Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

The Traitor

I knew Allan had been acting strangely lately. I just didn't know why or anything. It was starting to piss me off since he grew distant from me. Then that's when the news of a traitor in our camp had surfaced. It didn't take much to put two and two together but some people weren't that sharp. So came the night when I followed Allan to the tavern on the outskirts of the town of Nottingham.

I watched as he walked in, hood up, trying not to draw attention to himself. That's when I put my hood up, stared at the ground then heard Mateo whimper next to me.
"Stay here,"I whispered at him,"I'll be back."

Stepping into the tavern, it was quiet, only the sounds of some drunk old man had been heard through the halls in which the lady who ran the place pointed to me where Allan was at.

"You're late,"Allan smirked,"Which is not like you-"
He didn't get the rest of his sentence out since I threw him up against the wall which shocked him.
"Guy, look-"
"I'm not Guy,"I glared as I finally looked up at him and his eyes went wide.
"Adora, it's not what it looks like."
"Don't,"I seethed as I took out the blade of my dagger,"Don't you dare try to lie to me."
"I just-"
"Allan, I trusted you with my life! And this is how you repay me?"
"Please don't tell Robin."
"Robin?"I questioned with a laugh,"I have a dagger at your throat and you're begging me not to tell Robin."
"I'm sorry, it was just for a bit."
"A bit? How long is a bit?"
"I can't say."
"Allan,"I placed the tip of the blade into his neck and he flinched,"I'm not going to lie to Robin, I'd die then do that."
"Then I'm so glad you volunteered,"I heard Guy from behind me as I tensed and looked at Allan.
"I hate you,"I hissed as I felt guards grab my arms.

"Won't the sheriff be happy to see you,"Guy sneered at me as I spit in his face.
"You'll be sorry,"I glared at Allan,"I trusted you."
"Well looks like you should watch who you trust,"Guy laughed,"Take her to the dungeons."

The guards drug me off as Allan stood there watching and Guy faced him.
"What are you going to do to her?"
"I think a nice hanging is in order,"Guy looked at his gloves as if there were nails there.
"But she didn't do anything."
"She's with Robin Hood's men and she's killed some of Prince John's finest soliders, she's done plenty."
"But she's a woman."
"Tell Robin Hood and his little gang,"He patted Allan on the shoulder,"It'll be fun tomorrow."

As I was drug off to the dungeons, Allan ran back to camp to tell Robin and everyone that I had been captured some how. As they made plans, I was in the dungeous, chains around my ankles and feet as Guy gave me one last sneer from the other side of the bars.

"Robin won't be able to save you,"He laughed at himself.
"Oh, you wait,"I glared at him,"You think just because I'm a woman, I can't handle myself. You always underestimated me Sir Guy."
"We'll see about that,"He glared as he backed away from the bars,"No one is to go near her! Understand?"

I smirked to myself as Guy walked off slamming the castle door as the walls were dimly lit.
Quickly I moved my hands out of the shackles to find a key in hidden on me as I smirked towards the door.
"You underestimate me, very much."