Life; For Dummies

Chapter Three

[Joe's POV]

It was about five thirty when I heard my door bell ring. I was in my room, playing my Sega Dreamcast, yes old school, but the best game station to ever be made. I was kicking ass in my game Spawn, when I heard the foot steps of an elephant come up the stairs. The door flew open, revealing to me my best friend.

"Ew, who invited you here?" I asked, putting the game on pause.

"Your mom, now move over," he said, popping a squat next to me on the floor in front of the big screen TV I have.

I handed him a controller, going back to the start menu to play Two Player when I noticed something was missing, "Where's Jade?"

He picked his player as I picked mine before answering, "Home."

"Aw, home come you didn't bring her?"

He looked over at me, an eyebrow raised, "Because I was kicked out?"

I laughed, "What did you do this time?"

"I told my mom the truth, and she didn't want to hear it," he said, turning back to the game.

"So you're staying the night?" I asked.

"Nah, I'll go back home. But I am having dinner here. I smelt your mom's lasagna coming down the street," he said, throwing a smirk over in my direction.

For the next hour we just hung out together, until my mom called us downstairs for dinner. We went downstairs and sat at the table, me across from my brother Kevin as Nick and Ryan sat across from eachother. Frankie sat next to my mom at the head of the table as my father sat on the other end. We held hands for Grace, my father leading us in prayer and then Ryan and I pretty much scarfed down our food. After my seconds, and Ryan's thirds, we said thank you and darted upstairs to my room.

As we settled lying down on the floor, Ryan said to me, "So I was thinking about getting a job..."

I stared at him for awhile, not believing my ears, "Wait, your serious aren’t you?"

"Yeah, I mean, we're really close to getting evicted. We can barely pay the rent. Besides, I can get that crayola set Jade really wants. And I can pay for the field trip she really wants to go on next week," he said, sitting up to pick at his ripped skinny jeans.

"Dude, they won't pay you that quick," I said, not understanding. There was no possible way he would get a pay check by this week.

"I know...So I was wondering if you could...maybe..." he said innocently.

"If I could what Ry?" I asked, grudgingly.

" know," he paused, staring me in the eyes with a small smile gracing his lips, "Let me borrow fifteen bucks to send Jade on this trip?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ryan-"

"Please Joey! I'll do anything! I promise I'll pay you back!" he whined, grabbing a hold of my shirt collar.

"Oh yeah, where have I heard that before?" I wondered sarcastically.

"I know, I'm horrible at paying you back! But please Joey, this would mean a lot to her! Besides, this isn't for me, it's for her!" he whined again.

I sighed, "Just because it's for her, I'll lend you the money. But only because this is for her. I want to see you write out the envelope and sign the form before I give it to you. And then watch you put it into her folder, slip the polder into her cute little backpack, and then send her on her merry way to school."

"Deal!" he squealed, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm serious Ryan. You still owe me from the weed I bought you that one time," I said, pulling him away a little bit.

"I know Joey, and I promise, once I get the money I'll pay you back!" he said, throwing me a pout.

He hugged me again, this time laying on top of me. You know if someone were to walk in her they'd probably think that- Oops, spoke too soon...

"What'cha doin'?" Kevin asked, appearing in my doorway, his left eyebrow cocked.

Ryan instantly snuggled his head closer to my neck, then turned to my brother, "Being gay lovers. Wanna join? We can be a threesome!"

"I'm good, thanks for the invitation though," he said, coming in and sitting on the bed.

Ryan finally got off of me, sitting up against the bed as his support. He looked at the clock and his eyes almost popped out of his head. I looked too and saw that it was already 8:50.

"Shit, I have to go home. My mom probably didn't make dinner and Jade is probably hungry," he said, starting to get up.

"Ask my mom to make you a plate to bring to her. I'm sure she'll gladly do it," Kevin said.

We walked downstairs with him, walking him out after my mom made him a plate for Jade. I watched as he lit up a cigarette, blew out a ring of smoke, and started his way back to the hell house he lived in.
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It'd be cool if people commented.
She's amazing, as is her stories. They kick ass. So read them.
K, thanks, bye.

xx, alexis