Status: 02/18 - Sorry for lack of updates. I've been very busy. I will update soon.

Secrets Don't Make Friends

CapĂ­tulo Cinco

William weaved his way through the dance floor as Mike's band played their last few songs. His eyes helplessly looked around the small club searching for October. He finally saw her leaning awkwardly against a wall glancing around her nervously. Before making is way to her, he ordered a cup of water from the bar and went to greet the girl. She saw him approach almost immediately and her mouth pressed into a tight line as her emerald eyes hardened.

"Drink?" he offered, holding out the cup of water. October eyed the cup before she flashed him a dark look.

"My mother taught me not to accept gifts from strangers."

William shrugged and took a sip of the drink. "I'm not technically a stranger, though," he pointed out.

"I know nothing about you except that your name is William and you go to my school. That constitutes as stranger enough for me," she replied with a steely glare.

William sighed inwardly as he realized it would take a lot more than a few cute words and polite gestures to get October to open up to him. He was going to have to show her that she could trust him. He had already learned from Mike that October had trust issues, but he was going to find a way to get through to her.

William inwardly cringed at that thought. He shouldn't be so pushy with her. If he had any chance (which he figured was very slim) of gaining her trust, he would have to lay off the accelerator and give her some space; give her some breathing room and try again later. But next time, he reasoned with himself, he couldn't be so forward with her.

On that note, William gave October a polite nod before turning his back on her. Taking a sip of the water, he glanced quickly over his shoulder and saw her confused gaze follow him through the crowd. Biting back a smile, William walked up to the bar and ordered himself a soda.

William sipped purposefully on his coke, trying to keep his stare off of October who had finally managed to peel herself away from the wall and chat with a few girls she knew. His eyes shifted over the crowd of bodies and saw Jason Marks chatting up one of the girls William recognized from his Physics class. Then as if William had called his name, Jason's eyes snapped up to meet William's. After whispering in the girls ear, Jason maneuvered through the crowd stopping in the empty space next to William.

"So, Beckett..."

"Jason," William acknowledged him stiffly.

Jason laughed bitterly before ordering a drink. When he received it he poured it down his throat, looking over the rim of the plastic cup at William with slit eyes. With raised brows, William assessed Jason and scoffed lightly. He hadn't changed one bit. He was still short, only about five-six and over-compensated for it by walking too hard and creating a too tough exterior. The muscles that lined his arms were too large from extra workout and looked disproportionate to his thin waist and skinny legs. William silently wondered what October ever saw in him.

"I saw you talking to October," Jason said trying (but mostly failing) to act nonchalant.

"Yeah, what of it?" William snipped already on to Jason's little game.

"Hey! I'm just looking out for you. She's not the most stable person. Thought you'd like a warning before you try anything with her." Jason threw his hands up in the air as if to defend himself.

William laughed. A true, honest amused laugh. Jason looked at him annoyed.

"William looked at Jason and smiled. "You honestly expect me to believe that October could do me any harm?" William laughed once again. "You've got one hell of a sense of humor, Marks. I'll talk to you later, or never. Whichever happens first." William couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he pat Jason on the shoulder walking away.

October watched Jason and William over Jenna Chapman's shoulder. She finally decided she would attempt to have fun and talk with her old friends. Jenna Chapman was the first to approach her, a wide smile on her pixie-like face as she relayed her past year to October. It was then that October realized why she was friends with Jenna in the first place. She was a genuine person, always full of laughs and smiles and October couldn't help but smile and nod along to her story. October was soon engulfed in the adventures of Jenna when she got distracted when she saw Jason Marks approach William.

Trying to keep her focus on Jenna's story, October tore her eyes away from the pair only to be distracted again by William laughing at something Jason said. Contempt filled October to the core to see William enjoying himself with someone as vile as Jason. But even through her discontent, something fluttered in her stomach as William smiled, but she quickly beat the feeling back when he gave Jason a pat on the shoulder.

Jenna eventually noticed that October hadn't been paying attention to her life story, and turned around to see what October was glaring at. She saw William Beckett walking away from Jason Marks and when she faced October, Jenna noticed her eyes were still following William through the crowd.

"So, William Beckett, huh?" Jenna hinted, catching October's attention immediately.

"What? Oh, no. Not William Beckett," October replied, the contempt that she felt rising to her voice.

Jenna eyed October. "You sound upset. Why?"

October shuffled her feet before answering. "Well, I don't really know. I mean, William has tried to talk to me the past few days, and I don't really... trust him."

"Why not? William really is a decent guy," Jenna told her. Something flashed in October's eyes that Jenna immediately understood. "He's nothing like Jason, if that's what you're worried about. Will's mom is best friends with my mom. I've known the kid forever."

October appraised Jenna's explanation, weighing the truth of her words. Jenna was known to be a very honest person, and extremely trustworthy. Biting her lip, October nodded noting to keep what Jenna said in mind the next time William decided to corner her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah!

I hope everyone's enjoying their holiday's and time off school. I decided to give you all a present since I'm in a really good mood. You can thank Melanie for this, because she actually helped come up with something. Aha. Sorry it's short. AND, still check for updates on my profile - I haven't taken that off with my layout change. :DD

Cmmt & Sbscrb?