Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Gaining Back Trust

It's been a couple days since my brother's came to the camp. Well techincally half brother since my mom did have that thing with Will's dad. Yet, I still don't trust Adam, it's like he's hiding something but I just can't put my finger on it. Then Will, I can trust Will, even though I haven't known him my whole life.

Which brings me to now. Robin had me take Adam into town since Adam needed to go into town about something which I wasn't sure of. I had to blind fold him, then lead him into town which was slightly annoying but I could handle it.

"You don't have to watch over my shoulder now," Adam smirked at me as I watched him, "I'm just going to talk to an old friend. I'll be fine."
"It's not you I'm worried about," I muttered as he gave me a smile.
"It'll just be a few minutes," He smiled as he headed into a tavern as I stuck around, trying to find out anything I could about who he was meeting.

Shuffling my feet in the dirt a bit, I leant against the building as I watched people. That's when I felt a tug on my arm, pulling me down the alleyway which was secluded enough to where I was alone with whoever had my arm.

"Hey!" I shook my arm out of their grasp, "Don't you touch me-"
"Adora, relax, it's me," The whispered voice told me as I looked up to see Allan's eyes staring back at me.
"Allan?" I questioned as he nodded, "What part of "goodbye" don't you understand?"
I went to leave when Allan stopped me again, "Don't go back out there."
"And why's that?" I questioned crossing my arms at him, "Did you tell you precious Gisborne that I'd be here and he's waiting for me?"
"No," He shook his head quickly, "Never."
"Then what?"
"It's Adam," He shifted.
"What about him?" I waited for the answer as I looked towards Adam.
"His friend he's meeting, it's Gisborne. He's been lying to you this entire time, Adora."
"Like I would trust you," I let out a harsh scouff with an eye roll, "How do I know you're not lying?"
"Adora, it's me," He spoked softly as I watched him, "I know I made a very stupid mistake but I would never turn you over to Guy."
"For money?"
"Give me one good reason to trust you," I watched him feeling my heart give in to his soft eyes for a second.
"Isn't my word enough?" Allan shifted as I rolled my eyes.
"No. One reason, that's all I ask."
"Because," He sighed as he bit his bottom lip to look at the ground, "I love you."
"You what?" I asked shocked as his eyes met mine.
"I know you love Robin and everything, and you're both perfect for each other but I can't deny how I feel."
I thought about it for a second as a smile crept on my face, "If you love me, then you'll understand what I'm about to do."
"Adora-" Allan called out to me as I started to walk towards the town again but looked over my shoulder.
"If you love me, you'll save me, not here, but you will."

As I stepped foot onto the dirt again, I seen guards gather around me. I drew my sword a smile crept onto my face.
"Might as well have some fun," I smirked as the guards gathered around me.

I put up a good fight which was soon stopped by the edge of Gisborne's sword being pressed into my back with a bit of force.

"Well well," I turned to face Guy with a smirk, "I don't know if I should bow or throw a celebration."
"You won't be celebrating in the morning."
"Aww, the sheriff doesn't want me around?" I smirked, "Too bad. Say, how is Vasey?"
"Shut up!" Guy snapped as he dropped his sword as guards took my arms, "It isn't the Sheriff ordering your execution this time."
"What do you do, kill him?" I smirked as my brother stepped into light.
"No," Adam looked bored, "It's Prince John's orders to have you put to death."
"I always knew you were a snake," I glared at him as he walked closer to me.
"Oh but dear sister, you're just bait to get Robin," He lightly slapped my face as I spit at him which he wiped it off, "You were never important to our family."
"Take her away," Guy mentioned as I felt Allan walk up behind me.
"I'll take her," Allan jumped in.
"Isn't he with Robin?" asked Adam.
"Used to be," Allan scouffed, "I'll make sure no one gets to her."
"Very well," Gisborne added.

Allan shoved me which I grumbled at as he lead me to the castle. As we got to the doors, I spoke quietly to him as he handed me to another guard who was taking me to the dungeon.

"Don't tell Robin," I whispered as I didn't look at him, "You want my trust, you get me out of here."