Status: 02/18 - Sorry for lack of updates. I've been very busy. I will update soon.

Secrets Don't Make Friends

Capítulo Dez

Monday morning rolled in, snowy and cold, as October rubbed her eyes sleepily before stepping through the doors of Barrington High. Many people looked at her, oddly curious expressions shamelessly plastered on their faces. Feeling more self-conscious than usual, October dipped her head and clutched her books tighter to her chest. Although she was used to the feeling of being on display, this attention was completely different and it brought a wild blush to her cheeks.

The closer she got to her locker, she noticed, the more the whispering and staring intensified. But when she reached her locker, she immediately understood the newfound snickering. Taped to the front of her locker was a piece of paper with two short sentences written for the whole school to see. The moment she read the last word, she ripped the paper down and folded it to shove it in the top of her locker. The deep blush that colored her face, and now neck, sparked many more whispers.

you look beautiful when you smile. you should laugh more. xo.wb

Her eyes widened as the students around her snickered and whispered. It forced October to keep her head low, to try and hide her embarrassment. Although she was flattered by his attempts, she would rather not have the entire school aware of his affection. Especially Jason, who could be extremely territorial when it wasn’t his place. Her entire walk to homeroom was an awkward one, with her thoughts on William and Jason, she ignored the many stares that were thrown her way. But when she stepped foot into the classroom, it was immediately quiet as October walked to her seat.

She could feel Jason’s stare heat the side of her face when she sat down. She could feel the intensity of his stare and she tried to ignore it as she had ignored the stares in the hallway. Eventually, Jason gave up his staring and walked over to October, taking his usual place in front of her. She bit her lip and kept her glance straight ahead, avoiding Jason’s eye. From the corner of her eye, she could tell he was getting mad, but before he could say or do anything the tardy bell rang and it took all October had not to let out a sigh.

Lunch approached quickly and October was faced with more stares and whispers. She crossed the cafeteria to the courtyard doors and stepped out into the chilly air. Although it was cold and snowy, she knew that she was likely to be alone and the cold air never bothered her. Walking her normal path to the bleachers, she noticed that there were already footsteps lining her usual walk. Her crinkled her forehead and looked up at the seats, but couldn’t see anything. As she walked further and turned the corner to walk up, she noticed a lone figure in her usual seat.

October bit her tongue and stepped up the bleachers, noticing that the figure was none other than William Beckett. She let out a shaky breath she didn’t know she was holding in. Taking the empty seat next to William, she brushed off the snow and sat down, settling into a peaceful silence. She hadn’t seen William since Friday’s disastrous bowling date. She wasn’t sure how to react now that he had seen her at her most vulnerable. She waited for him to speak, but soon realized that he wasn’t going to talk. Licking her lips nervously she ran a hand through her hair.

“So, um… thanks for the note,” she mumbled, wringing her hands nervously in her lap.

He chuckled. “You’re welcome. And I meant it too.”

A pink blush rose along October’s neck again at his compliment. Her reaction to his words brought a smile to William’s face, knowing that he had managed to get her feel such a way. Around them was silent, for the rest of the student body was in the cafeteria preferring to stay warm and dry as opposed to cold and wet from the newly fallen snow. The wind whistled lowly through the trees as the two sat at the top of the bleachers, silently measuring each other.

“I was wondering if, uh, you were willing to hang out with me this afternoon?” William stammered after a few minutes of silence, looking at the ground while scratching the back of his neck nervously.

October thought about his offer for a few moments. But the moment was soon cut short when the lunch bell rang. Quickly, October gathered up her belongings and turned to William, her response on the tip of her tongue.

“Sure, I’ll see you this afternoon.”

The rest of the afternoon wore on slowly and William couldn’t have been more relieved when the bell rang to dismiss the last class. Dumping his books in his locker, William steadily made his way to October’s locker, where he found her putting her own books away. From the other side of the hall, Jason was eyeing October with a malicious glint. He watched as Jason closed the distance between him and the girl. He watched as October spun around, clutching her notebook tightly as Jason began talking to her.

As if a déjà vu from the week before, William stalked forward and stepped protectively in front of the young girl, looking down hard on Jason. But the menacing glare didn’t deter Jason from his tirade. He merely redirected it at William, who was surprised to hear the words that escaped his mouth.

“You’re wasting your time on something as worthless and pathetic as her,” he spat throwing an accusing finger in October’s face.

Tears immediately pooled as October took in the insult. She barely had a moment to open her mouth before the sickening sound of skin-on-skin contact echoed through the halls. Bringing a hand to her mouth, she watched helplessly as Jason stumbled back several steps while holding his jaw. Wide-eyed, she looked between Jason and William, who hadn’t looked more intimidating and scary than he did now with clenched fists and tight eyes. He stepped closer to Jason and leaned forward, spitting viciously in his face daring him to say another word.

Jason tried not to show how much William had actually hurt him by spluttering another insult that earned him a hard shove to his chest down the hall. October was pleasantly surprised to see that not one teacher was in the hall to witness the tussle, or no one had run off to tell an administrator. She watched on from her locker as Jason stumbled down the hallway, away from the crowd that had gathered.

Trying to gain his control, William closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He turned slowly and looked at October who was looking up at him with a sort of mix of shock and fear. He didn’t like that he was the one who instilled the emotion in her, and he never wanted to see the fear in her ever again. Quietly, he crossed the hall and held her close, whispering an apology in her ear. Grabbing a hold of her hand, William pulled her down the hall away from the gapping stares that were sent their way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Click here for a preview

I've been so excited to post the preview. Go read it, comment it and leave me your thoughts. (: I finally got this update out. GAH, took me long enough. Thank Melanie and Shauna for this cause I wasn't going to update until later, but they bribed me with updates of their stories that I'm not even going to read until I get home from school tomorrow. Lol. (:

Cmmt & Sbscrb?