Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Dark Angel

After robbing the caravan blind, we were walking along a path, me picking on Will every now and then. Doing things a sister misses out on for so many years. It wasn't until I was walking with Much, that we came across a man standing in the forest, with two other men next to him. He was just standing on the pathway in which we all got defensive.

"Who are you?" Robin asked as the man stood there but didn't move.
"Just a friend, an ally."
"State your name," Robin drew his bow as I watched as the man took his hood off to look at us.
"Adam?" I questioned as I looked at the man standing in front of me as he nodded, "They said you died, said that-"
"They thought they killed me. It was better for it to be kept that way then exposing myself."
"What are you doing here?" I questioned as I was still unsure if I could trust him.
"I came to find you. I heard you escaped the Sheriff and Gisbourne but I didn't think it was true. I didn't think you made it past-"
"I did," I nodded as I put down my bow, "He's ok. He's my brother."

I watched as they lowered their weapons as I walked up to him. I was just standing in front of him as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I didn't think you made it out of the Holy Wars," He whispered as I nodded.
"I had to find you, tell you what was happening," I whispered back, "If I knew what our family had done, I would've never left."
"It was no place for a woman," He smiled as he backed away from me to nod at the others, "You're staying with them now?"
"Yes," I nodded at him as I looked past him at the other two guys, "Who are they?"
"They're my guards. I work for the King now."
"Wow, royalty and an outlaw, wouldn't mom and dad be happy?" I laughed as he laughed.

"Adora," Robin walked up to me, "Care to explain."
"Guys," I faced them as I brought Adam forward, "This is my brother Adam. I haven't technically seen him in over 10 years. 3 years ago, I went to find him in the Crusades, tell him what was happening in England, the things I was going through. I never found him but everyone I talked to, told him that I was around. He only wished the best for me. We can trust him."
"Wait," Much looked at me, "You were in the Holy Wars?"
"Yes," I nodded as I looked down, "I'd like to forget it one day."
"You served for the greater good," Robin smiled at me, "It makes you a better person."
"Wait, you were the Dark Angel, everyone-"
"She was a fable,"I nodded at him.
"Guys," Will jumped in, "I think we should move off the pathway."
"We'll take them to the camp," Robin nodded with a smile, "But only in secret."
"Secret?" My brother questioned as I shrugged.
"Sorry Adam, it's for your own good," I quickly blind folded him as he then took them to our camp in which we took of the blind folds as the three of them stood around.

"This is our hideout," Robin pointed out, "When we head into town, we'll blind fold you again."
"We trust you, honestly," I nodded at Adam, "But there's just somethings we have to keep under secret."
"I understand," He nodded as he sat down.
"Mind telling us why you came back? To find me?" I asked while standing there waiting for an answer.
"Sit," He motioned, "There's a lot to explain."

As we sat, Adam went on to explain, "I heard about the wrong happening in England. I fled to Ireland long before the Holy Wars because I was tired of being a gypsy. I met a woman there, Celeste, she's beautifl but it took forever to make her my wife. We now have 3 beautiful children and one on the way. Soon after I was told to go to the Holy Wars, fighting for King Richard in which he offered me land in England but I refused since I couldn't leave Ireland behind. He granted me knighship in honor. Then I heard about my sister being spotted in the Crusades, trying to find me, becoming an outlaw. I thought it wasn't true. I spent a year looking for her, having people search for her but no such luck. I was told she was dead, that she crossed Gisbourne one too many times and he had put her to death. It wasn't until stories of a gypsy outlaw reached me again, that I took up the search again. Then, I found her. My beautiful baby sister, still fighting for the greater good."

"There's still so much to be done,"I nodded at him, "I just couldn't leave it."
"You've done good Adora," He smiled, "But I am tired for I have been traveling too long."
"Will, Djaq," Robin nodded to them, "Show them to the sleeping quarters."

As they shown them, I sat there just thinking as Robin looked at me as well as Much and John.

"I can't believe I missed out on so much," I spoke first, "Seeing him again, brings back so many memories, painful and good. I'm happy he's still alive but everything seems so-"
"Unreal?" John jumped in to which I nodded.
"Yeah," I looked at my hands as I bit my bottom lip, "Can I be honest with you for a second?"
"What?" Robin asked as I shifted.
"The Dark Angel, the one that was in fables, tales to the children, the woman who killed all those men? She wasn't exactly just a made up story to keep spirits up in the camps and in the homeland."
"What are you talking about?" John questioned as I knew Robin and Much got it.
"She never meant to kill so many people but they wouldn't stop their madness, stop trying to take over her and her country."
"No one thought she was a murderer," Robin spoke softly as I looked at him.
"I heard it so many times," I sighed, "She's the one that died after the Crusades. But now she's slowly starting to surface again."
"Wait," Much spoke again, "You mean, you are-"
"Yes," I nodded at them, "I am the Dark Angel. The one who killed so many men than at night brought food, money, supplies to the people who needed it the most."