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch," Beckett grumbles. "I'm going to let him die slowly. Painfully."

This event is driving everyone insane. I touch the necklace Beckett gave me. What will we do if things go wrong? I shake my head. Hopefully everything will run smoothly. Everything has been planned. We are safe. "Saporta's strong are they?"

"Not very. I can defeat Saporta in minutes; they rely on technology than strength."

"What if we're killed?"

"May our pupils live on to destroy Big Brother." Beckett leans forward, touching my hand. "I promise we'll survive. All of us will live on, this cloud of red lifted from the sky. No longer will everyone look the same, no longer will every country die slowly. No longer will everyone suffer, no longer will children be murdered. We can and will defeat Big Brother, no matter what it takes."

"Even if it costs our lives," Mrotek chimes in.

"If we are defeated, then so be it." Beckett stands up. "We will win, even if our predecessors did not. We will avenge them and return this earth back to its original form. Grass will grow and life will thrive."

"That's right," Chislett agrees, grinning.

"Miracles can happen. Durden proved this." Siska stands up. He looks at me. "Rory, will you join us? You don't have to; we understand if you don't."

I stand up slowly. "For our future and for our present, may they live better lives than we have." We all stand proudly, knowing our fate. If death occur, then it will. If not, we will establish the world as it had once been: proud and glorious.