Harsh Addiction

The begining.

( present ) I ruined my life. Plain and simple, I don't know how to sugar coat that, nor do I really want to. I'm twenty one years old, and un like every other twenty one year old who went out to there first bar and actually was able to drink, I spent my night in rehab, getting drinks ripped away from my life. I thought it would be all fun and games, I was dead wrong. I'm Anne, welcome to harsh addiction.

( past )
"What the fuck are you doing, Anne?" I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. The air, hot and sticky blew on my face and my bare long legs as I tried pulling my hair up to maybe make myself look better. There was no point, every time I did something with it, it stuck to my face. I had just got a call from my friends asking me if I wanted to go to a party. Naturally, I said yes. The person who was holding the party was someone I didn't know, and he was twenty. "Guy" was his name, and apparently.. "he had it. " I didn't know what "it" was, but my friends wanted it, so I guess I had to get some of "it".
I looked at my face in the mirror as I was doing my make up and then my eyes grazed at my outfit. Short shorts, and "show to much boobs" shirt. Which brought me to the question, "what the fuck are you doing, Anne?" I was going to a party with people I didn't know, dressed like a "hoochie" as my Mom would call it. I took a deep breathe in, and heard a honk.
"Time to go" I said to myself, and hopped out my window. I fell crawling down the pipe on the side of my house.
"Ow, fuck." i muttered to myself. So oringal, huh? When girls do this, crawling down the drain pipe thing, there knight and shining armer is supposed to be throwing rocks at there window, calling them down. My knight and shinning armer, yeah bye bye to him, he dumped me a couple days ago. To hell with all guys. I got up and wiped my knees off. I heard another honk. My head shot up and I looked at the red little car sitting outside of my house, I couldn't help but laugh as I saw my friends with there make up all done and pretty, they all went for the same look I did. "Idiots" I said under my breathe, and then I ran to the car.
"Jesus, guys just because my parents aren't home doesn't mean that the beast I call my sister won't tell on me when they get home from there trip." I was talking to the driver, Lisa.
"Oh yeah, where are they again? " She looked back at me. "Probably getting freaky on the boat in the Bahama's" She giggled and leaned her head back, and puckered her lips. I kissed her and laughed.
" Yeah, leave your two daughters at home, nice parenting" I looked at Lisa as she took off. It should be a crime to be as beautiful as she was. Beautiful wasn't even the right word, she was angelic. Her long black hair flown around your shoulders, and curved around her snow white face. Her lips were full and pouty, and her eyes were a gorgeous green; light and deep. She wore so much eye make up, but she didn't need it. I always thought about Lisa, sexually and as a bestfriend. We've been friends since the diaper days, we always kiss, and hold hands. We were the perfect bestfriends. I couldn't help but smile to myself as she turned her gaze off the road to me. She put her hand on my hand and held it.
"I missed you" She said to me, I smiled but didn't say anything. I didn't need to. I turned my body to the back seat and looked at my other two bestfriends, Emma and Jay, and I waved.
"Hey guys." My lips curled up at the corners as I looked at them. Emma gave me a big smile and Jay just tilted her head up.
We've all been friends for the longest time, Emma was always happy, no matter what happened, she's short and cute. Reminds you of those little pixies you want to keep in your pocket forever. Bright eyes, and long blonde hair, she knows how to pick you up when your feeling down. Even though she was young, she was forced to grow up at a young age, She was 15. And Jay..well, thats simple, Jay a bitch. When Todd, ( my knight and shinning shit ) broke up with me, she went to his house late at night, almost kicked the living shit out of him. She's a dyke, she's amazing. She was almost 19. She stands a whole 5''4 inches from the ground, and has her hair cut down into a mohawk, her pants hang off her ass, and she wears big black hoodies, but her smile ; Oh wow, her smile can light up your whole heart.
And me? I'm the same age as Lisa, 18. My hair is long and brown, and I have muddy brown eyes..I'm nothing special. I felt something tapp my arm. I looked down and I saw Lisa's hand, wrapping around a cigarette, giving it to me along with a lighter, she was saying something.
"So this kid, "Guy" he's pretty cool. My boy knows him and he said he's chill. He just got out of jail." She said over the music. I took the cigarette and lit it. As soon as what she said clicked in my brain, I smiled and inhaled.
" Yeah, none of us know him and he just got out of jail, let's go over his house guys. " I gave her back her lighter and she smiled and giggled.
"We'll be fine, we got the dyke in the back seat." All of our heads turned to Jay. It was amazing how she didn't get affected by the name "dyke" she just smiled and nodded, and balled her hand in a fist and curled it underneath her chin and stared out the window.
The car came to a stop, and Lisa turned down the radio and looked at all of us.
Thats all she needed to say, we all opened our doors.