Love, Alex, and Kevin Jonas.

chapter eins..

My name is Abigail Scott Haley. I'm 17 years old, and I happen to be
obsessed with Kevin Jonas..

Thats where this story starts..

"ALEX! WE GOTTA GO! WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" i yelled across the house..

"FOR WHAT" he yelled back, playfully.

"are you kidding me? i have had this planned for weeks, and now you
decide to forget?" i asked.

"no, silly, i didn't forget. im just teasing you, and why do you even
like the JoBros" he asked, using my nickname for them.

"because when Kevin plays the guitar, it makes my heart go, ooshy." i
gushed, blushing.

"you are such a girl, Abby, you like musicians," he said teasing me.

"dood, you have got to be kidding me, i dont even like musicians, the
JoBros don't count as musicians, they are more Disney pop music
things, but i have to admit their songs are catchy," i say, running
down the stairs putting on my earrings.

"abby, we are gonna be late, its 12:30 already" he says, like he even
knows what time we are supposed to leave.

"ALEX!!!! why didn't you say anything? is it really 12:30??" i asked,

"yes, get in the car, i'll go get everything you forgot.." he said, laughing.

"fine, just hurry up." i say.


"ello?, this is abigail"

"yeah, umm, hi, this is Kevin Jonas."

"WHAT? oh sorry, i didn't mean to yell in your ear, im just uber excited!!!!"

"ok, well i was just calling to tell you where to meet me- i mean us"

"ok, lemme find some paper, ok, where?"

"at our recording studio, we are gonna perform some songs live"

"awesome.. and is it ok if i bring a friend?"

"yeah, go ahead. and the address is 456 rainbow drive, hollywood"

"ok, ill be there in an hour tops.. see you soon"

"ok, bye abby"

*hangs up*

"HURRY UP ALEX!!! we are gonna be LATE!"

"im here, im here....yeesh, you are so temperamental"

*turns up the radio as loud as she can,and can hear alex yelling to
get her attention*


*turns down the radio*

"fine. lets go."

"hi, you must be Abby.."

"yeah, i am. nice to meet you, im like an official obssessor"

"ok, well my brothers couldn't make it, so we are going to eat dinner,
if thats ok...."

"umm, then abby i'm gonna go home, so you can get your fangirl experience out"

"ok, fine alex, see you later"

"ok, abby, we are going to D'Italiano, if thats ok with you?"

"yeah. i love that place..."

"lets go, nice meeting you Alex."

"you ready to go?" i asked him

"uhmm,yeah." says Kevin,

*in the car on the way to D'Italiano*

"hey, abby, why do you like me so much?"

"because i feel like you are the only good one out of your brothers."

"ok, well we are here, so i reserved a table already."

"well, im going to go to the restroom, i'll find you after."

"ok, its kinda in the back, because i didn't want to be recognized."

end of chapter 1
♠ ♠ ♠
this is for A.S.H. dudes.

thanks for giving me a chance A.S.H. dudes.. XDXD