Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

New Outlaw in Town

I was just walking through this new town, Nottingham I believe. It was something I did since I'm living on my own now. You see my family shunned me since we were gypsies and the reason they outcast me. It happened a while ago, 3 years ago to be exact, in the same place that I am now. It was my family, 2 cousins, aunt, uncle and then some people from our village in Romania. We would dance for food and fun, anything to survive since things have gotten bad...then came that night when my mother and aunt decided that to send me, my cousin, and sister to the sheriff and his men for sex. Me, finding it wrong on all levels, put up a fight and ran before anything happened to me.

It was a good fight too since I had been picking up fight technics from rebels and outcasts in towns along the way. Even trained with some kids during the summer we stayed for a while. Then I ran to Locksley where I trained for a while before being on the move again. I only stayed around because I thought maybe my family would want me back. So I just had myself and my wolf, Mateo.

I found myself back here a year after my family told me they want nothing to do with me, my cousin won't look at me but she's the one who told me to run. So now I've adapted the art of lying to get out of things and being a trained fighter. I've also been thrown into gymnastics since I was 2, all for the tumbling and flexibility. I had my hood over my head to hide my eyes from everyone and the fact that I had a bow and arrow on my back. I didn't have a sword but daggers, long daggers on both sides of me. I was just minding my own business with Mateo at my side when I felt someone grab me from behind. a guard nonetheless who twisted my right arm behind me.

"Well, well won't the sheriff be happy to see you,"I heard the guard smile.
"You're mistaken,"I gritted,"And I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"You're stupid,"I mumbled as I kicked him in the face with my leg as he was still behind me.

I twisted out of his grasp and threw him down on the ground with a thud. I heard a group of people run up to me before then but I didn't stop me. See, I'm already an outlaw, there's always been a price on my head. I pinned him down on the ground with my foot on his chest and I drew my bow. I aimed the arrow at his face and smiled.

"No, that's not good enough,"I lowered it towards his neck," Slow and lots of pain."
"Don't!"I heard from the crowd.

I looked up to see a man with goreous eyes followed my 5 others. The wind blew my long brown hair behind me. I looked down at the man and stepped off him.

"Go, but next time you might not be so lucky," I watched him get up to run as I put my bow and arrow back.

I heard more guards running towards us and before anyone could say anything I ran. I ran to the only place that's become home to me now, Locksley. I finally made it to my mentor's home and flew into the door that he opened for just a second. He turned around to see me and jumped.

"Adora! what's wrong?"
"Nothing Roland,"I caught my breath,"Just a little fun."
I flashed my smile at him and he sighed.
"Guards again?"
I nodded when I finally walked outside.

I now had taken the hood down of my cloak and walked around town where I knew no one would snitch I was here. I wasn't paying much attention to where I was walking when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry,"I mumbled and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
I looked up when I was met with those eyes I seen earlier. His eyes went wide when he looked at me.

"You're that girl,"He stared at me.
"And you're the guy who stopped me,"I walked past him. He started following me and I smirked, I must admit he was cute.
"And if I didn't?"he was walking backwards in front of me.
"Oh I wouldn't of killed him if that's what you thought,"I rolled my eyes,"I just threaten."
"Where'd you learn to fight like that?"he asked.
"I don't know if I should be talking to you,"I smiled,"I mean you could be working for the sheriff."

I seen the anger flash in his eyes and looked down,"Sorry, trust is hard for me."

"Robin,"he lifted my head,"Robin Hood."
"The Robin Hood?"I questioned with sorta wide eyes.
"The one and only,"He smiled.
"Adora,"I smiled back at him.
"Robin! Gisbourne's coming,"this guy ran towards us.
"I can't stay here,"I looked at him.
"come with us,"Robin took my hand,"You can tell us you're story later."

I nodded and before I started running called out to Mateo. He jumped up and started running with us. I must say, Robin was a fast runner but I kept up with him. Dodging branches and keeping my footsteps light I followed him back to the camp with no one behind us, hopefully. We reached the camp and I seen the looks of the other 5 to be uncomfortable.

