Slowdance on the Inside

chapter 1


[Amanda's pov]
I sat at the window of the hotel room that my mother and I were staying in, looking out at the London skyline.
Clouds loomed accross the sky threatening to rain on those unfortunate people cought out below, a smile crept across my lips at the thought.
As soon as the thought left my mind the heavens opened, I loved to just watch the rain, moving my hand to the glass I traced the raindrops with my finger.
"Oh that's just perfect," sighed my mother as she walked over towards me adjusting her outfit.
"I'm sure that the hotel would have an umbrella that you can borrow," I said still looking out of the window.
"Yeah I hope so," she kissed me on the head and ruffled my hair. "Now I'm going to be out until about four, so I've left you some money on the table by the door."
"Ok," I said looking up.
"Are you sure you'll be ok?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I smiled.
"Ok then sweetheart, take care and call me if you need me," she said picking up her bag.
"I will do," I replied watching as she left the room.
I continued sitting at the window for a while until the rain became lighter and the sun started to shine through the clouds.
Standing up I stretched and looked around for my jacket which I'd thrown down the night before, once I found it I put it on and picked up the money that my mother had left for me and the key card for the room.
After placing them in the front pocket of my jeans I walked out of my room towards the eleavator or lift as they call them here.
I pressed the button and looked up to see the floors that it was passing on it's way down, until it finally reached mine.
The doors opened and I stepped in, smiling at a woman holding a baby before standing in one of the corners at the back.