Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

You Found Me

Saving Matilda went rather smoothly I think at least. I mean sure the gang was upset with Robin and each other with the whole spy thing going around but it was understandable. That tension was still there when we got back to the camp, only it really sucked since I knew who it was but for some reason I couldn't betray Allan like that. I wasn't going to single him out in front of everyone, it was his decision to come forward to Robin.

That's when it happened, the "spy" was taken out of the gang in which Robin claimed it was Will. I know he's my half brother and everything but a thought crossed my mind about "What it" mainly since I didn't know that much about him. I mean what if he was a spy too and there were in fact two spies in the gang. It would just show how you couldn't trust anyone. As Robin finished his little act, I stood there as Djaq tried to talk to Robin who just brushed her off.

"Do something,"She pleaded with me as she walked up to me,"He's your brother, why won't you do something?"
"Because if he's the traitor than I will not save him,"I looked at her as I glanced at Allan for a second.
"But he's not,"Djaq argued which I didn't want to deal with right now so I ended up just walking away from her.

As I headed on my own way, a hand stopped me as I turned to be face to face with Allan.
"Don't touch me,"I hissed as I shook my arm away from him.
"Thank you for not-"
"I did not save you,"I got closer to him,"You got my brother exiled all because you won't admit to what you did. Robin would've forgave if you if you just confessed."
"You don't understand,"His eyes traveled to the ground as I shook my head.
"You made your deal with the devil,"I gave him one last look before walking off with tears in my eyes,"Now hunt me down."

I spent the rest of the day in Locksley, away from everyone. I just didn't want to be around anyone at all right now. Between the tension and Allan, I just wanted to be left alone. It's why I found myself playing the local kids of the town. Daniel and his friends included in that as well as Roland's children whom I grown to love. There was a village girl, Kate, who looked on at us as I entertained them with games and stories.

As the sun slowly started to set, the children had to go back into their houses as Kate walked up to me.

"They really look up to you, you know that right?" She asked as I nodded my head with a smile.
"I never got a chance to be like them, it was always running and training."
"Do you ever wish it was different?"
"Sometimes,"I shrugged while picking up my bow and arrows to put them back on,"Maybe I'd change the reasons for being here but it makes me who I am."
"What about love? Don't you wish you had it?" She looked at me as my head snapped towards her, "Too bold?"
"I do find love,"I let out a slow sigh,"Only I'm just not so sure if he loves me back."
"Well does he do things for you?"
"Does he tell you, he'd die for you?"
"Then why don't you know,"She smirked at me,"It's obvious that he loves you."
"There's this other girl,"I looked away from her, "He's known her for a while and he really loves her."
"People can change."
"But I'm not so sure anymore."
"Well don't give up Adora,"She patted me on the shoulder,"Whoever he is, he's out there for you."
"Thank you,"I smiled as she headed back in her house as I left as the sky grew darker.

Once in the forest, I knew where Robin went to "find the real traitor" in which Marian told him that she'd meet him which my heart felt like it was being shattered into a million pieces at the moment.

I stood ontop of a cliff, watching wind blow small particles from trees and flowers across the night sky. Stars twinkled above me as the wind hit me again. I put my arms out to the side to feel the wind, slowly closing my eyes, taking in the night air when I felt hands slowly slip into mine as the arms traced the path of my outstretched ones.

"It's magical, isn't it?"I heard whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine.
"I don't want to open my eyes,"I whispered keeping them closed, "For fear that if I do, this isn't real."
"It's real,"Robin's voice traveled through my ear as my eyes opened and I slowly turned to face him.

He stood there, the slight moonlight outlining his body as I stood mere inches from him.
"But what about Marian?"
"I wanted to tell you,"He looked down as I was waiting for the worst,"But I had some things to take care of."
"Allan? I'm sorry I didn't-"
"I had a feeling you knew, I'm not mad."
"Then, what?"I asked as I watched the smile fall from his face as he looked down like the ground was so interesting.
"I wanted to tell you,"He mentioned as he looked back up at me,"That I thought I loved Marian more than anything in the world."
"But I knew there was something I was missing, something that she couldn't be."
"And that is?"
"That girl who I met when I was a young kid,"He smiled,"I know it wasn't for a long time but the short amount we spent together, I knew she was the one who had been haunting my dreams, tormenting me for years yet I could never find her."
"And did you?"I asked while swallowing hard.
"I did and I almost let her get away again."
"You still have answered my question about-"
"I don't love Marian like I love you Adora,"He stopped me as my heart started beating a mile a million,"I told Marian tonight and she understands."
"You love me?"I choked out as I felt like I couldn't believe.
"Is there a problem?"
"No, it's just, wow,"I put my head up to my chest as I caught my breath to look back at Robin,"I've always loved you."
"You have?"His eyes lit up as I nodded and he walked closer to me as a thumb ran down my cheek in which my eyes closed lightly.

I felt Robin's warm lips press against mine as a shock of something went through our bodies as he pulled away to smile and almost come back before I stopped him.

"Don't think that means we can get to starting a family right away. There's still a country to save, and people,"I smiled at him as a smirk grew on his face, "Not to mention I just found you again."
"I understand,"He smiled as he leant in to kiss me again when we both heard a twig snap around us and voices that didn't belong to anyone we knew.
"Come on,"I whispered taking his hand as we slowly made our way out of sight but stayed around to see who the source of the sounds were.