Status: 02/18 - Sorry for lack of updates. I've been very busy. I will update soon.

Secrets Don't Make Friends

CapĂ­tulo Oito

Across the board zero’s flashed tauntingly at October as she picked up her ball for the twentieth time that night. Not once was she able to hit the pins as the ball veered left and slid into the gutter before they even had a chance to touch the pins. Standing back several feet from the beginning of the lane, October concentrated with all of her might and poked her tongue out before pacing forward and releasing the ball.

She watched anxiously as it rolled down the lane, getting slower with each passing moment. A groan escaped her lips as the ball curved toward the left halfway down and land in the gutter. Scrunching her nose in disgust, October silently cursed the man whoever invented the torturous game. William stood up, barely smirking at her as he picked up his ball and made a strike. An unintended glare shot out of October’s eyes, catching William off guard.

The game ended as William bowled his last two turns in the tenth frame, and he turned around looked expectantly at October. She could tell he was asking if she was up for another game but she simply shrugged, staring discontentedly at the bowling pins. As William pressed the Clear/Bowl button, he grabbed a hold of October’s hand. She immediately tensed but followed behind him as he pulled her to the lane.

“I’m going to help you bowl a strike,” he said sending her a crooked smile.

Deep crimson flushed along her neck and cheeks when he pushed her in front of him, his long arms wrapping around her small frame. Instructions on how to hold the ball and how to stand slowly filtered through his lips. His breath ghosted along her neck as he craned his head around hers trying to see the placement of her hands. Her hands gripped the ball tightly as his hand formed over hers, helping her keep a decent hold on the ball.

The light mummers continued to flow from William’s mouth and October prayed that he couldn’t feel her heart pounding through the thin fabric of her tee-shirt. Several more minutes of instruction passed agonizingly slow when finally William brought his hand back, helping her swing in the right position.

“Now you try.”

October licked her lips and tried to remember the words that he had told her only moments before. Going against anything that told her not to, she closed her eyes and took several steps forward, swinging her arm and letting go of the ball. She immediately turned around, hiding her hands in her face and waited for the hollow sound of the ball rolling in the gutter. Instead, the crash and fall of pins echoed in the air and she slowly turned around.

Several pins were still standing, but more than half of them were laying in a pile at the end of the lane. A wide smile broke across her face when she realized that she finally bowled a frame that didn’t contain the number zero.

“Well, it wasn’t a strike like I promised,” William joked from behind her, leaning against the ball return. He arms were crossed against his chest and a smirk adorned his face when October looked sheepishly at him. “That was good.”

Another light blush crept along her neck when she realized William was complimenting her. Instead of taking up his turn and finish up the game, William pushed himself away from the ball return and started walking to the concession bar, muttering about snacks and a drink. She sat at the free table in front of their lane and watched as William ordered their fries and drinks.

Several minutes later, William returned with a serving plate of fries and carrying in one hand, the two drinks. When he sat down, October immediately grabbed a fry off the pile and took a swift bite. Even though she felt bad that William was paying for everything, she knew better than to say anything about it. But before she could open her mouth to say anything, William beat her to the punch.

When he spoke, he sounded really nervous and a pink tinge highlighted his cheeks. “I don’t want to seem too forward or anything, but do you mind me asking why you were crying the other day?” After the question left his mouth, he cast his eyes downward as if ashamed of asking such a personal question.

“Oh.” Surprise overtook October’s senses as she stared across the table. William lifted his eyes and looked sheepishly at her. “Well…”

“Never mind. I’m sure you don’t want to talk about it. I’m sorry for asking.” The words slipped out faster than she could process them. Wide-eyed she blinked several times before understanding his apprehensive behavior.

“It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it, I just wasn’t… expecting you to ask me that,” she told him truthfully. “I don’t usually talk about it, but I guess I’ll have to sometime.” She paused, taking in William’s curious and still nervous expression. “I was visiting my friend Audrina.”

William furrowed his brow, seemingly confused. “Why would that upset you?” But before October could respond, he interjected. “Wait… Audrina Parker?”

She nodded, averting her eyes to the table. “Yeah… why? Did you know her?”

“She dated Mike a year or so ago. I had only met her a few times, but I knew that Mike was pretty broken up when she died…”

“She was my best friend. I still blame myself for what happened,” October whispered, biting her bottom lip. “I think about it all the time and I can’t help but feel the least bit guilty about it.”

“October… the accident wasn’t your fault,” William attempted to console her, but his words had the opposite reaction than he intended.

October snapped her head up, meeting his eyes harshly. Tears stained her cheeks and contempt at herself was readable on her face. She swallowed hard. “You don’t know anything about the accident. You don’t know what happened that night. Don’t try to make it right by making me feel better.”

William stared at her, watching the emotions flit across her face. Anger, grief, blame and contempt all settled into one behind the tears. He immediately regretted saying anything, and figured it best to not continue. For several minutes, October seethed at herself—at William—before her face crumpled with misery and the tears flowed freely. The first thing William thought to do was to hold her and try to soothe her; which is exactly what he did.

He stood up from his seat and walked around the table sitting next to the miserable girl, wrapping his arms around her body. October leaned into his touch covering her face to try and stem the flow of tears, but it didn’t work. She gripped his shirt tightly and silently tried to gather herself together. Embarrassment flooded her veins as she dampened the shoulder of William’s shirt.

But William didn’t care. He held her in his arms, patiently waiting for the wave of sorrow to pass; he shushed her, rubbing her arm soothingly, trying to calm her. He didn’t like to see the tears in her eyes, or the anguish that seemed to suffocate her whenever she thought of her best friend. He wanted to take away all that pain, to make her smile and keep her happy.

Soon, October’s sobs subsided and she gently pulled away from William, the rosy tint of embarrassment pooling in her cheeks. She quickly wiped her cheeks free of any tears and nervously looked around her. She was avoiding William’s gaze at all costs but soon gave up when he put a finger under her chin and lifted it to look him in the eye. She expected him to look at her with disgust, like she was weak and pathetic for breaking down in such a manner. She was surprised to see the worry and concern that his eyes held. When he asked her if she was okay, she nodded and rubbed her arm nervously.

“I’m sorry for freaking out,” she murmured.

“Don’t be sorry,” he replied. He looked at her small form and decided to take a chance. He placed a small, chaste kiss on her forehead at an attempt of comfort. “Come on, let’s finish up our game and we can head home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I remember a while ago Melanie asked me about the relationship between Audrina and Mike; well there you have it. I'll elaborate more as the story goes on. And I let you in on a little bit more of the accident. Any theories?

One other thing go read any one of these stories. Melanie doesn't get enough credit, in my opinion. So check it out, cause she's amazing and really, I only whore out the best. (: But for now, I'm off to bed. It's almost one in the morning.

Cmmt & Sbscrb?