"Men, this is Adora,"Robin pointed out,"Now will you please tell us why you provoked those guards."
"Hey if I remember correctly that guard attacked me first,"I glared then sighed,"Sit down it's a long story."

I sat down on a long with Mateo at my side and told them the whole story. From being shunned, betrayed, running for what seemed like ever, and my life as an outlaw.

"I just can't stay in one spot too longer,"I looked into the fire,"The more people find out about what price is on my head, the one they turn me in. So I came back here since Locksley is the only place I have left."

"She's telling the truth,"the guy I knew as Allan walked over to me,"I heard one of the Sherrif's guards talking about her a while back."
"But if that's true,"started the one as Will,"How come it's said that you're an extremely good liar."
"You try running for your life,"I glared at him,"You have to think of anything to survive. I have no family left because of the sheriff."

The gang discussed me staying with them for a while when Robin came back.

"You can stay here with us,"Robin finally spoke,"You still have to prove your loyalty and trust to us before we take you on as one of ours."

I nodded as he left the fire and Allan sat next to me.

"Is he that hard to persaude?"I looked at him.
"Oh, it's not him who's got trust issuses with you,"Allan looked towards him,"He's actually taking a liking to you."

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing,"I smirked.

Allan just laughed as he got up and walked off to talk to Djaq and Will. I was just thinking of how to prove my loyalty when Little John came to sit next to me.

"don't worry you'll prove yourself."
"to who?"
"Will, Much, and Djaq,"He sighed,"They're just not sure about you being the gypsy."
I laughed a little,"Yeah a gyspy who spent pretty much all of her earnings on helping less fortunate."
"You're a good kid,"he smiled and got up.

Before I knew it, night was falling and there was something that I still needed to do. I waited til everyone was asleep or so I thought and headed back towards Locksley. I knew I was being followed but didn't think much of it. I went towards Roland's house and in my trunk, I took out a bag of silver. I left a lot of it with Roland since I don't think he knew it was there anyways, the rest I was taking to Nottingham in the morning. I exited the house when I bumped into Robin yet again.

"Do you ever stop following me?'I asked.
"What are you doing?"

"I know it looks like I'm stealing from them but I'm not,"I sighed,"I stole this earlier, left it here, so now I'm leaving some silver for Roland and then taking the rett to people who need it in Nottingham."

"Roland taught you how to fight?"He looked at me quizzically.
"Yeah, for the most part,"I looked into the woods,"Him and other outlawas along the way."
"How long have you been doing this?"

"Giving to the less fortunate? Since I was 4 maybe I don't it's been a long time, too long to remember."

"No, being an outlaw?"
"3 years,"I looked down,"I've ran for that long. You have no idea what it feels like to be shunned by your own family."

I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks as I wiped them some. Robin slowly lifted my chin and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Have you killed anyone?"He asked softer.
"I did once,"My eyes still watered,"Only to stay alive. The sheriff has it out for me. Dead or Alive."
"You really are telling the truth?"
"Yes,"i nodded.
"Let's head back to camp before anyone hears us,"Robin led me back to camp.

I laid close to the fire to keep warm. I felt a loose blanket drape around me as I slept. The next couple weeks, I finally had everyone's trust and was now a part of Robin Hood's men. Even getting closer to everyone, like the family I lost 3 years ago. I was even getting more of a crush on Robin. I spent most my time hanging out with Allan though since we were long lost best friends or something. We were just laughing around the camp fire when Will came running back to camp.

"Robin, there's news that a gang of gypsies are sent to entertain the peasants for the sheriff,"He caught his breath.
"And?"robin asked.
"It's a trap,"I looked at him,"For me."
"So we stay here,"Much suggested.
"You don't get it do you?"I asked,"They know I'm here, they'll stop at nothing to find me."
"So what do you want to do?"Robin asked.
"My couin,"I thought,"She'll still talk to me, she could give us some information. As for being seen...what good is lying and a cloak if they're not used."
"We'll go with you,"Robin suggested.
"Fine,"i got up,"but I talk to her alone."

Then it was agreed, we were going to Nottingham to get some information hopefully. Little did I know what pain I was about to run into