Status: In the works.

I Miss You so Far

Love Love Love

"You know what I think is strange?" I wondered aloud, lying back on my bed and turning my head to look at Caden.

"No, what?"

"As long as we've been together, you've never told me your birthday, and I never asked. That's strange."

He leaned over me, cocking his head to the side. There was a hint of a smile somewhere in his expression, and I couldn't figure out why.

"Really now? Do you remember the date I moved here?" he asked.

It took me a minute to think back to it, that morning he'd been so conveniently seated next to me in class. I knew I'd glanced at the date scribbled in the far left corner of the chalk board, right before I'd sat down. Some lightbulb went off inside my head a second later, and I figured it out.

"September 20th, but what does that have to do with anything? Aren't you older than me?"

Now there was definately a grin on his face.

"By a year, two months and..16 days I believe."

"Then how're you a junior?"

"My birthday came after the cut-off date for kindergarten, so I had to start school late. Basically, you were my birthday present and didn't even know it."

"All this time and I thought I was a horrible boyfriend for missing it," I pouted, his grin even wider.

"You are nowhere near a horrible boyfriend," he said, kissing my cheek and then my neck. "I just never thought of bringing it up."

"You're mean then," I said, meaning to sound more upset than hopeless. There was no disagreeing with him when he was kissing me like that, I could hardly breathe.

"Whatever you say," he shrugged, looking down at me.

"Do you enjoy torturing me or something?" I asked, meeting his eyes. "I get all tingly inside when you do that."

"Interesting," he noted, trailing kisses up my neck again, shivers going down my spine that I knew he could probably feel. He moved so that he was lying over me, hands rubbing circles on my sides as he slid them under my shirt.

"I feel like such a girl telling you that you are not getting in my pants tonight," I laughed, hands on his chest. "Not tonight Cade baby."

"Darn," he muttered, making me giggle again. "Maybe later then."

"Maybe," I shrugged.

Killian jumped up on the bed, nuzzling his fuzzy little head against my shoulder.

"Stealing all the action," Caden smiled, scratching the kitten's head. "Why is it that there's only male animals in this house?"

"You got me, I'm thinking Cade baby is a bit jealous."

"Nah, I'll save my jealousy for humans. You have no idea how many girls were utterly disappointed when it spread around school that we were going out."

"Yeah right," I said, poking him in the stomach. "Name one."

"Nalah Rosario."

"That girl with the faux-hawk?"

"I believe her words were along the lines of 'All the cute white boys end up gay, don't they?', I overheard her on my way to algebra," he nodded.

"I always thought she hated me," I mused, nearly distracted by Caden kissing my neck once more. "And you're crazy for being the slightest bit jealous, I'm going to wet my pants if you keep doing that."

"I can't help it, you're unbelivably cute when you've got so many thoughts in your head."

Killian walked off when he saw that he was no longer getting any attention, some strands of orange hair left behind from where he'd been curled up and hoping for sleep.

We talked for awhile longer until I yawned, Caden smiling at me. "Time for Sky bear to get some sleep."

"Only if you stay."

"Skylar, it's 12:30 in the morning. There is no way in hell I'm walking across the street and waking up my parents. And I already got permission from Hayley," he assured me, brushing some of my hair from my face.

I nodded, moving to sit up. Only Cade weighed more than me, and wasn't getting up at the moment.

"I need to get my jeans off Cade, unless you want to help, please move it."

He smiled, kissing my lips. I jumped in surprise when his hand was back at my belt, and I didn't stop him this time when he unbuckled it with ease and tossed it to the floor. I was too busy responding to his sudden impulse to notice how quickly my jeans had joined the belt, and our lips only parted mere seconds when he slipped my shirt off. He probably would've won, but even with the blood racing in my veins, it didn't stop the yawn that left my mouth on it's own accord minutes later.

"Go to sleep birthday boy, you won this round," he smiled, kissing me again.

I felt my eyes close when he pressed his lips to my forehead, though I didn't really know if I was tired or not. I reached out to pull him closer, finding that he was already wrapping his arms around me. I still thought it was odd sometimes, how perfectly I seemed to fit against him, my face buried in the crook of his neck as I drifted. I knew that nightmares wouldn't bother me tonight, not with his heartbeat lulling me to sleep.