Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Angel of Death

There were so many people in the town who somehow got sick from whatever it was that was in the town. We weren't sure if it was a disease or some type of poison. Then this guy, Joseph who had brought himself into the closed off part of the town, something wasn't right about him. He just had this thing about him that really pissed me off.

"You're Adora aren't you?"He asked as I was helping Robing with moving beds as was he.
"Do I know you?"
"Well up until a few mintues ago, no,"He smiled at me.
"Then why Joseph do you know me?"
"I know you're family,"He nodded,"It's a shame how you betrayed them the way you did."
"I didn't betray them,"I glared at him,"You have no idea what you're talking about."
"Funny still in denial,"He smirked at me.
I reached up to grab him by the collar and pin him against the wall,"I will kill you, one because you're a sneaky one up to something and two, you're just pissing me off."
"Adora,"I heard John call out to me but I didn't let him go,"Put him down."
"You're lucky,"I shoved him to the ground to kick dirt and spit at him.
"What was that about?"John asked.
"Just keep him away from me,"I threw my hands up in the air to walk off.

I went to clear my head for a second since I couldn't be anywhere close to anyone who would defend Joseph. I was sitting on a roof top just watching people when I noticed Robin then Marian enter the town. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I watched as he helped her off the other roof to hold her in his arms, staring at her in the loving way as he sat her on the ground.

So now not only was I upset about that whole Joseph thing but now Robin still had feelings for Marian even after what had happened the other night. Hoping off the roof, I walked through the town, keeping to myself when Much informed me that Joseph had food done. Not that I was in any mood to eat whatever he had made. It's a good thing too since Robin had discovered it was poison in whch Joseph had ran out of the quarnatined town before Robin could do serious damage.

I was leaning against the house after Robin told Djaq to find the cure from the poison as he walked up to me.
"What's with you?"
"Nothing,"I lied looking at Robin.
"You know you can't lie to me."
"Robin, just drop it ok?"I huffed and went to walk off when he took my hand,"Leave me alone."
"Adora,"Robin followed me as he pushed me behind a house,"Talk to me."
"What's there to talk about?"I rolled my eyes,"I knew Joseph was up to no good and I could've stopped him but John had to stop that."
"We didn't-"
"Because Marian said it afterwards, so then it has to be true,"I gave him a sarcastic smile,"Thank god for Marian or we'd all be dead."
"Hey,"Robin looked offended.
"I seen the way you looked at her after you helped her off that roof Robin. You still love her don't you?"
Robin hung his head down as I cracked a wicked smile,"I guess I was just some sort of release huh?"
"No Adora, it's not like that."
"Save it Robin,"I pushed him away from me as he hung his head and I walked back towards everyone.

That's when to make matters worse, Marian walked up to me.
"You ok?"
"Will everyone stop asking that question!?"I outbursed in front of them all,"I'm bloody well fine! Just leave me alone!"

I walked off, managing to get myself out of the town and back to Nottingham where I seen Will walking through the castle.
"Will,"I whispered,"Will."
"What?"He walked over to me.
"Wher'es Luke and what are you doing?"
"Luke's gone, I'm making things right."
"WIll, look don't do anything stupid."
"Why are you so concerned?"
"Will,"I pleaded.
"You'd want to make things right, right?"
"Don't ask me that question right now,"I sent him a look,"I can't think straight."
"Let me go then."
"Fine,"I sighed as I leant against the castle wall as Marian walked back through it.

I had been hiding in the castle, looking for anything to steal for a while when I heard a commotion which was Robin along with John, Allan, and Much now. No Djaq or Will, that is until I came to a corner and he was standing there with the poison. Then Robin "drunk"it in which my heart shattered since it was the one thing I never wanted to see.

As the rest of the men ran off to find Djaq and the cure to the poison, I stepped out of my hiding place to which Robin looked at me.
"You're a tricky devil Locksely,"I crossed my arms at him as he walked up to me.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be if it shows Will what an idiot he is,"I rolled my eyes.
"I mean about earlier,"He touched my cheek lightly,"You're special to me and if I lose you-"
"We'll talk later Robin,"I smiled at him.
"Thank you,"He kissed me on the lips lightly as he ran off towards the Sheriff's room in which he was going to "save" him.