Slowdance on the Inside

chapter 21

[Amanda's pov]
Why on earth had I come here? Oh yeah I was practically kidnapped by Evie.
I leant against the wall near the bar watching as a bunch of fake people stood around acting as if they actually liked each other, even though even a blind person could see that they didn't.
To my left I could see Evie dancing with a couple of seriously metrosexual guys, I'm all for guys taking care of their appearance but these two were so feminine that they might as well just grow a pair of breasts.
Eventually I moved away from my place by the wall and headed towards the ladies room, as I stood in line for a cubicle I endured the most mindless conversation between two girls who looked ad if they hadn't eaten in about a year.
"Oh my god, my ass looks so huge in this dress," said the blonde turning to look at her behind in the mirror.
"Oh please! You have nothing to worry about, your ass looks fine. But look at my arms," said her brunette friend pinching the blink and you'll miss it flesh on her arms.
"Oh god kill me now," I muttered quietly to myself.
As I walked back out of the bathroom I saw Evie rushing towards me.
"Oh my goodness, guess who I just saw!" She said gripping my hands.
"The president?" I replied smiling.
"No Amanda, and even if I saw the president do you think I'd be so excited?" She asked.
"If he were in pain you would." I laughed.
"True. But anyways, guess!" She said.
"I can't guess, just tell me." I sighed.
"Geez, did anyone ever tell you how boring you can be? Ok, I just saw that cute short guy in your boys band." She replied.
"What?" I asked feeling a little confused.
"Ugh! Matt Ru-whatever." She replied slowly as if she were talking to a three year old, or maybe even a dog.
"Matt Rubano! Are you sure? Is Adam here?" I asked as I began to feel excited.
"I'm about ninety-five percent sure it was him, but I don't know if Adam's here." She replied.
"Well where is Matt?" I asked.
"Follow me," she said taking hold of my hand and leading me back towards the party.
After a minute or two of weaving through people we stopped.
"There," she said pointing her finger towards a small group of people.
To one side of the group stood Matt, and to the other was Adam looking gorgeous in a simple black suit.
As I began to walk towards him to say hi a pretty girl showing a small baby bump wrapped her arms around Adam and kissed him softly.
I stopped walking and just stared, it felt as if my heart had dropped down to my gut.
Adam still had a girlfriend, a pregnant girlfriend!
Feeling tears begin to form in my eyes I started to turn back towards Evie, as I did Adam suddenly looked up, as he saw me standing there watching him a look of either horror or sadness crept across his face.
But I didn't stay there for long enough to work out which one it was, I turned around and grabbed hold of Evie's hand, making as fast an exit that I could.