Unbelievable, Unforgettable.

Stars In Their Eyes

Andie pulled the brush through her hair gently, the deep black of the soft brush a stark contrast next to her long silver white hair. She still didn't really understand why her hair had turned white that day, but so had a lot of things. The doctors said it was the sudden exposure to the light that had damaged her body. Andie still couldn't decide if the doctors were just grasping at straws or if they really did believe that.

But that wasn't her main concern. She sighed and put down the brush; she looked at herself in the mirror and saw the trophies and medals, from her dancing years. But that had all ended with the end of two lives; her brother's life, and hers. Andie's ice blue eyes lingered on the photograph of her brother; it had been taken just a few weeks before his death two years ago. She had jumped on his back just as the picture was being taken, the shock and laughter was apparent on her brother's face. Andie's pale hand rose, her fingers outstretched towards the picture before it dropped back to her lap pathetically.

"Greg...what would you do...?" She asked her voice hardly recognisable. She heard her father calling up the stairs, it was time for school. Andie sighed and stood slowly, picking her bag from her bed and slowly walking over the soft carpet. Andie took one last look around her room before switching the light off. As she turned away she saw the early winter light rest on Greg's face. Her eyes flickered to his quickly before she closed her door and braced herself for another day of pity and protection.


He sat in the soft leather seat and sighed. His companion for the journey was snoring gently beside him and they'd already watched all the films, he'd played all the games and was now bored. The mini-fridge was empty and the next stop wasn't for another hour and a half.

Damien sighed and slumped back against the seat, watching the fields flash past as the expensive car smoothed out any bumps in the road.


Andie pressed the red button on the bar and heard the familiar buzz. She smiled at the woman who sat next to her, murmuring a small thank you as the woman moved so she could get out. Joining the end of the queue of school students she shuffled off the bus, thanking the driver as she stepped off and striding away from the buzzing crowd on this cold Monday morning.

Andie walked into the sixth form block alone and wandered into the common room, she was the first one in there. Good. Sitting on one of the chairs at the back corner of the room Andie pulled out her book and flicked through the pages. Once she had found her place Andie was soon lost in the fantasy world of Terry Pratchett.


Damien sighed and rummaged in his bag. This was his last resort, he didn't usually read but his uncle had bought him this book just before they'd left and he couldn’t leave it behind 'by accident'. Damien glanced at the front cover, the title was Latin and a corner of his mouth twitched as he translated it easily, Carpe Jugulum.

"Seize the throat...hm." His murmured, before flicking open the first few pages and glancing at the first chapter before turning the book over and reading the blurb. He raised an eyebrow sceptically. He had lost interest in vampires long ago, hadn't he?

Damien turned back to the first page and started to read.
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okay, it's kind of an odd first chapter but i'm a bit tired and in danger of being kicked off the computer. So i hope you like, this is just something new that i'm trying. Please let me know what you think and chapter 2 will be up soon.