Prince Adam and the Nasty Troll Father

Not Really A chapter but the story :)

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived an eighteen year old prince named Adam. Adam was charming, but he never had a long relationship with a girl for more than three days. So, one day, Adam went down the tall hill, into town, and watched the woman, and other people, roaming around the village.

Adam caught the eyes of a beautiful, young woman and went up to her, "why, hello, Beautiful."

"I've never seen you around before," she answered and Adam chuckled quietly.

"Well, I'm the prince," answered Adam, "and I'm the..."

"Most dated man in the realm," she giggled, "my father doesn't like royalty, but you're oddly cute."

"Ah, and you're beautiful," responded Adam, "would you like to go on a date?"

The woman blushed and looked around the busy center of town, "Of course. Let me ask my father first though, okay? Would you like to come and meet him?"

"Surly I would," replied Adam, gratefully, "but shall thy tell thee name to one so great?"

She giggled, "Abby," she and Adam exchanged looks, Adam took her by the hand and she led him off towards his house.

Abby lived in a small, forest-like home. There were plenty of wild trees, grasses and flowers growing around it. There were a few fairies flying around it and started to fly around Abby’s and Adam’s head. Abby pulled him into the mossy house, “Daddy, I’m home! I brought someone…”

“It better not be someone of royalty!” a harsh voice responded from another room, “’Cause if it is, I’ll slowly rip their throats out and serve it for dinner!”

“Daddy,” Abby sighed, “he’s charming. You’ll love him,” Abby took Adam’s hand again and dragged him through the doorway her father was. As he saw Abby’s father, he gasped.

“He royal?” the troll-thing asked?

“No, Daddy,” Abby sighed again, “this is Adam…”

“Uh, can I use the bathroom?” Adam butted in and Abby pointed the way. Adam ran that way, in complete shock, found the bathroom and heaved a heavy sigh. “Why come now,” he told himself, “her father’s a troll…”

“Adam?” he looked at the earthy door. It was Abby, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Adam responded as the footsteps faded away. He dug through the mossy cabinets to find a small pocket knife, no bigger than his thumb, at least, and pocketed it.

“He’s ROYAL!?” he looked up and pushed himself out the door of the mossy bathroom.

“Hey, I’m back…,” Adam said as the troll got up and looked at him from the tall height, “um, I’m going to go now…”

Adam turned heel and started to run, but the big gigantic troll hand grabbed him, put him up to his face and laughed, “You stupid royal boy! You think you could’ve gone out with my daughter!” he put Adam closer to his mouth, took a large breath, and swallowed Adam whole.

Abby looked in disbelieve at her father, “Why’d you do that?! I loved him!”

“He’s royal, Hun, you don’t belong with him! You belong with your cousin…”he stopped in mid sentence and Abby noticed a small silver object portraying out of her father’s stomach. “What the…?”

“Adam?!” Abby yelled, shaking slightly. She was watching her father die but her love, whom she just recently met but feel head over heels for fast, was killing him. Then, his stomach ripped open and Adam fell out, covered in greenish slime and saliva. “Are you okay, Adam?”

“I’m fine, Abby, but I have a question,” Adam stood up as the troll fell down behind them.

Adam wiped the stuff off him and knelt on one knee, “Will thy marry thee?”

Abby accepted, gratefully, and Adam carried her back up into the castle, where they became King and Queen together and lived Happily Ever After.