Slowdance on the Inside

chapter 6

[Adam's pov]
I sat down next to the table that had earlier been full of food, but now only contained a load of empty cups and plates.
I leaned back and blinked my eyes a few times trying to get rid of the colourful dots that the cameras flash had left behind.
I hated these shoots, being the lead singer I was the one that was always at the front or by myself.
It always reminded me of in the Don't Speak video were all the people wanted were pictures of Gwen, which with her really isn't a bad thing, but it's awful when you're the one in that position.
After a while Matt came over and sat besides me.
"Let's try and break out! There's a window in the bathroom, it'll be a tight fit but I'm sure we can get through it." He laughed.
"It's a very tempting thought," I mused. "But I think we're almost done anyways."
"That's a shame," he sighed, moving his body to imitate the position that I was sitting in.
Right on cue our manager came over to where we were sat and informed us that we could change back into the outfits that we'd come in, and get ready to leave.
Reluctantly I gave back the shirt that I'd been given to wear for the shoot and put my one, still showing signs of the suger incident back on.
"So what are we doingnow?" I asked to no-one in particular as we left the building.
"We've got an interview with some guy from NME, and then we're done for the day." Said Fred coming up beside me.
"Oh ok," I replied opening the car door and getting in.
Sitting down I closed my eyes wishing that the next few hours would pass by faster than the previous ones.