Slowdance on the Inside

chapter 2

[Adam's pov]
I walked into the elevator and stood at the back watching the numbers change on the dial above the doors as we descended, thirty-two, thirty-one, thirty, twenty-nine.
As we reached the twenty-eighth the elevator ground to a halt and the doors opened.
A young woman with dirty blonde hair stepped in, smiling at a woman holding a baby as she made her way to the opposite corner at the back.
I couldn't help but look at her as we carried on going down, the sight of her distracting me from the god awful elevator music which was filtering in to the ever increasingly confined space.
After a minute or so she glanced up at me and smiled, instinct told me to look away but I couldn't.
I smiled back at her feeling my cheeks flush as I did so, as I turned back towards the doors they opened at the ground floor and everyone began to file out into the lobby.
As I stepped out of the elevator I saw my bandmates and manager waiting by the entrance, I looked down at the ground and slowed my pace, dragging my feet slightly as I moved towards them.
"Glad you decided to join us," said our manager looking down at his watch.
"Yeah sorry, I didn't realise the time." I sighed.
"Well the time is now late so get your asses out to the car, you've got work to do." He said gesturing to the doors.
"Yes ma'am," laughed Matt as we walked out.
I sat down in the front passenger seat and fastened my seat-belt, resting my head against the window as we began to drive.
The rain had stopped by now but as we moved through the streets I spotted a few people still holding their umbrellas up over their heads.
I began to laugh even though it wasn't really very funny, glancing up in the rear view mirror I saw some of the other guys giving me strange looks before turning their attention to the building that we'd come to a stop outside.
Getting out of the car I sighed at the thought of spending the next god knows how many hours of my life having my picture taken in a bunch of random and ridiculous poses.