Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?


I was sneaking around the castle grounds, trying to make sure that I could escape when I bumped into someone. Stopping dead in my tracks, I slowly turned to be face to face with the Sheriff who smiled wickedly at me.

"Escaping before your hanging?"His evil smile appeared on his face,"Tsk Tsk, where's the fun in that?"
"I'm having a blast can't you tell?"I smiled at him.
"Guards, make sure no one goes near her tonight, and that she has help from no one."

As I was drug off to the dungeons again, Marian seen me this time as she tried to stop them but it was no use. I kinda figured this would happen but still I was trying my luck. The night just kept going on as the moon shone, being my only true light in which I was bored out of my mind. Soon I heard footsteps down the stairs and I looked up to see Allan walk towards me.

"I'm sorry,"Allan moved closer to the gate as I backed away showing him the shackles in which I glared.
"This isn't sorry."
"But I couldn't stop it, I mean-"
"Allan, it's always been about money for you hasn't it?"I glared at him.
"You think this is about money?"
"It's not about money,"He hissed,"This whole time, in the woods. I've had to live with being in Robin's shadow, following what he says, never getting any recognition for being Allan-A-Dale, it's always Robin."
"Oh so you're jealous?"I nodded with a sarcastic smile,"So you'd sell me out to the Sheriff?"
"You're wanted just as much as Robin,"He smiled at me,"if I brought you in, then it could be big things for me."
"You traitor,"I snapped trying to reach out to him,"I hate you."
"But you wouldn't kill me,"He taunted,"It goes against Robin's ways."
"Trust me, I'm this close."
"Night Adora,"He laughed as he walked off.

Sitting in the dungeon, I didn't dare fall asleep. I was more likely to be attacked then or something. In the morning, I woke up to be drug out of my cell and lead to the town square in which towns people gathered in order to watch me be hung.

"Good people,"The Sheriff started,"This here is one of Robin Hood's men, er woman, she is the example as to why you must've trust-"
"Blah blah bla,"I rolled my eyes as the noose was hung over my head,"Are you done yet? You're just a boring man Vassey."
"Very well,"He smiled at me,"Let's get to the hanging."
"Oh dear me,"I played the whole dramatic thing,"I'm going to die, because I'm so defenseless."

I smirked and gave a wink to Robin as I seen them standing in the crowd watching and knew where everyone was. Little did I know, Allan was on the castle wall to "save" me but still. As the drum roll started to signal that I was about to be hung, the executenor pulled the trap door but I sprung up, pulling myself up by my feet in which I wasn't hung but then the arrow was shot from the roof, breaking the rope, causing me to hit the ground with a thud on my back.

The sheriff stood up and told the guards to stop us but the townspeople were busy panicing as I found Will who cut the ties on my hands as I took the rest of the rope off and was handed my bow and arrows as we ran.

As soon as we got to the woods, Robin smirked at me as we ran.
"Didn't think we'd save you, did you?"
"I handled it very well myself,"I flashed him a smile as we kept running.

Allan soon caught up with me but I avoided talking to him, except for a small thanks since I knew he was the traitor but I didn't know if I could tell Robin, I mean I was a good liar just like Allan, I could play along but then again would I be a traitor too?