Slowdance on the Inside

chapter 17

[Amanda's pov]
An hour later we were stood in an alley running down the side of a club called the mean fiddler.
"This place smells like piss," grimabed Adam looking around us.
"It adds to the atmosphere," I laughed.
"I guess you're right," he smiled. So who's this band we're seeing?"
"I haven't a clue, but there's a line so they can't be bad." I replied.
"Yeah, a cold line." He replied exaggerating a shicer.
"Aww you poor thing," I said as I moved closer to him and gave him a hug.
"That's better," he said resting his head on mine.
I could have stayed like that for the whole night, but unfortunately the doors opened and the line started to move inside.
I smiled nervously at him as I pulled away from our hug to follow everyone inside, he walked beside me resting his hand on the small of my back as if he were guiding me.
Once we got inside we found our way to the bar and got some drinks, before heading up to the balcony to wait for the band to come onstage.
"So do you think we'll ever see each other again after tomorrow?" I asked as i leant against the balcony wall and faced Adam.
"I hope so," he replied moving some hair away from my face.
"You sure you wont be too busy living the life of a rockstar?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Of course not," he smiled, making my insides do aerobics.
"I hope so." I said, I wasn't sure whether he heard that though as the band started to play.
I turned around to face the stage and suddenly felt as if my legs would give way, as Adam wrapped his arms around my waist.
After the show finished and the club closed we headed back to the hotel, getting a black cab rather than the tube this time.
Once we arrived back at the hotel Adam escorted me up to my room.
"So I had a great time tonight," he said placing his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah me too," I replied fiddling with my key card.
"Ok well goodnight," he said leaning in to hug me.
"Goodnight," I replied sadly.
I watched as he walked away before stopping and turning back to face me.
"So we'll be checing out at ten, you know if you wanna come say goodbye." He said before carrying on down the hall.
"Okay," I replied as I opened the door to my room.