Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?


Nothing was going on as we headed back to camp, mainly Much was cooking but I was about to change that.

"Much, stop what you're doing,"I walked over to him as he looked shocked at me.
"But it's lunch and-"
"So, let them cook,"I motioned to him,"You're coming with me. We're going to train you."
"But I know how to fight."
"Of course you do,"I smiled,"But you need to know other techniques."
"Listen to her Much,"Robin smiled as mine grew since he was siding with me,"She knows some things that can help you."
"I mean you want to be remembered right?"i smirked at him,"And I mean what better way."
"Fine,"He gave into what I was asking him in which the others frowned.
"What about food?"Allan asked which I so didn't care if he ate or not.
"You know how to cook or find food don't you?"I turned to look at him,"Maybe one of your friends in town will feed you."
"What's she mean by that?"asked Will as he looked at Allan who just shrugged.
"Come on Much."

Heading out to a clearing, I started training Much with various fight skills that I learnt from other outlaws along the way. He was a good fighter but there were things he still had to learn. I cornered him against a tree, raising a sword blade to his throat as he looked at me wide eyed as he tried to catch his breath.

"Now if I were Gisbourne, what would you?"I asked him as he looked at me.
"I...I don't know."
"Too slow,"I pushed him away from the tree.
"It is hard to think when you have a blade at your neck."
"You have to think quickly, Much. It's what keeps you alive, even in battle."
"You speak as if you know these things first hand,"Much watched me as I twirled the sword.
"Adora, have you been to-"
"Hand to hand combat,"I stopped him as I threw the sword down,"Now come at me."
"But you're a girl."
"And you're a sad excuse for a man,"I rolled my eyes,"Now either come at me or I stand here all day and mock you."
"Fine, you asked for it,"Much came at me as I ducked from his grasp, to spin him around by the arm which he was caught off guard,"How did you do that?"
"Practice,"I let him go.
"You're scary sometimes, you know that right?"
"I guess that can be a good thing right?"I smirked as I caught my breath as I let Much finish training for today.

"I underestimated you,"He watched me as I put my belt back on.
"People normally do,"I shrugged,"It happens a lot."
"But why take the time out and train me?"
"Because,"I shrugged,"You're in the background too much, plus I know you can do these things, you just have to have some motivation."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it,"I shrugged as I went to leave since we had to go capture Henry of Lewes.
"Do you like Robin?"He asked sheepishly as I gave him a light smile.
"Is it wrong that I do?"
"No, it's just he loves Marian and-"
"You think Marian's a better match?"
"No, nothing like that,"He stopped me to walk closer to me as he went to explain,"You're perfect for him. I just don't want to see you heart broken."
"Thank you Much,"I smiled at him,"But if it does happen, I can handle it."

As we walked back to the camp, Marian had made an appearance to drag Robin off somewhere to give him important news about Henry of Lewes. Apparently the "spy" in our gang had told the Sheriff and Gisbourne of the plan to capture him and that had been stopped. Now a woman, Matilda was being held in the castle to nurse back to health Henry of Lewes in which Robin wanted to make sure that he could keep him quiet by talking to her.

"Adora,"Robin called out to me as I walked over to him while bumping into Allan and glaring at him.
"I want you to come to the castle with me, I'll need your eyes, ears, and lying to watch my back."
"Ok,"I nodded as I followed Robin.
"The rest of you, wait here til I get back."

Following Robin to the castle, I knew he now knew about the spy in which I swallowed hard at the silence between the two of us.

"Look about the spy-"
"How do you know about that?"Robin stopped as he looked at me.
"I know I should've told you but you hear things being locked in a cold cell."
"It's true."
"I know and just so you know, I could never betray you even if you hurt me in some way."
"I'd never hurt you,"Robin stopped me as he touched my cheek.
"God, because I'll fight for you til the end."
"Thank you,"His warm lips kissed mine lightly as he smiled,"I'd die for you."

I smiled as he gave me a wink then we headed to the castle which we had to sneak in. Once we got to the room where Matilda was trying to "nurse" back this Henry of Lewes character, Robin made his way over to her in which she smiled at him as he smiled as well.

Apparently this woman was the woman who brought Robin into this world some number of years ago.

"And who is this beautiful young lady?"Matilda asked as she seen me and walked over to me.
"Adora,"Robin smiled,"She's the gyspies daughter."
"You're her?"She looked at me wide eyed,"The one who ran-"
"Yes,"I nodded at her,"It's better that way."
"You better treat her nice Robin,"Matilda lectured him as he smiled then told her what he needed to be done.

After hearing that we'd help out her pregnant daughter, Rosa, Matilda agreed when the Sheriff came back in. Creating a distraction, Robin allowed me time to escape as he shortly followed after me.

"Took you long enough,"I smirked as he smiled while catching his breath.
"Let's go get Rosa,"Robin's fingers entwined with mine as we ran through the town, dodging guards the entire way back.

When we found her, Robin helped her up as I gave him a look.
"You do know that the gang pretty much is upset with you since you accused them all of being a traitor right?"
"I do,"He nodded,"But we can't think of that right now, we've got to help Rosa."
"I sure hope you know what you're doing Robin,"I let out a breath as I opened the door to quickly look around to make sure the coast was clear.
"I do,"He nodded.
"Who's she?"Rosa asked as I smiled at Robin.
"She's part of my gang."
"She loves you, you know that,"Rosa gritted through her teeth as she was about to have a baby.
"I know,"Robin smiled at me,"She's special."