Slowdance on the Inside

chapter 22

[Adam's pov]
I could hardly believe my eyes, Amanda was just metres away from me looking as if she'd just seen someone be hit by a bus.
I quickly excused myself from my friends and followed in the direction that she'd moved in.
I stepped outside in to the warm summer night and looked around, there she was standing with a purple haired girl.
They both looked over at me before starting to walk away.
"Amanda wait!" I called, she stopped walking and turned to face me.
"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" She asked coldly.
"Look I can explain," I said pitifully.
"Explain what? How you played with my emotions and used me while your pregnant girlfriend was back home waiting for you," she spat.
"It's not like that," I replied.
"I really thought that you were different," she said looking away from me with tears in her eyes.
"Can we just talk in private please?" I asked as her friend stared at me.
"Hey look, she's going to tell me what you say anyways, so you might as well just say it while I'm here." Said her friend.
"Fine, look Amanda when I met you I fell for you ok, I fell for you really really hard. I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't have feelings for you, and I was ready to leave Vienne when I came home." I siad.
"You would have left your pregnant girlfriend?" She asked frowning.
"I didn't know that she was pregnant, if I had then I wouldn't have let anything happen with us." I replied.
"Yeah well something did happen, I just wish that you'd had the decency to at least tell me where I stood." She said shaking her head.
"I'm sorry," I said quietly as the two girls walked away.