Life; For Dummies

Chapter One

Life was always good to me. I was blessed, as I have been told so many times before. I was living this amazing life: a good, supportive family, a couple of friends, decent grades...good looks. Hell, I had the girls even dropping at my feet. I look at my life, and I I'm really grateful for all of the things God had given me, Joseph Jonas, over the past fifteen years.

I then look over at the life of my best friend, Ryan Stone. He didn't have a father, he barely had a mother, but he did have a four year old sister that he had to take care of when he got home from school. He had three friends of, that I know of, my brothers and I. His grades were shitty and he always got into fights. He was suspended at least five times a year. I had grown up with the kid, pretty much. He was my best friend, but he had some serious problems.

This story isn't really mine to tell, but I will anyways because if I don't, who will? So ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you the life of Ryan Stone, my best friend since third grade.


The last bell rang and the students filed out of their classrooms, school was finally over for the day. Ryan and I made our way out of our Spanish class, meeting up with my brother Kevin by my locker. After getting our books, we made our way outside the building, Ryan lighting up what I'm guessing was a much needed cigarette. He placed his lighter in his pocket, sucking in the toxins of the cancer stick. I made a face.

"That shit is really going to kill you one day," I said, grimacing as he blew the smoke in my direction purposefully.

He laughed as I waved my hand in front of my face, trying to get rid of the nasty smoke, "When that day comes, that’s when I'll start to worry about it."

"Dude, put that out before you get in my car," Kevin said, unlocking the silver Jeep that was parked in the senior parking lot.

"I need to pick up my sister," Ryan informed us, finishing off the cig and throwing it on the ground, not even bothering to step on it. We got into the car, me in the passenger seat with Kevin while got into the driver's seat. Ryan sat in the back, his leg bouncing up and down in anticipation as Kevin drove to the pre/kindergarten school nearby.

After pulling into the parking lot, ten minutes later, Ryan hopped out of the car. He ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hair, and then made sure his black bangs were out of his piercing green eyes. He always did this before picking up his baby sister. He wanted to make a good impression with the teacher I'm guessing, even though he had her as a teacher as well, way back when. He pulled up his black skinnies a little bit, making sure his boxers weren't showing before popping his collar to his leather jacket and making his way into the school.

Minutes later he was walking out of the school, his pierced lips were turned upwards in a genuine smile. As usual. I looked up at the small blonde whose legs were wrapped around his thin waist and arms around his neck. She chatted happily to her older brother who had one arm holding her up while the other carried her pink Barbie backpack. Once they got to the car, he let go of the backpack and opened the door for them. After placing the backpack in first, he then placed the girl down, giving her a loving kiss on the side of her head before snapping the seat belt so he knew she was secure. He then came to my side of the car, opening the door and getting himself settled as we drove off.

Kevin said hi to the little girl, keeping his eyes on the road, while I turned around in my seat so I was facing her, "Hello Jade, did you have fun in school today?"

She nodded her head giddily and let out a little giggle, "Today was awesome Joey!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm, "Really? What did you do?"

"We made ghost and pumpkin cookies! And we played with shaving cream!" she replied, "It was so much fun! Mrs. Matthews had it all over the desks, and we did the ABC's."

I gasped, over-dramatically, "Oh wow! That's so cool! I wish I could still do that in school!"

"Can you sing me the ABC's Jade?" Kevin asked, looking into the rear-view mirror to stare at the little girl.

She blushed and slumped a little in the seat, letting out a nervous giggle.

"Please?" Kevin whined.

"I'll sing it with you if you want," Ryan said, running his fingers through her blonde locks.

She looked up at her older brother with such admiration, "Okay, but you have to sing with me!" Her hyper-ness instantly came back to her once her older brother spoke.

"Deal, now, start it off," he said.

"A-B-C-D-E-F-G," she started lowly, staring up at me with her big green eyes.

"H-I-J-K-L-" I started to sing with her, louder to encourage her a little.

"M-N-O-P," Ryan finished off my line.

"Q-R-S," she said, louder now and giggling softely.

"T-U-V!" Ryan, Kevin, and I sang.

"W-X-Y and Z!" She finished, singing the letter Z louder than the rest.

I finished the rest of the song, "Now I know my A-B-C's," I reached over and tapped her nose, "Next time won't you sing with me?"

She giggled happily for what seemed like the millionth time, but it was just too darn cute, you had to laugh with her. We pulled into the muddy "driveway", if you can even call it that, of the Stone household. Ryan picked up his bag, getting out of the car and going around to Jade's side. He took off her seatbelt, and picked her up with his left hand, setting her on the ground. He then took her backpack, slinging it over his other shoulder.

"Thanks Kev," he said, nodding towards my brother.

"No problem Ry," Kevin replied, "Bye Jade!"

"BYE KEVY!" she yelled, "BYE JOEY!"

I blew her a kiss, nodding towards my best friend, "You know you're welcome to come over for dinner if you want, as is Jade."

"I know Bro," he said, turning to look at his crappy house that was pretty much falling apart, "Thanks guys. Bye."

He shut the door, grabbing Jade's hand before dodging puddles as they walked up to the front door. He took out his keys, placing them into the lock and the door clicked open. He made his way inside, slamming the door behind him. After he was gone, Kevin and I drove off back to our house, a yellow school bus just pulling away as we made our way into the driveway. We saw Nick just making his way inside, leaving the door open for us so we wouldn't have to go through the garage. Grabbing my bag, I made my way inside, holding it open for Kevin as he walked past me and up the stairs to his room after yelling out a quick "Hi" to our mother.

I set my bag down on the couch in the living room and walked into the kitchen, giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at me, asking me how my day was.

"It was alright," I said, getting some Iced Tea from the fridge.

"How is Ryan?" she asked, she always worries about him, considering he is pretty much her fifth son.

I shrugged, "He's okay I guess. He actually stuck around for the whole day of school so I'm guessing he's alright."

"And Jade?"

I looked up at her, a smile forming on my face, "As cute as ever. We sang the ABC's on the car ride home. She's so adorable."

She laughed, "That’s cute. Did you invite them over for dinner?"

"I always do, you know that," I said, taking a sip from the plastic cup.

"And?" she asked.

"I don't know, mom. He just said he knows," I said, becoming exasperated. God, she's always worrying about him! He's a big boy. He can take care of himself!

"Okay, I'll cook a little extra then and you can bring it over if he's not here by seven," she said, getting up to start cooking.

"Whatever floats your boat," I mumbled, picking up a guitar magazine and flipping through it.
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Tell me what you guys think?

xx, alexis