Status: Locked in Paused Suspension

Encyclopedia of Weird

Your Sarcasm is Greatly Appreciated...

"A book, you're worried over a book?" Cassie asked, eyebrows furrowed over her blue eyes.
Jed rolled his eyes, releasing an exasperated sigh.
"Yah, figures that you too would think I'm nuts."
"Not nuts, just...silly, overreacting."
Jed groaned, rolling his eyes again and turning his head away from his long-time girlfriend, anger and frustration bristling hotly inside of him.
"Hey, hey, hey now," Cassie began, tone light, gently placing her hand on Jed's knee.
He glanced over in her direction, hazel eyes locking with blue.
He waited in perpetual silence for her to continue, fury still running through his chest.
"Don't get so worked up, and don't take that the wrong way. I know you're looking out for your brother, and its really sweet that you're so worried about him."
Jed forced a weak, falsified smile.
"But, I mean, its a book...from the library," The jeering edge to her voice when she said library drove an angry chill up Jed's spine. But Jed was a patient man, a patient man about to be told he cared too much.
"It'd be like you saying that Bj isn't safe. I mean, I've known that guy since I was young, we've been best friends forever." Cassie added, rolling her eyes, a light smile playing on the edges of her lips.
"Hey, in my defense he so was coming on to you time." Jed pointed out.
Cassie flashed him a bright smile. Jed smiled back.
"Whatever, the past is the past." She offered shrugging her shoulders.
Jed closed his mouth, smile falling swiftly away. He clasped his hands together and stared at his feet, nodding his acknowledgments.
"Yeah, so, what do you wanna do?" Jed asked, staring down at his hands still.
"Um...dinner and a movie?" Cassie suggested.
Jed pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders.
"Sounds good to me, lets get outta here."
Cassie smiled a brilliant smile, beaming with elation.

The locks clicked and the door flung open with a boisterous gust of air.
"Seth," Jed called out long and loud, "I'm ho-ommmmme!" He shouted out.
There was no reply, just did silence.
Fear sunk into the dark corners of Jed's mind. He warily took one tenative step forward, cautious step after cautious step turning into a hastened stride.
Whenever he did spend time with his brother and they worked things out like this, his brother always answered, always.
Jed was full out running. He froze when he came upon the work table in the living room, the pulsating chills dying down slowly, his wildly beating heart skipping a beat.
Rage encumbered him then as he stared down at Seth's bent figure, eyes intensly focused on the open book in front of his face, eyes quickly following the mess of elegant black cursive, fading at different intervals of flourished loops. Besides that the ink looked dark and in near-perfect condition.
"Seth, Seth, hello!" Jed shouted, coming to stand right his brother's shoulder, lowering his head to shout directly into his brother's ear.
"Wha, wha, what!?" Seth shouted, startled out of his entrancement.
He glanced quickly over his shoulder and breathed a deep sigh of relief when he realized who it was.
Jed's footsteps echoed across the floor, filling the silent air as he came around to Seth's side, pulling out the tables other chair and flopping down into it.
He fixed Seth with a hard glare.
Confusion raved through Seth's mind.
"What?" He asked in pure lack of comprhension.
Jed just narrowed his eyes ever further.
"Shouldn't you still be out with Cassie?" Seth questioned, his dark eyebrows furrowed over his gleaming peridot eyes.
Jed growled out a sigh and rolled his eyes.
"What, you haven't been gone for exactly a long time." Seth announced, exasperated and befuddled by his brother's actions.
Jed growled and dropped his head against the table in immense frustration and blistering fury.
"What, what?" Seth questioned in a flurry, mind swept blank by confusion.
Jed lifted his head and stared into his brother's uncomprehending glinting eyes with pure aggravation.
"Seth, I've been gone for hours, what did you do the whole freaking entire time I was gone?"
"Uh...sat here and tried to read this book."
Jed groaned, rolling his eyes and dropping his head back down against the table.
"Just shoot me now." He grumbled into the hard wood.
"I'm sorry Jed but I'm really...captivated by this book."
A feeling of apocolyptic doom twisted severly inside of Jed's body, squeezing his heart and stabbing his veins, making him feel as if he were about to explode from the inside out.
"I realize..." His voice trailed off, a sadness he could not explain creeping up to fill his insides.
Seth shot him a worried look, caught off guard by the strange severness on the unbridled edge of Jed's voice.
"What's so bad about that Jed?" Seth questioned.
Jed released a long sigh, face still buried into the table.
"I don't know." It was a muffled wine of admitance.
"Then let it go." Seth offered rationally.
Jed released a heavy sigh.
"I'll try." The words were a complete lie.
Seth reached across the table and patted his brother's shoulder encouragingly.
"Okay, let's go watch that season opener you've been dying to see." He offered,
Jed lifted his head up partially to catch his brother in the eyes.
A light smile cut across his model-like face.
"Since when do you remember anything about football?"
Seth shrugged.
"Figured I met as well pay some attention to you."
Jed's smile fell.
"Why thank you."
They laughed lightly.
Jed reached across the table to feign a slug across his brother's face.
"Let's go geek."
♠ ♠ ♠
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