Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Maybe in the Future

We both hide in our spots as we listened to the conversation between the mysterious cloaked figure and another one in the dim moonlight.

"And she's still alive?" I heard a whisper.
"Yes, but she's an outlaw. Many people want to end her life, make things less miserable."
"Is there any place I could find her?"
"She's with hood's men now, no one knows where they hide."
"Thank you," The man put a sack of gold coins on the other's hand as he patted his shoulder then walked off towards Nottingham.

"Who was that?" I whispered to Robin as he watched him.
"I thought you might know."
"No,"I shook my head, "I know that voice though, it reminds me of someone I grew up with."
"But who was he talking to?"
"Someone who knows that either I'm here or Djaq's here."
"Come on, let's move," Robin motioned for me as we made our way out of the clearing and walked along the trees.

It was still nice out, the moon was still shining, lighting our way back to camp when I stopped, taking it all in.

"Adora?" Robin turned to look at me.
"You know, it's strange how small we all are in this world, isn't it?" I asked while my eyes met his again.
"It just makes it easier to find the right people,"He smiled while walking up to me, standing a mere few centimeters from me.
"Are you planning on kissing me Locksley?" I smirked as his forehead touched mine.
"What if I was?"He whispered as I smiled wider at him.
"I'd say to do it,"I smirked as his lips met mine.

Feeling his tongue trace my bottom lip slowly, I let him in as I felt my knees go weak for a second but he caught me the kiss intensified.

"Robin!" Will called out as we heard him from the cliff.
"What?" Robin aggrivatedly sighed but didn't look at him.
"We need at you back at the camp."
"Just a few minutes," Robin turned his head turneds him as I stood up, straightening myself out as Robin hung his head at me, "I'm sorry."
"It's ok,"I smiled as I walked past him but bumped into him, "They don't know about us yet, we still have to keep things very low key."
"I want them to know about us."
"They will,"I smiled at him, "Just not right now. So much has happened with everything and Allan-"
"I knew he was your best friend," Robin stopped me to give me a sympathic look, "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault, it was his choice,"I shook my head, "Let's just back to camp before they worry."

As we got back to camp, I took a seat next to Mateo and Will as people babbled about something as the light of the fire flickered against everyone's features.

"Will,"I spoke first as he slowly looked at me,"I'm sorry you never knew about your dad and everything. There was so much going on in my life at the time, it was better for me to leave."
"I understand,"He nodded,"Did you ever think about coming back?"
"I did,"I nodded,"But there was so much that went wrong, so much wrong with the country, I couldn't stay still."
"What about starting a family?"
"I don't know, it still could happen,"I smiled as I looked towards Robin as he caught my eye but Will didn't catch on.
"I hope it does for you one day, Adora,"He stood up as he smiled as Robin came to sit next to me.

"Since when do you want to start a family?" Robin smirked as I blushed.
"I always wanted a kid or two, maybe train one day."
"But if the fightin's over?"
"They still can pretend to be like Robin Hood,"I smiled at him,"Just because he dies or the gang dies, doesn't mean that what he stands for does."
"We'll talk about this more later,"He smiled with a wink at me,"For now, get some sleep. A caravan is coming through these parts and we've got a job to do."