Status: Re-vamped and re-posting

Fabricated Reality

The First Elimination

I walked back outside to see Ava next to the bar, huddled into a seat as Zaria screamed at the same tall brunette who was getting in her face. I quickly ran over to them to see what was going on.

“Stop fucking getting in my face or I’ll fuck yours up!” shouted Ria, she looked over at me and pointed at the tall girl. “Courtney here, thinks she can push her way around people and piss me off!”

“Ria stop it, do you want to get your ass kicked out of here for fighting before the shows even really started?” I didn’t need an answer to that to know she would say no. I pointed at Courtney “You. You better step the fuck off and grow up.”

“I’m not gonna step off. Sweetheart in case you haven’t noticed I live to start things up, this is one big game and I’m hell bent on winning. Plus, she’s just too easy to toy with” her voice was harsh and conniving and I wanted so bad just to hit her.

“Well leave Ava alone, you consider this a game, fine, play fair.” I threatened.

“Or what?” She smirked as she advanced on me. I was about to pull my fist back and sock her one between the eyes but I didn’t really have to.

“Or else you don’t play at all.” said a firm voice from behind her. We all looked in the direction of the voice all though we didn’t really need to for us to know who it was, Zacky V. “If you’re here, you’re here for Jimmy. You wanna play mind games with the other girls you can get the fuck out.” he then turned and left.

“Oops?” I smirked then Courtney huffed before turning on her heal and also walking away. I sighed and ran a had through my long black hair before looking at Ava. “We need to talk but first I need a drink.”

“You have half a bottle left.” she said in confusion. I looked down at my bottle of beer before tilting my head back and downing the nearly three quarter full bottle.

“Not anymore I don’t.” I said lazily as I sat on the bar stool next to her I lifted the bottle and the guy behind the bar nodded his head as he served one of the over girls, signalling he knew what I wanted. “Okay back to you, what was all that about?”

“All what? I don’t know what your talking about.” this time I knew her confusion was fake. She knew exactly what I wanted to know.

“I distinctly remember her shouting ‘how can you be here for Jimmy when he drove you here?’ what’s that about?” I asked as I took the new bottle of beer from the bartender, saying thanks of course. She sighed and looked down before answering.

“I already know Courtney. She’s my ex’s sister, the same ex that drove me here.” my eyes widened. “I’m not with him though, we broke up on good terms and we’re still friends that’s it. I don‘t know why she‘s acting like this.” I nodded my head, understanding what she meant, I had an ex boyfriend from three years ago I was still friends with. He just came out as gay last month and now he’s one of my best friends.

“And what are you going to do about it?” I asked her but I didn’t get an answer because as soon as I’d finished my question Mike came out and asked everyone to follow him. He led us over to the steps which led down to the pool and all twenty five of us stood there in three lines on the first three steps in front of Matt, Johnny, Brian and Zacky awaiting our fate. This was the first elimination.

“Here he is, none other than our very own Jimmy Sullivan!” called Zacky and all us girl started cheering and calling. Jimmy walked over to the guys and stood next to them. He looked nervous as hell and I didn’t blame him, if you think about it, by the end of this show he could possibly lose the band twenty four of their fans depending on how they take their rejection. After all, this was the first elimination.

“Okay I’m pretty tired just now and I’m sure you all are too so I’m just gonna do this..” he sighed. “The first person going home tonight is….” he left a long pause for dramatic effect. “Marie.” one of the girls from the front row walked forward and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry Marie I just don’t think that we have a connection.” she walked away. Four more to go.

“Next is Britani.” the girl next to me on the middle row sighed before walking down to meet him. “We both know why you need to go home Britani, you need to spend this time with your mom.” she nodded her head and he kissed her on the cheek before she followed Marie.

“Brenda can you come down here please.” one of the girls from the back row walked down and over to him. “ I’m sorry but I just don’t think you’re my type and to be honest, from what we talked about, I don’t think I’m your type either.” she got a kiss on the cheek like the rest before heading off in the same direction as the other two.

“Next to leave tonight is Faye.” again a girl from the front row walked towards him. “I know that you think you want to be here Faye and I really do like you but when we were talking I could tell you were really uncomfortable and not enjoying yourself and I don’t want you to feel like that.” he gave her a kiss on the cheek and she followed the path the other three had gone down. One more person to leave.

“The last person that will be leaving is…” another dramatic pause. “Courtney D.” my eyes widened as I realised both that I was staying and that the bitch was not. She walked down to him but he didn’t look happy, not like he had with the other four girls. “Courtney your going home tonight because I heard about an argument you had with one of the other girls and the way you were talking to her and the way you treated one of the others girls was fucked up but to top it off you referred to this as just a game, well this is one game you just lost.”

He didn’t kiss Courtney’s cheek he just let her walk away, her head hanging low. But I had the feeling she wasn’t upset that she’d been kicked out at the first elimination, she was upset that she’d been found out.

“The rest of you are staying!” he called out and we all cheered excitedly. “Okay grab yourselves some roommates and get your gorgeous asses in there and pick your room!” I felt Zaria grab my wrist and I grabbed Ava’s wrist as she led us through the house to find the best room. Looks like we were roommates now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay everyone, let me know what you think
and tell me if i should continue this story or not

Five comments please..
