Unbelievable, Unforgettable.

"Looking at Andie Karpinski and she's definitely an odd one, everyone can see that. But it's not her fault. We look out for her, if a new kid comes in and says anything about her then they're quickly told the short version. We all look out for her, with her background, it's hard not to feel sorry for her."

Andie Karpinski was never treated badly at home, she was never really bullied in school, she worked hard to get decent grades at school and had a passion for dancing.

Until one fateful day when her world is turned upside down and suddenly the small town in the South West of Wales, UK, is very protective of her. Newcomers are quickly told of the young girl's plight if questions are asked.

But for all this, Andie still feels lost, alone, trapped in a world that she cannot escape.

Then one day an angel in the form of a single celebrity comes to this small town. The heart-throb of the new soap opera that's wormed it way into every living room around Britain. With all the excitement of this famous celebrity coming to complete his final years at a simple comprehensive school, Andie doesn't realise that the arrival of the British celebrity could ever mean a new lease of life for her old passion.