Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?


As the rest of the gang was in a dead sleep, I snuck out of the camp to a remote tavern on the outside of the castle walls. I knew it could be seen as bad but what I was doing wasn't. I wanted answers mainly. I knew I was followed by Robin too but it helped to know that he would hear what I was about to say to the person that I was meeting there.

As I stepped into the tavern, the dim light fluttered around the room as the maids started to clean the place after a long day. Sitting in the back of the tavern in black leather, much like Gisborne sat Allan as I walked up to him and sat across from him.

"You told my brother where to find me didn't you?" I questioned as I looked at him, sliding the hood off my head, "Why?"
"You deserved to know he was still alive," Allan shrugged as I looked at him.
"But why are you doing this? I mean you betrayed the gang, me most importantly. I trusted you with my life Allan."
"I know," Allan looked at me, "I didn't want to hurt you."
"But you did it for the money," I raised my voice a little at him, "What about the cause? Everything we've fought for, everything that I've fought for."
"I'm sorry."
"Allan," I felt the tears sting my eyes as I looked at him, "You say it but I don't know if you mean it. Not only did you hurt me, I lost my best friend."
"I still can be."
"Allan, you're with the enemy now," I looked at him, "You were the one thing that could keep me sane, I could tell anything to, now you're gone. You may not know it but the second you chose this, you killed a part of me."
"I'll never tell them were you are."
"That doesn't help Allan," I let the tears fall off my cheeks as he watched me, "I know I'm not supposed to talk to you or trust you but here I am. I miss having you around, hearing your wit, making me smile. I guess this, this is my way of saying goodbye."
"It doesn't have to be this way."
"Yes, it does," I stood up slowly, "Until you realize what you did and can find a way to make it right, this is goodbye Allan."
"Adora, wait," Allan stood up as he caught my hand and I stopped, "Please?"
"Goodbye Allan," I looked at him one last time before pulling my hood back over my head than heading outside in which I stopped in the middle of the dark town to feel the wind hit me.

Robin walked up behind me to wrap his arms around me as I let my tears fall then went to bury my face into his chest. He rubbed my back softly as I calmed myself down a bit.

"You ok now?" Robin asked while I nodded and his rough thumb wiped the tears out of my eyes.
"Yeah," I whispered as I took a deep breath, "Thank you for following me, even though you could've trusted me."
"I knew what you were going to do, you needed someone to be there."
"Thank you," I kissed him lightly as he took my hands.
"Come on," Robin smiled at me, "I need to show you something."

Following Robin, he took me to this beautiful waterfall which was lit by the moonlight in which I smiled at him as it was almost perfect.

"I remember this," I smiled at him, "When we were younger, we used to run here and pretend that it was some secret place full of mystery and enchantment."
"You used to think of fairy tales," Robin smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up, it was fun," I blushed while pushing him slightly, "I used to imagine living somewhere close to a waterfall like this and having a family."
"Speaking of," Robin mentioned as I looked at him, "Kids?"
"Yes," I smiled at him, "Two or three. Maybe just a boy and a girl."
"And you were planning on telling me this when?"
"Soon," I smiled at him, "Just not at that point in time, but later. What about you?"
"They would be nice," Robin smiled while sitting on a rock watching me.
"So are we on the same page about kids then?" I looked at him as he nodded.
"Just not right now," He smiled as I walked over to him.
"I understand," I smiled as I leant down to kiss his lips lightly, then turning it to an intense kiss as I broke away, "Join me?"

Before he could say anything, I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the warm water as I looked back up at him.
"Aww, don't be a chicken!"

Robin chuckled to himself as he slowly stripped off his clothes then jumped in the water with me. At first we started to swim around the water, just flirting when things got serious. Robin cornered me into the back of the water fall in which he leant down to kiss me as my legs moved up to his hips slightly as he moved me up against him. Our bodies moved together in the water as the moans and the screams were muffled by the roar of the waterfall.

As we got out of the water, I slowly pulled my clothes back on as did Robin as I looked back at him to see him staring at me as well.

"It's cold now," I shivered as Robin smiled taking my hand.
"Let's head back to camp," He kissed me on last time as we started our walk back.

As we were laughing, flirting, and being semi-touchy, we walked up to the camp to hear the sound of someone being up in the camp.

"Where have you two been?" Much asked as we looked up at him with smiles plastered to our faces.