Status: 02/18 - Sorry for lack of updates. I've been very busy. I will update soon.

Secrets Don't Make Friends

CapĂ­tulo Nove

Partying was never at the top of October’s To-Do List. She’d much rather sit at home with a book under her nose or a mouse in her hand researching something that was unfamiliar. But this particular night she was dragged out against her will by her boyfriend teasing her about her nerdy ways. She clasped Jason’s hand as he pulled her up the long driveway where pounding music echoed from the house.

Just before she reached the door, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She paused momentarily, forcing Jason to stop. Audi flashed on the Caller ID and October told Jason to go in without her, quickly kissing him on the cheek. He rolled his eyes obviously annoyed but listened to what she said as she flipped her phone open, plugging her left ear.


“Tober!” Audrina’s spunky voice floated through the earpiece. Loud music pulsated in the background. “Where are you, hun? I’m at Mike’s party, you should come!”

“I am here, actually. Jason dragged me out, where are you?” she replied, walking into the house.

“I’m in the kitchen, standing on top of the counter looking for you! Get in here!” Audrina cried happily before disconnecting the call.

October laughed and pushed her way through the many bodies that converged in the living room. As she made her way to the kitchen, an arm caught around her elbow, pulling her back. Turning around she faced Jason who already had a slightly glazed look in his eye and a half empty cup in his free hand. October shook her head and pushed him off, telling him she was looking for Audrina. Instead he clung to her arm, following her through the house.

She approached the kitchen and saw her best friend standing on the island in Mike’s kitchen, dancing stupidly by herself. When she caught site of October in the door way, a squeal escaped her lips as she clambered down in a hurry to greet her friend. The two hugged as if they only hadn’t seen each other hours before in class.

“God, I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Audrina breathed as she pulled away. “Mikey is becoming pretty dull.” She shoved a finger in the direction of her boyfriend who was talking to a tall boy she’d never seen and from the looks of it, probably about his band. Mike caught her gaze and smiled, waving politely.

“So, anyway, I say let’s get this party started!” Audrina cried, pulling October deeper into the kitchen.

The night’s events become a big blur as Jason carried October up the stairs, attached at the lips. Jason fumbled drunkenly with the doorknob of the nearest door, hindering their progress of getting to the bed. He sighed as he realized what was actually happening. Six months in a relationship and he was finally going to get what he had been waiting for; and as October gently sucked on his neck, a throaty moan escaped his lips he knew wasn’t going to let this opportunity go.

October could barely think through the foggy haze that settled in her mind. But the moment her back hit the cold bed in the isolated room, her eyes shot open. The room around her focused sharply and she could feel hands running through her hair and down her stomach. She squirmed, trying to move the hands away from her body. The man above her groaned and repositioned his hands.

“Stop,” she said pushing her self up on the bed.

But Jason persisted, running his hands under her shirt and back on the bed. Moans and whispers of protest slipped from October’s mouth as she tried to push her boyfriend away, but he wouldn’t let her go. Panic rose heavy in her chest and she tried to thrash against him, but he was able to hold her arms down to keep her struggles from disrupting his progress.

“Jason!” October cried, ripping her arms free from his grasp, placing them on the middle of his chest. She shoved with all of her might and he stumbled back, staring at her with contempt. “Stop it!”

She glared hard at him and attempted to walk past him, but before she reached the door his arm caught around her waist. A moan of annoyance and slight distress bubbled to her lips but she forced it back. His grip on her waist tightened as October clawed to get free. Jason spun her around, pushing her up against the door in attempts to keep her from leaving.

“Let me go, Jason!”

October kicked and finally found a soft spot. Jason released his grip on her upper arms and she took the chance to run, throwing the door open before the tears of hurt and betrayal could spill down her face. His hand caught around her wrist and yanked her back, throwing her hard on the floor. A sickening crack echoed through the room as October’s head hit the frame of the bed. Blinding pain flashed through her body and it took all the power she had not to let out a scream.

October woke up, cringing into her mattress with tears resting on the edge of her eyelids. The dream—the nightmare—she had been able to avoid for months now suddenly made an appearance that night, sparking emotions October hadn’t felt in almost a year. Turning over in her bed she turned on her bedside lamp, burying her head in her arms, trying to push back all the emotion she felt.

A knock on her bedroom door startled her, pulling her back to the confides of her room. She didn’t answer to the visitor, but instead her door opened a crack, the brunette head of her mother peeking in. Seeing her daughter look at her with the pain and grief on her face forced Maria Lanley to October’s bed side, encasing her in a warm, motherly hug.

Murmurs of comfort and the shushing of solace slipped easily out of her mother’s lips. She gripped tightly to the front of Maria’s shirt, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to rid of the images of the night from her mind. But like a slideshow on fast-forward, each moment slid by forcing a new wave of tears to the surface.

Slowly, October was able force back her sobs and stem her tears. The comforting hand of her mother’s ran soothingly through her hair and the light mutterings of a lullaby helped October to lapse into a calmer, more peaceful state of sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not too sure on how I feel about the ending, but the rest of I'm pretty proud of. ;D I really, really want to know what you all are thinking! PLEASE could you leave me comments? (:

This one is for Melanie, since she updated Stuttering. WHICH, I think that you should definitely go and read. (: It's amazing.

Cmmt & Subscrb?